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  • ship;boat;vessels
  • 水上交通工具:~舶。~只。~舱。~帆。


(水上的运输工具, 船舶的通称) boat; ship; vessels:

  • 划船

    paddle [row] a boat;

  • 上船

    board a ship; go on board;

  • 下船

    disembark; disembark from a ship;

  • 乘船去大连

    go to Dalian by ship [boat]; embark (on a ship) for Dalian; take ship for Dalian;

  • 乘船旅游

    travel on ships;

  • 大船走深水。

    A great ship asks deep water.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 船远

    Chuan Yuan

  1. 船的系泊绳索滑落,船漂向大海。

    The boat slipped its moorings and drifted out to sea .

  2. 他蹚进水里把船推出来。

    He waded into the water to push the boat out .

  3. 这条船的航线清楚地标在地图上。

    The ship 's route is clearly delineated on the map .

  4. 船沉入海底。

    The ship sank to the bottom of the sea .

  5. 船逆着潮水没法开快。

    The boat was unable to make much headway against the tide .

  6. 水不够深,船浮动不起来。

    There wasn 't enough water to float the ship .

  7. 我们的船随着巨浪颠簸。

    Our boat was being tossed by the huge waves .

  8. 他用全部积蓄买了一条船。

    He put all his savings into buying a boat .

  9. 我们前去救助那艘失事的船。

    We went to the aid of the stricken boat .

  10. 系船的绳子突然绷断了。

    The rope holding the boat suddenly tightened and broke .

  11. 船在离岩岸两英里处抛锚停泊。

    The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast .

  12. 她从船上落入水中,被海浪冲向外海。

    She fell overboard and was swept out to sea .

  13. 不用多久你就会习惯船上生活。

    It won 't take you long to find your sea legs .

  14. 他提出坐他的船把我们渡过河。

    He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat .

  15. 他们在北海遇到风暴,船险些失事。

    They narrowly escaped shipwreck in a storm in the North Sea .

  16. 他设法行贿混上了船。

    He managed to bribe his way onto the ship .

  17. 船长把船驶向泊位。

    The captain piloted the boat into a mooring .

  18. 气垫船悬浮在气垫上行驶。

    A hovercraft rides on a cushion of air .

  19. 这条船在狂风中严重受损。

    The boat took a pounding in the gale .

  20. 那条船的确切位置在哪里?

    What is the exact location of the ship ?

  21. 我们看见船在远方忽明忽暗地闪着灯光。

    We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance .

  22. 尽管人们为营救这条船做了很大的努力,它还是沉了。

    The ship went down although strenuous efforts were made to save it .

  23. 他有一辆新车和一条船。

    He had a new car and a boat .

  24. 她靠着船上的护栏,凝望大海。

    She leaned on the ship 's rail and gazed out to sea .

  25. 船在夜间悄然进港。

    The ship slipped into the harbour at night .

  26. 那条船沉在水下好几英尺处。

    The boat lay under several feet of water .

  27. 她的祖父一路在船上打工支付船费来到美国。

    Her grandfather had worked his passage to America .

  28. 他们最终从船上下来,一副惨兮兮的样子。

    They were a sorry sight when they eventually got off the boat .

  29. 我们已让船上的人做好准备帮助解决任何问题。

    We have people on board geared up to help with any problems .

  30. 港湾里停泊着几条船。

    Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour .