
hánɡ tiān yī xué
  • aerospace medicine
  1. 下体负压(LBNP)作为心血管系统强有效的应激因素,类似于重力的刺激,一直为航空航天医学领域所关注。

    Effects of LBNP is similar to that produced by gravitational force , especially as a stress factor on the cardiovascular system as has been concerned in the area of aerospace medicine .

  2. 一个实用的脑涨落图专家系统的建立&人工智能在航天医学领域中的应用

    Building of a practical ET expert system-Artificial intelligence application aerospace medicine

  3. SPR生物传感器在生命科学及在航天医学中的应用

    Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor in Life Science and Space Medicine

  4. Desdemona平台与临床航空航天医学

    Desdemona and clinical Aerospace Medicine

  5. 应用第四军医大学航空航天医学系装备教研室研制的DXC-6型心理测评仪对三个年级学生进行数字搜索测验和16PF测验。

    Using DXC-6 psychometric instrument which developed by Department of Aerospace Medical Equipment , Faculty of Aerospace Medicine , Fourth Military Medical University to test the volunteers .

  6. 这必然给当前航空航天医学研究提出许多新的重力生理学问题:如现代高性能战斗机飞行时可能出现的G致意识丧失(G-LOC)已成为严重威胁飞行安全的因素之一;

    As a result , it brings some new gravitational physiological problems for the aerospace research : + Gz-induced loss of consciousness ( G-LOC ) has become the major cause of threat of flying safety during today 's sustained aerial combat maneuvering .

  7. 1999~2004年《航天医学与医学工程》被引分析研究

    Citation Analysis of Space Medicine Medical Engineering 1999 ~ 2004

  8. 电子鼻和电子舌在航天医学检测中的应用

    Application of electronic nose and electronic tongue in aeronautic medicine

  9. 中医药在航天医学研究中的应用

    Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Space Medical Research

  10. 头部影像学检查在航空航天医学中的应用价值

    Application value of imaging examination in aerospace medicine

  11. 《航天医学与医学工程》2006年第19卷总目次

    Space Medicine & Medical Engineering Vol.19 2006

  12. 航天医学工程系统及其发展

    Space Medico-Engineering System and its Development

  13. 中国航天医学进展

    The Progress of Chinese Space Medicine

  14. 航空航天医学模拟实验设备

    Aerospace medical test device and simulator

  15. 中华航空航天医学杂志

    Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine

  16. 航空航天医学与生物学。

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology .

  17. 对抗空间骨丢失是生物医学工程和航天医学工程领域的重要课题之一。

    It is an important task in the biomedical engineering and aerospace medical engineering to prevent bone loss .

  18. 航空航天医学试验设备

    Aerospace medical test device

  19. 研究背景:在临床与航天医学中,有关废用造成的骨骼肌萎缩已受到愈来愈广泛的重视。

    Background : More and more researchers in clinical and space medicine have being focused on skeletal muscle disuse atrophy .

  20. 目的综述活动监测仪在临床医学和航空航天医学的应用研究进展。

    Objective Research advances on the applications of actigraph in the studies of clinical medicine and aerospace medicine were reviewed .

  21. 飞行疲劳的预防、监控和检测是当前航空航天医学研究的重要课题之一。

    The prevention , monitoring and check of pilot fatigue are one of the most important tasks in aviation medicinal researches .

  22. 中医药学是我国医学的一大特色,中医理论对解决航天医学问题同样适用。

    Chinese traditional medicine is a major feature of medical , aerospace medicine TCM theory to solve the problem equally applicable .

  23. 因此,延缓疲劳的发生和促进疲劳的恢复一直是航天医学、军事医学和运动医学等学科的研究热点。

    Therefore , delay fatigue and promote fatigue recovery has been space medicine , military medical and sports medicine discipline research hotspot .

  24. 结论此结果为中国航天医学和生理学特别是模拟失重或微重力条件下的肌肉功能评定提供了一个新的思路。

    Conclusion The results provided a reference for strength evaluations in space medicine and space physiology , especially under simulated weightlessness and microgravity .

  25. 但迄今为止关于前庭刺激下人脑高级功能的变化特点和调整过程,一直没有引起航天医学界的重视,有关的研究很少。

    Until now no exploration have been done on the dynamic changes and adjustment characteristics of brain high function modulated by vestibular stimuli in space medicine .

  26. 立位耐力下降是太空飞行后航天员常出现的症状之一,有关立位耐力不良的机理研究一直是航天医学研究的重点,但至今机理仍未得到充分阐明。

    Post-flight orthostatic intolerance is one of the symptoms experienced by astronauts . Space medicine has been focusing on the mechanism of the phenomena which is not fully clarified so far .

  27. 无损伤抗运动病药物性能检测设备是航天医学中一种必不可少的医疗仪器,对抗运动病药物药效分析有着十分重要的意义。

    The device for undamage detecting the effects of anti-motion sickness drug is a necessary medical instrument in spaceflight , which is very important to analyze the influence of anti-motion sickness drug .

  28. 在航天医学领域,通过脑功能的研究发现,失重或模拟失重会引起脑电的变化,这些变化可能与生理、心理功能的失调有关。

    In the aerospace medicine field , the results of brain functional research reveal that microgravity or simulated microgravity may affect central nervous electrical activity , possibly through physiological or psychological ways .

  29. 探讨了航天医学工程学各骨干学科之间在体系内相互依存、相互影响、相互配合、相互渗透的关系。

    The relations among the main fields of space medico-engineering , that is , depend on each other for existence , influence , co-operation and infiltration in the system , were discussed .

  30. 作为FTH112高压气体减压阀的定点检验单位,中国航天医学工程研究所委托哈尔滨理工大学机器人及自动化技术研究所研制专用的测试系统,对该产品进行性能测试。

    As testing unit of this device , Institute of Space Medico-Engineering in China commissions the Robot and Automation Technology Institute of Harbin University of Science and Technology to develop a dedicated test system and carry on product performance testing .