
zì rán lǒnɡ duàn
  • natural monopoly
  1. 现代网络型经济的发展,使自然垄断(NaturalMonopoly)的特性发生着重大变化,网络效应(NetworkEx-ternalities)越发成为决定自然垄断的重要原因。

    With the development of modern network economy , natural monopoly is under significant changes . Network externalities are becoming an increasingly critical cause of natural monopoly .

  2. 电信、电力、自来水、煤气和铁路运输等行业由于投资成本巨大,资产专用性强,投资回收期长,存在明显的规模经济效益,因此被称为自然垄断产业(NaturalMonopoly)。

    Industries like telecom , railway transportation and supply of power , water and gas distinctly benefit from their economy of scale , due to the immense investment cost , strong asset specificity and long investment payoff period . Therefore , they are called natural monopoly industries .

  3. 第二章介绍了WTO竞争政策的历史演变,归纳了WTO协议中的关于自然垄断法律规制的竞争政策,并分析了WTO竞争政策与各成员国自然垄断法律规制的关系。

    The second chapter introduces the history of the development of WTO competition laws , sums up the competition laws in WTO relevant agreements . Governance of the Administrative Monopoly Should Abide by the Competition Policy of W.T.O.

  4. 到了80年代,经济学家又作出了重新定义,新的定义将自然垄断建立在成本的弱增性(subadditivity)而不是规模经济的基础上。

    By the eighties , the economist has redefined , set up the natural monopoly instead of the foundation of the large-scale production in the weak increasing of the cost in new definition .

  5. 信息产业的自然垄断与信息产品的生命周期

    Natural Monopoly of Information Industry and Life Cycle of Information Products

  6. 边际报酬递增特性使网络具有显著的自然垄断性。

    Characteristics of increasing marginal revenue can result to natural monopoly .

  7. 第二,没有明确的自然垄断行业价格管制的原则;

    Second : No clear principle regulating the natural monopoly industry .

  8. 论设置自然垄断产业政府管制机构

    On Setting up a Governmental Control Institute of Natural Monopoly Industry

  9. 自然垄断产业市场结构重组的目标、模式与政策实践

    Target , Models and Policy Practice for Structuring Natural Monopoly Industries

  10. 浅谈自然垄断经营商品的定价方法

    Talking about the method of fixing price of natural monopoly commodities

  11. 范围经济与自然垄断的关系:一个辨析视角

    Relationships between Scope Economy and Natural Monopoly : A Discrimination Perspective

  12. 电信产业是典型的自然垄断网络产业。

    Telecommunication industry is a typical natural monopoly network industry .

  13. 这种自然垄断性受到两方面因素的影响。

    In the same time , following two factors influence the characteristics .

  14. 论对自然垄断行业的反垄断规制

    On the Anti - Monopoly Regulation to Natural Monopolized Industry

  15. 论自然垄断产业有效竞争的若干问题&兼与彭武元、方齐云先生商榷

    On the Problems of Workable Competition in Natural Monopoly Industries

  16. 论对我国自然垄断行业的法律调整

    Regulation on the Natural Monopoly Industry in China by Law

  17. 市场过程内生的垄断:市场权势和自然垄断

    The Endogenous Monopoly of Market Process : Market Power and Natural Monopoly

  18. 经济学中对自然垄断的研究是电力市场化改革的理论基础。

    Nature monopoly is the basic theory of markets electric power reformation .

  19. 自然垄断产业的规制变迁与有效竞争

    The Regulation Change and Effective Competition of Natural Monopoly Industry

  20. 自然垄断企业利益相关者导向的综合绩效评价研究

    On the Stakeholders-Orientated Integrated Performance Assessment for Natural Monopoly Enterprises

  21. 自然垄断行业定价探讨

    A Probe into The Pricing Mechanisms of the Natural Monopoly

  22. 浅谈我国自然垄断产业治理方式的选择

    On the Choice of Governance Of Natural Monopoly Industries in Our Country

  23. 激励性规制由此被引入传统自然垄断产业。

    Incentive regulation is implied to the traditional monopoly industries .

  24. 电力产业的自然垄断特征分析

    The Analysis of Natural Monopoly Characteristic of Electric Power Industry

  25. 第六,自然垄断行业的价格体系不合理。

    Sixth : No reasonable price system in the natural monopoly industry .

  26. 自然垄断是政府管制的传统领域之一。

    Natural monopoly is one of the traditional domains for governmental regulation .

  27. 铁路行业被认为是典型的自然垄断行业。

    The railroad line is considered to be the typical natural monopoly department .

  28. 其次分析了我国自然垄断行业存在的主要问题及其原因,总结了西方国家自然垄断行业改革的成功经验;

    Analyses the main problems underlying the Natural Monopolies .

  29. 自然垄断行业政府规制定价与效率分析

    Efficiency Analysis and Regulate Price of Natural Monopoly Industry

  30. 自然垄断产业规制改革与民营企业准入途径探讨

    On Restructuring of Natural Monopoly Industries and Ways of Accession of Private Enterprises