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  • boat
  • 船:~辑。龙~。轻~。一叶扁~。泛~。同~共济。


[书] (船) boat:

  • 泛舟

    go boating;

  • 轻舟

    a light boat;

  • 一叶扁舟

    a small rowboat


(姓氏)a surname:

  • 舟之侨

    Zhou Zhiqiao

  1. 舟遥遥以轻飏,风飘飘而吹衣。(陶潜《归去来兮辞》)

    Lightly floats and drifts the boat , and the wind gently flaps my gown .

  2. 提出一种V型舟石墨炉原子化器。

    A furnace atomizer with the V-shaped boat was proposed .

  3. 骆驼人称“沙漠之舟”。

    Camels are known as " ships of the desert ".

  4. 骆驼被认为是沙漠之舟。

    A camel is known as the ship of the desert .

  5. 轻盈的桦皮舟像一条大鱼,在滚滚的黑色波涛和冰排中间飞一般地前进。

    The lissome birchbark canoe seemed to be a fish , so easily did it cut through the rolling black waves and ranks of ice .

  6. 按照计划,今年9月,将发射天舟三号货运飞船,升空后与天和对接;10月,另外3名航天员将搭乘神舟十三号飞船抵达核心舱,并驻留6个月。

    Based on project plans , the Tianzhou 3 cargo ship will be launched in September to dock with Tianhe and the next month , another three-crew team will fly with the Shenzhou XIII to the module to stay there for six months .

  7. Si3N4对导电BN蒸发舟性能影响

    Affect of Si_3N_4 On Properties of Conductive BN Evaporating Boat

  8. V型舟石墨炉中Al,Pb,Cd,Cu和Ni的原子化行为

    Atomization Behavior of Al , Pb , Cd , Cu and Ni in Furnace with the ⅴ - Shaped Boat

  9. CFD方法在分置式舟桥舟型优选中的应用

    An application of CFD method on the selection of pontoon raft with different types of pontoon

  10. 在双热舟化学气相沉积系统中通过掺In技术生长GaN纳米线和纳米锥

    Synthesis of GaN nanowires and nano-pyramids in a two-hot-boat chemical vapor deposition system via an In-doping technique

  11. BN复合导电陶瓷材料蒸发舟的研制

    Development of BN Compound Conductive Ceramic Evaporation Boat

  12. 通过舟舶模型与数据库信息映射技术构建了支持舟舶3D模型的数据服务平台,实现了颐养检修体系的3D视图功能。

    The data services platform which is built through information mapping technology between ship models and database , achieves the3D view function of the maintenance and inspection system .

  13. v.驾驶因为你是你的生命之舟上唯一的船长,不允许他人去掌舵你这艘大船。

    Since you are the sole captain of your life , don 't allow others to steer the ship .

  14. 本文针对两种不同舟型的分置式舟桥,运用CFD方法进行方案评估和选优。

    Two pontoon raft models with different types of pontoon were studied for selecting a pontoon with higher hydrodynamic performance by using CFD method .

  15. 周三,美国太空探索技术公司(SpaceX)公司的星舟火箭在返回着陆时发生爆炸。

    SpaceX 's Starship exploded during a return-landing attempt on Wednesday .

  16. Colles骨折合并舟月骨分离的外固定方法

    External fixation of Colles fracture associated with separation of navicular and lunar bone

  17. 结果说明,分月扇舟蛾对次生代谢物质的反应更为敏感,抗性无性系对分月扇舟蛾幼虫体内SOD和CAT酶活性有明显的激活作用。

    The results suggest that C.anastomosis are more sensitive to secondary metabolites and the clones of P.deltoides have apparently active effects on activities of SOD and CAT in C.anastomosis larvae .

  18. 本文针闭于舟舶沉工的企业管理实际,介绍了ERP管理体解的设计计划,道述了当ERP采购管理体解的设计、构败、特色和功能。

    This article in view of DSIC management reality , introduced the ERP management system design proposal , narrated this ERP management system constitution , the characteristic and the function .

  19. 不同位相距骨VONMISES应力值及分布范围不同,等效应力在距骨滑车、距骨颈及距舟关节从落地相到离地相逐渐增大,在距下关节逐渐减小。

    The von Mises stress and distribution scope were difference in different phase . The von Mises stress in the talar dome , talar neck , talonavicular joint surface gradually increased , and decreased in the subtalar joint . 3 .

  20. 结论SLIL近侧部分在维持正常舟月间距上不起关键作用;

    Conclusions This study demonstrated that the proximal subregion of SLIL has no significant effect in maintaining the normal scapholunate relationship .

  21. 在REN-1000A化学发光定氮仪上,以舟进样的方式考察了仪器气体流量和进样量对定氮响应值的影响。

    The effect of gas flows and sample volume on the integrated chemiluminescence response was studied by boat-inlet using REN-1000A device .

  22. 从毛坯厚度差、装舟方式、冷却速度、舟皿涂料等方面分析了YG8和J12硬质合金长条薄片的弯曲变形原因,提出了几种抑制弯曲变形的措施。

    Shape retention of YG8 and J12 thin bar cemented carbides in practical production were analyzed and several methods were brought out to prevent deformation .

  23. 这样高效的桦树皮木舟同样给这个区域新来的人以深刻的影响。17世纪的法国商人采取了Iroquois人的桦树皮木舟制造了自己的船,

    And this efficiency of birch bark canoe also made an impression on newcomers of the area . French traders in the 17 century modeled their well they adopted the design of Yreka 's birch bark canoes ,

  24. 为了得到厚度均匀性好的薄膜,改进了反应气体的进气方式和装片舟的结构,获得了每炉100片、直径为100mm的硅片的膜厚不均匀性≤士5%的结果。

    In order to obtain high uniformity of SiO2 film thickness , we improved the inlets of the reacting gases and the boat structure . An uniformity of film thickness is less than ± 5 % in Ф 100mm 100 wafers Per run .

  25. 搭载在神舟四号(SZ-4)飞船上的主载荷多模态微波遥感器(M~'RS)是我国第一台实验性的舟载微波遥感系统。

    The multiple model microwave remote sensor is an important part of the payload carried by Shenzhou IV spacecraft launched on 30 December 2002 and is also China 's first experimental microwave remote sensing system operating in space .

  26. 苹掌舟蛾(PhaleraflavescensBremeretGrey)为北方苹果、南方枇杷和梨、桃、李、杏、梅、樱桃、山楂等果树的重要害虫,常致枇杷及光叶石楠受害成灾。

    Phalera flavescens Bremer et Grey is the major insect of fruit trees such as north apple , south loquat , pear , peach , plum , apricot , cheery , hawthorn trees and so on . The pest usually results in great disaster by damaging the fruit trees .

  27. 将催化剂置于石英舟中,在流动氮气中将管式炉加热至所需的温度,然后通入甲烷、氢气混合气体,热解反应30min~60min后形成碳纳米管。

    The catalysts in the quartz boat were heat treated to the required temperature under nitrogen atmosphere and reduced by flowing hydrogen for 30 ? min. Then the gas mixture of hydrogen and methane was introduced into the furnace and pyrolyzed for 30 ?

  28. 分析TiB2-BN陶瓷蒸发舟在真空镀铝生产中的失效机制,探讨了改善材料耐铝腐蚀性能的方法;分析了TiB2-BN复相陶瓷电阻率变化问题,并提出了解决方案。

    Then the invalidation mechanism of the TiB_2-BN evaporator was analyzed , the methods to improve the ability of resisting corrosion by molten aluminium were discussed , and the cause of the resistivity change of TiB_2-BN composite under different environment were studied .

  29. 《迷舟》:怎么写的生动文本

    The Lost Boat : A lively Text of How to write

  30. 农场在一艘叫做科技之舟的船上。

    The farm is on a boat called the Science Barge .