
zì jiù hù jiù
  • Self rescue and mutual rescue;self and mutual medical aid
自救互救[zì jiù hù jiù]
  1. 推进不同年龄段的自救互救教育

    Promoting the Education of Self-Save and Mutual Save for People of Different Ages

  2. 我们不仅要把自救互救视为救护措施,还要当作战略性任务。

    We regard self-aid and mutual aid as aid measures and also as strategic tasks .

  3. 陆军某特种大队自救互救培训现状与需求的调查研究

    A survey of the current situation and demands of first aid training in a special force of land army

  4. 而事故抢险救援主要包括在事故发生后启用预定的紧急处置程序和现场开展的自救互救方法两部分。

    Also , the accident emergency rescue includes starting emergency treatment procedure and the self-rescue and mutual-rescue after the accident happening .

  5. 结果指挥院校学员对自救互救知识的掌握情况好于干部和战士,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Results The students in the Commanding College mastered more knowledge of first aid than the basic level officers and soldiers ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 目的了解某特种大队官兵自救互救的培训现状与需求,为进一步开展针对性、系统性的培训提供依据。

    Objective To identify the current situation and demands of first aid training , and provide basis for further systematic training program in a special force of land army .

  7. 更大的感动,来自于地震现场,灾民的自救互救,志愿者的主动援助,人民子弟兵的英勇奋斗。

    A bigger move , from the earthquake scene , the disaster victims helps oneself to rescue mutually , volunteer 's initiative aid , People 's Liberation Army 's heroic struggle .

  8. 详细阐述了1976年唐山强烈地震发生后,人民群众在自救互救、恢复生产、重建新唐山中所起的重要作用。

    Expounds in detail the significant role played by the people in self and mutual rescue , resumption of production , and reconstruction of the Tangshan city after the 1976 great Tangshan earthquake .

  9. 急救箱(包)是一种部队用于救治伤病员的制式卫生装备,是将战时自救互救的药品、器材组装配套,放在专门设计的包、箱内,主要用于平时巡诊和战时急救。

    As a kind of standard medical equipment for peacetime round and wartime first aid , the first-aid kit is composed of a special kit and the unitized medicines and equipments in it .

  10. 男性对地震灾害的认知程度和响应水平好于女性,不同民族的被调查群体只在地震灾害知识和灾时自救互救2个变量上存在显著性差异。

    The cognition-and-response level of male are relatively higher than female . Significant differences only exist in the variables of earthquake knowledge and self - and mutual-rescuing in the earthquake among the groups with different nationalities . 3 .

  11. 自救与互救&严重地震灾害后扒救灾民方式警察告诫人们在圣诞拥挤期间要谨防扒手。

    Saving oneself and saving each other ; The police warned people to be on guard against / for pickpockets during the Christmas rush .