
  • 网络Selfing process;Ego Process
  1. 《紫色》主人公寻求自我过程的心理变化分析

    An Analysis of Psychological Changes in the Process of Quest for Self-Identity of the Protagonist in the Color Purple

  2. 加入自我延伸过程的融合PCR程序

    The Fusion-PCR added Self-Extension Process

  3. 减少MANET网络密钥管理自我恢复过程数据包规模方法研究

    Research on decrease package size of self-healing key management solution in MANET

  4. 为了调查笑声在自我表露过程中扮演的角色和产生的影响,格雷和他的同事从英国牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)召集了112个学生,并把他们分为四组。

    To investigate the role and influence of laughter in this disclosure process , Gray and his colleagues gathered 112 students from Oxford University in England , into groups of four .

  5. 结论:脊髓损伤诱导了内源性bFGF蛋白表达短暂增高,提示,神经营养因子bFGF可能参与SCI后的神经元营养及自我保护过程。

    Conclusion : The experimental SCI may induce temporal expression of endogenous bFGF , thus suggest that bFGF may participate in the procession of neurotrophic effects and self - protection after SCI .

  6. 其次,运用实验法,即选择性注意负启动效应以及情绪诱发下Two-back记忆任务实验,考察PIU个体在自我控制过程中认知&情感的特点。

    Second , the individuals ' cognitive and emotional characteristics during self-control process were examined by introducing Two-back working memory task in emotional states and the negative priming in selective attention processing .

  7. 我将其视为一个持续重塑自我的过程。

    I look at it as a process of continuous reinvention .

  8. 私营业主的培养与自我培养过程

    The Training of Private Enterprise Owners and the Process of Their Self-training

  9. 从现在开始到2018年之间,你正在经历一段重塑自我的过程。

    You are in the process of reinventing yourself between now and2018 .

  10. 是一个不断由目标到反馈的自我监控过程。

    The process of self supervising and controlling from aims to feedback .

  11. 入世缩短了中国的自我认知过程

    Entry into WTO Shortens the Process of Self-Recognition for China

  12. 该组织全力进行一个长期的自我剖析过程,即新闻可信度调查项目。

    The organization is deepsintosa long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project .

  13. 你看过我的自我毁灭过程。

    You witnessed my , uh , self-destructive phase .

  14. 生活就是不断成长,学习,完善自我的过程。

    Life is about growing , learning , and being a better person .

  15. 一个却宣告了西方个人主义在东方女性自我解放过程中引进的失败。

    The other declares the failure of Western individualism in self-liberation of Eastern women .

  16. 这本身就可成为致命的自我实现过程。

    That in itself can become fatally self-fulfilling .

  17. 在组织从生物体或有机体分离时发生的自我消化过程。

    Lysis ( self-digestion ) of tissues when they are detached from the organism .

  18. 这是所有公司都需要整合的自我完善过程的一部分。

    This is a part of the process of self-improvement that all companies need to integrate .

  19. 学习是一个发现自己缺点,并完善自我的过程。

    Learning is a process in which one can find his own weaknesses and improve himself .

  20. 其角色建构的过程是一个重新塑造自我的过程,其实质就是重塑自我。

    The process of role establishment is a process of self-remodeling , and the essence is self-building .

  21. 脑的可塑性在卒中后的自我恢复过程中起着十分重要的作用。

    Cerebral plasticity is widely acknowledged to play an important role in this spontaneous recovery after stroke .

  22. 最后,本文提出女性羞感的重建,认为这是一个找回人的价值、女性的价值和寻找自我的过程。

    Rebuilding female " shy feeling " is the course of looking for female value in fact .

  23. 他们表达了自己,在表达自我的过程中,他们改变了美国的政治。

    They showed up , and in the course of showing up , they changed American politics .

  24. 也就是说,自我监控过程是一种普遍存在的社会心理现象,要求个体根据不同的社交环境进行自我监控。因此,有关自我监控与人际心理素质之间的研究则显得更加重要。

    Self-monitoring is a ubiquitous social psychological phenomenon which requests for self-monitoring in accordance with different sociality environment .

  25. 但它也显示了在自我认知过程中积极融合的潜力和增长。

    But it can also manifest the potential of positive integration and growth in the process of identification .

  26. 在自我成长过程中,你要随时把想法、感受、愿望和梦想记录下来。

    During your hour of personal development , note your insights , feelings , hopes , and dreams .

  27. 在世界管理思想史上,理性管理与非理性管理都经历了一个自我发展过程。

    Both rational and irrational management went through a process of self-development in the world history of management theories .

  28. 在这一反思中,我们需要一个否定自我的过程,因为没有否定,文化发展的负荷将是沉重的。

    We need a self-denying process , for without denial , the load of cultural development would be heavy .

  29. 在挑战自我的过程中,也充满了各种各样危险和不确定因素。

    But during the process of challenging himself , the participant will also face various danger and the uncertain factors .

  30. 细胞凋亡与细胞有丝分裂功能相反,是一个自由基调控的主动有序的细胞自我消亡过程。

    Opposite to mitosis , apoptosis is the initiative and ordinal process of self-destruction of cell controlled by freedom gene .