
shé bèi
  • back;dorsum
舌背[shé bèi]
  1. 舌背和上腭的后部接触。

    The back of the tongue makes contact with the back part of the palate .

  2. 结论下颌前突组,(1)舌骨向下移位,舌背上抬,舌根向后移动。

    Conclusions Of the patients with mandibular prognathism , 1.the hyoid bone shifted downward , the dorsum lingua raised and the base of the tongue moved posteriorly ;

  3. 人舌背表面的扫描电镜研究

    Scanning electron microscope study on the dorsal surface of the human tongue

  4. 舌背黏膜上皮细胞的凋亡和周期变化探索研究

    Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Changes of the Epithelia from Dorsal Lingual Mucosa

  5. 结果:静止时术后患者舌背位置明显偏低。

    Results : At rest position , the tongue height in post-operation group was lower .

  6. 机械刺激舌背及腭粘膜引起腭帆提肌的反射性应答

    Reflex responses of the levator veli palatini muscle to simultaneous mechanical stimulation of the tongue and palatal mucosa in cats

  7. 该肌血供主要来源于咽升动脉和扁桃体动脉,其次为腭升动脉和舌背动脉,呈多源性和节段性。

    The muscles were supplied dominantly from the branches of ascending pharyngeal artery and tonsilar artery and partly from the branches of ascending palatine artery and dorsal lingual artery .

  8. 肌间淋巴管与舌背和舌腹黏膜淋巴管相交通,由此构成完整的舌淋巴管网络结构。

    Lymphatic vessels in the muscular portion communicated with lymphocapillary network of dorsal and ventral mucosa , which made the lymphatic vessels of tongue to be an integrity network structure .

  9. 15日龄以后,舌背侧菌状乳头高为200~521μm,其顶部直径为93~221μm。

    At 15th day , there were fungiform papillae , which approximately 200-521 um in height , its top approximately 93-221 um in diameter , on the dorsum of the tongue .

  10. 舌背和上腭的后部接触。我绝望地感到自己就要向前直冲出那不堪一击的护栏,然后下坠,再下坠,坠入万丈深渊。

    The back of the tongue makes contact with the back part of the palate . I was absolutely certain that I was going to plunge straight ahead , through the flimsy barrier , then down , down , down through an endless drop .

  11. 本研究用6种固定液、4种染色法,观察对显示小鼠耳廓、舌和背皮肤结缔组织肥大细胞的影响。

    In the current study , 6 fixtures and 4 staining methods were used to demonstrate the effect of fixation and staining on the manifestation of the connective tissue mast cells of mice .

  12. 在成年牛和胎牛的心脏、舌、背最长肌和肝脏的表达水平均比较高,在肺脏和脾脏中表达量显著低于试验中的其他组织。

    The expression level in adult individuals heart muscle is highest and in embryos spleen tissue is lowest . Overall , the expression levels in heart , tongue , liver and longissimus dorsi are higher than that in lung and spleen both in adult individuals and embryos .

  13. 结果舌深动脉长支和舌背动脉终支在舌黏膜下形成一完整的致密动脉网,跨越舌中线,成为一整体。

    Results The long branches of the profunda lingual arteries and the terminal branches of the dorsal lingual arteries anastomosed into a thick layer of arterial network , under the mucosa and over the superficial muscle of the whole body and root of the tongue .

  14. 结果:舌乳头、味蕾、唾液腺体组织结构,恒河猴与人最近似,犬、大鼠则处于较低层次。认为研究舌诊:观察舌背以恒河猴为理想;

    Results : The histological structure of lingual papillae , taste buds and salivary glands in rhesuses was most similar to that in human beings , and the structure of lingual tissue in dogs and rats was in lower levels .