
zì dòng jī
  • robot;automat;automaton
自动机[zì dòng jī]
  1. 用有限自动机和拓扑排序理论提高MIS开发效率

    Applying Finite Automat and Topological Sort To Improve Efficiency Of MIS Development

  2. Petri网与形式语言自动机

    The Petri-Net and the Automat of the Formal Language

  3. 本课程比18.400J[自动机,可计算性和复杂性]涉及面更广、更理论化

    A more extensive and theoretical treatment of the material in 18.400J , Automata , Computability , and Complexity computabilitytheory .

  4. Fuzzy正则表达式与Fuzzy有限态自动机的关系

    On the relation between Fuzzy regular expression and Fuzzy finite state automaton

  5. 最大乘积型Fuzzy上下无关文法与下推自动机

    Max-product Fuzzy Context-free Grammars and Pushdown Automata

  6. 第二个改进是成功的在固体表面实现了DNA有限状态自动机反应。

    Second , DNA finite automata reaction is achieved on solid surface .

  7. 基于XML和JAVA技术的自动机研究与实现

    Study and Complement of Automation Based on XML JAVA Technique

  8. GIS与元胞自动机模型应用探讨

    Discussions on the cellular automata model and application of GIS

  9. 树自动机理论在XML中的应用

    Application of tree automata theory in XML

  10. 对一类特殊形式的Fuzzy正则语言作了一定的讨论,得到了两个重要定理,为进一步研究Fuzzy正则语言与Fuzzy有限状态自动机的关系奠定了基础。

    Some properties of a special kind of fuzzy regular sets are discussed , two important theorems are obtained .

  11. 基于TCP状态有限自动机的入侵检测研究

    Research of intrusion detection system based-on state automaton about TCP protocol

  12. σ-自动机和低维CA

    σ - Automata and Low - Dimensional CA

  13. 任选其中买方谈判Agent的状态转换过程抽象为动作规划,并把它形式化为一个模糊自动机。

    The operation planning presenting the state transition process of an agent for purchaser is formalized as a fuzzy automata .

  14. 集成GIS和细胞自动机模型进行地理时空过程模拟与预测的新方法

    Integrating GIS with Cellular Automaton Model to Establish a New Approach for Spatio-temporal Process Simulation and Prediction

  15. 2D细胞自动机由分布在2D网格(通常称为布局)中的细胞组成。

    2D cellular automata are composed of cells in a2D grid commonly called the universe .

  16. 其中对元胞自动机(CellularAutomaton,简称CA)交通流模型的研究受到广泛地关注。

    Many scientists widely focus on investigation of Cellular Automaton ( CA ) traffic flow model .

  17. 元胞自动机FI和NS交通流混合模型的研究

    Study of a Cellular Automaton FI-and-NS Mixed Model for Traffic Flow

  18. 以有限状态自动机模型形式化地定义了业务流程的外模式和内模式,将Web服务组合问题转化为有限状态自动机问题。

    The inner and outer schema of business process are formally defined based on FSM . Thus the problem of Web services composition is transformed to the problem of FSM .

  19. 然后设计了一种嵌套式细胞自动机用于伪随机序列发生和HASH函数;

    Secondly , a cellular automata with a nesting structure on pseudo-random sequence and HASH function is designed ;

  20. 为了自动将数据从HTML网页中抽取出来,采取树自动机推断方式进行数据抽取。

    In order to extract data from HTML Web pages automatically , tree automata induction has been used in data extraction .

  21. 本文综述了Petri网与形式语言自动机的关系及Petri网语言的性质。

    The article surveys the relation between Petri-net and the automat of the formal language and the characters of Petri-net language .

  22. 讨论基于自动机/形式语言模型的离散事件系统(DES)的可测性问题。

    Detectability of Discrete Event Systems ( DES ) based on automata / languages is studied .

  23. 接着,分别从通信模块,有限状态自动机,Java多线程以及数据库处理四个方面阐述了系统具体实现的过程。

    Afterwards , the four aspects , which are corresponding module , Automata theory , Java multithreading and database processing , are defined to implement the system .

  24. 元胞自动机(CA)所独有的特征和构模方式使其在模拟复杂性系统如城市系统等方面表现出强大的模拟能力。

    Cellular Automata ( CA ) is powerful in modeling complex system such as the city system because of its particular characters and modeling methods .

  25. 为保证程序的稳定执行,兼考虑到程序在执行速度以及效率上的要求,因此使用有限状态自动机理论和Java多线程技术来解决该问题。

    Ensure the program execute stabilization , then considered the requirement of execute speed and efficiency of the procedure , it use Automata theory and Java multithreading technology .

  26. 为了解决多Agent(智能体)多工件的知识化制造单元的任务控制问题,提出一种新的矩阵自动机模型对知识化制造单元进行建模。

    In order to solve the task control problems existing in the knowledgeable manufacturing cell ( KMC ) with multi-agent and multi-workpiece , a new matrix-automaton is proposed to model the KMC .

  27. 给出了不同输入字符集上两个q自动机张量积的定义,研究了不同输入字符集上两个q自动机的张量积识别的语言。

    Tensor product of two automata over the different alphabets is defined in this paper and quantum languages accepted by the tensor product are studied .

  28. 基于元胞自动机分形模型,探讨了散粒体自组织临界性(SOC)的机制。

    Based on a fractal cellular automata model , the mechanism of self-organized criticality ( SOC ) of granular mixtures was investigated .

  29. 化学混沌与BZ反应的细观元胞自动机模拟

    Simulation of Chemical Chaos and BZ Reaction Using Mesoscopic Cellular Automaton

  30. 通过用算法复杂性C(n)分析由地震细胞自动机模型产生的地震时间序列,说明算法复杂性用于研究地震活动演化及地震活动图象是有希望的。

    According to the analysis of a time sequence produced by a seismic Cellular Automata Model , the results show that algorithmic complexity may be useful for studying seismic patterns and their evolutions .