
  • 网络Natural capital;Nature Capital;Natural resources
  1. 其中,GDP财富就是人造资本(或产品资本)、自然资本(环境与资源资本)和人力资本的总和;

    The GDP wealth is the total capital including man-made capital ( or product capital ), the natural capital ( environment and resources capita !) and the human capital ;

  2. 认为生态足迹分析方法主要关注自然资本的变动,并指出与绿色GDP相比生态足迹分析方法从测算上更为方便,其结果的可比性更强。

    Then we find that ecological footprint analysis methods mainly focus on tracking and explain changes of natural capital , and pointed out that ecological footprint method , is correspondingly , more convenient in calculation , and its results are more comparable than green GDP .

  3. 据Costanza称,由于自然资本的公益性,我们需要不同的体系来管理它。

    According to Costanza , we need different institutions for managing natural capital because of its " public good " aspects .

  4. 构建定量计算和评估开发利用中非再生资源自身价值折耗的理论与方法是绿色GDP核算的关键。目前,净租法、使用者成本法是被用于非再生自然资本价值折耗最主要的方法。

    The methodology to estimate the self-value depreciation of the non-renewable resources is a key to account the Environmental adjusted Net Domestic Product ( EDP ) . The net rent approach and user cost approach are the main theories to calculate the self-value depreciation of unrenewable resources .

  5. 欧洲委员会的研究项目关键自然资本与强可持续性标准(CRITINC)构造了识别关键自然资本理论框架。

    The project of European Commission " Critical Natural Capital and the Implications of a Strong Sustainability Criterion ( CRITINC )" constructs a framework of identifying critical natural capital .

  6. 森林自然资本公允价值计量问题述评

    Review of Research on Fair Value Measurement for Forest Natural Capital

  7. 全球生态系统功能和自然资本的价值

    The Value of the World 's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital

  8. 生态系统服务是人类生存和发展的基本条件,是人类所拥有的关键自然资本。

    The services of ecosystem are critical to human existence and prosperity .

  9. 城市可持续发展的关键自然资本研究

    Green Space : Critical Natural Capital of Urban Sustainable Development

  10. 基于自然资本的经济增长可持续条件研究

    Conditions of Sustainable Economic Growth Based on Natural Capital

  11. 生态服务功能与自然资本的研究进展

    Advance of Researches on Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital

  12. 生态经济学视角下的森林自然资本分类与功能实现

    Classification and Function Fulfillment of Forest Natural Capital from Perspective of Ecological Economics

  13. 森林自然资本管理问题研究

    Study on Issues of Forest Natural Capital Management

  14. 自然资本代际配置研究&可持续发展的产权制度设计

    Research on Intergenerational Allocation of Natural Capital & Property Institution Scheme for Sustainable Development

  15. 中国自然资本投资法律制度研究

    Research on Chinese Natural Capital Investment Legal Institution

  16. 区域自然资本与自然资本持续度评价&以北京市为案例

    The Assessment of Regional Natural Capital and Sustainable Degree & A Case Study for Beijing

  17. 我们应当欢迎衡量人类活动对自然资本造成多少损耗的尝试。

    We should welcome attempts to measure how much natural capital depreciates through human activity .

  18. 德国应用此框架对本国的森林自然资本及可持续性标准做了研究。

    By applying the framework , German forests natural capital and strong sustainability criterion is studied .

  19. 因此商业经济继续忽视自然资本好像它没有任何经济后果。

    So markets continue to ignore natural capital as if it 's of no economic consequence .

  20. 国际资本和自然资本对总资本的提升做出最大贡献。

    And that the international and natural capital have contributed most to the increase of aggregate capital .

  21. 我国经济有效增长研究&基于自然资本库兹涅茨曲线的经济学分析

    A Research on the Chinese Economics Effective Growth & in terms of Kuznets curve of nature capital

  22. 自然资本则是提供农业,健康和城市的生态系统和重要资源。

    Natural capital is the ecosystems and primary resources that support agriculture , health , and cities .

  23. 生态足迹理论在青海省共和县荒漠化自然资本核算中的应用

    Natural Capital Accounting with the Ecological Footprint Concept in Gonghe County as a Desertification Area , Qinghai Province

  24. 中国沿海地区自然资本要素与社会经济发展综合评价研究

    Research on the Integrated Evaluation of Natural Capital Factors and Socio-Economic Development in the Coastal Areas of China

  25. 能值分析是用于度量自然资本和生态系统服务功能的新方法。

    Energy analysis , created by H.T.Odum , is a new method to evaluate natural capital and ecosystem services .

  26. 本文从自然资本理论基础出发,深入地分析了自然资本的资本特殊规定性。

    The article tries to analysis the peculiarity of natural capital on the basis of the natural capital theory .

  27. 快速城市化区域自然资本分析与生态环境对策&以太湖地区昆山市为例

    Analysis of natural capital and strategy for environment in rapid urbanized area & take Kunshan City as a example

  28. 技术进步必须从节约人造资本转向节约自然资本,只有技术进步能够充分提高自然资本的生产率,经济增长才会持续下去。

    Only if the productivity of natural capital is raised with technological advances , can economic growth be sustainable .

  29. 它和自然资本共同为人类提供福利,同属全球经济总价值。

    As parts of global economic values , both ecosystem services and natural capital ensure the welfare of human beings .

  30. 可持续发展理论、自然资本投资理论和公众参与理论是生态城市规划的法律制度基础。

    The theories of sustainable development , natural capital investment and public participation are legal system basics of eco-city planning .