
  1. 基于广义特征点匹配的全自动图像配准

    Automatic Image Registration Based on Matching of Feature Points in Broad Sense

  2. 基于信号互相关函数与神经网络的全自动图像配准算法

    An Automatic Image Co-registration Algorithm Based on Signal Correlation Function and Artificial Neural Network

  3. 结论使用自动图像配准分割-计数法能够实现连续组织切片图像的准确配准,并且具有计算简单,速度快的优点。

    Conclusion The method can rapidly accomplish the image registration task for serial tissue sections with simpler calculation processes .

  4. 自动图像配准又可分为基于区域和基于特征的两个方面。

    Automatic image registration can be divided into two aspects : based on region and based on the characteristics .

  5. 但自动图像配准不是这些算法的简单组合应用,它有着完整的体系结构。

    But automatic image registration is not the simple combination of these algorithms ; it has a complete architecture of itself .

  6. 分组实验表明,自动图像配准算法的运行时间较直接配准方法有了极大的改进,实现了算法的高效率。

    Compared by direct registration method , Group results show that automatic image registration algorithm has been greatly improved , achieved high efficiency .

  7. 利用投影技术,针对功能磁共振时间序列图像,介绍了一种新的自动图像配准方法。

    A new automatic image registration method was presented in this paper , which was based on projection technique and suitable for functional magnetic resonance imaging times series images .

  8. 面对数据量呈指数增长的全球遥感图像,研究快速、有效、高精度的自动图像配准算法成为遥感领域迫切需要解决的问题。

    The amounts of remote sensing images of global coverage will grow exponentially . To study and achieve fast and effective automatic registration of these digital data with high accuracies has become a critical problem in remote sensing .

  9. 多分辨率的自动MRI图像配准

    Multiresolution Optimization Algorithm for Automated Registration of MRI Images

  10. 用于墙地砖缺陷检测的自动精确图像配准方法

    Precise Automatic Image Registration Method of the Defect Detection for Ceramic Tiles

  11. 一种准自动多传感器图像配准方法

    A quasi-automatic method for multi-sensor image registration

  12. 一种准自动高精度图像配准算法

    A Semiautomatic High-accuracy Algorithm for Image Registration