
  1. 形成时代可能为中生代自垩纪晚期至新生代古近纪。

    And the deposits forming age possibly from late Cretaceous to early Tertiary .

  2. 自垩纪中期缺氧事件的研究现状

    Review of Mid - Cretaceous Anoxic Events

  3. 盆地自震旦纪以来长期接受沉积,地层发育良好,震旦纪至中三叠世为海相沉积体系,晚三叠世以后为陆相沉积体系。

    Basin accepted sedimentation since sinian , and strata were well developed . It was marine sedimentary series from sinian to middle-Triassic and become continental sedimentary series since late-Triassic .

  4. 前者自震旦纪至中三叠世沉积了一套海相台、盆序列的碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩;后者在二叠纪至侏罗纪早中期沉积了一套深海、半深海槽盆相地层。

    A set of marine carbonate and clastic sequence from Sinian to Middle Triassic in a succession of plat - form and basin was deposited on the former one , while the latter had a set of abyssal-bathyal trough-basin facies sequence from Permian to Early-Middle Jurassic on it .

  5. 结果认为:台北坳陷自第三纪以来有两次油气生成过程。

    The result indicates that two times of oil and gas generation process has taken place in Taibei depression since Tertiary .

  6. 地史模拟结果表明:自寒武纪以来,巴楚地区大致经历了由坳陷至隆起和由稳定的斜坡到活动的前缘隆起的转变,现今构造隆起形态发端于海西期,定型于喜山期。

    Geohistory simulation indicates : since Cambrian , Bachu area had experienced the transforming from depression to uplift . Present tectonic uplift began in Hercynian and formed in the Himalayan .

  7. 它强化了自第三纪以来西北地区的干旱化,形成山地湿岛与荒漠绿洲并存,导致亚洲干旱核心区域的出现。

    It has strengthened desiccation in Northwest China since the Tertiary , bringing about the coexisting of mountain wet islands and desert oases as well as an arid core in Asia .

  8. 断裂带自第三纪以来,经历了左旋运动、右旋运动,南北两段的活动性有一定的差异。

    Since the Tertiary period , the Red River Fault Zone suffered both of the sinistral movement and dextral movement , but the activities of the north and the south segment were different .

  9. 本文试从展现板块的水平运动特点出发,着重揭示西伯利亚板块在各地质时期的运动状态,从而阐述该板块自寒武纪以来的旋转漂移的全过程。

    In view of the characteriatics of level movement of the plate , this paper reveals mainly the moverment state in geological periods of the Siberia plate and deals with the total processes of rotation drift movement of the plate since the Cambrian period .

  10. 自晚第三纪以来本区主要受北东&北东东向挤压应力场控制。

    The region under investigation was subjected to a strong NW-SE tension in Early Tertiary .