
  • 网络automatic processing;automatic process
  1. 利用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,探讨非注意状态的刺激朝向改变是否引起自动加工。

    Whether there is automatic processing to unattended orientation change was investigated in the present study , by recording event-related potentials ( ERPs ) .

  2. 结论:MMN技术可反映首发精神分裂症患者诱发脑电的自动加工过程。MMN可作为精神分裂症患者的临床应用检测指标。

    Conclusions : MMN could reflect the automatic processing of schizophrenics , and might be useful markers applying into schizophrenics .

  3. 组态软件监控PLC实现机床的自动加工控制

    The Carry out of Automatic Machining Control Using Configuration Software Monitor PLC

  4. 介绍了系统PLC主控制器I/O端口设计,系统硬件组成和系统软件中主程序及自动加工子程序设计;

    The I / O design of PLC controller , the hardware configuration and the main routine and auto-machining subroutine of software program are presented .

  5. 基于MPS的自动加工线在线监控系统的设计

    Design of a Online Monitor System of Automatic Product Line Based on Modular Production System

  6. 语义的自动加工和选择性注意对Stroop效应的影响

    Automatic semantic processing and influence of selective attention upon the Stroop phenomenon

  7. 文章介绍一种利用组态软件MCGS监控PLC实现机床自动加工控制的方法,重点介绍了实现该方法的PLC和组态软件之间的数据联系。

    The article introduces one method of automatic machining control by use of configuration software MCGS monitor PLC , it focus on the relation of data between PLC and configuration software .

  8. 最后拟定了数控刻楦工作流程,并用Microsoft公司的Visualc++语言编制了控制软件,实现对刻楦机的控制,从而完成对鞋楦的全自动加工。

    At last the author analyses the principle of digital control programs ' manufacturing process , writes programs with Microsoft 's visual C + + language , therefore controls the last-making machine to complete the last auto-process with software .

  9. FIFO队列使用方式按数控系统工作模式定义,参数模式下传递参数信息,自动加工方式下传递插补数据。

    FIFO mode is defined according to operation mode of CNC system , the parameter is transmitted in the parameter mode , and interpolation data is transmitted in automatic machining mode .

  10. 结论视觉模式中,偏差刺激诱发的MMP可能是与听觉MMN类似的成分,反映了脑对视觉刺激变化的自动加工过程。

    ConclusionIn the visual modality , MMP elicited by warp stimulus may be an element similar to auditory MMN and reflect auto-processing of brain to visual stimulus .

  11. 结论MMN新技术可反映抑郁症患者诱发脑电波的自动加工过程,可用于临床应用。

    Conclusion Patients with depression had abnormal brain automatic processing , and MMN may be the useful index in evaluating depression brain dysfunctions .

  12. 第二部分通过数字的Stroop实验范式考察了经过珠心算训练后儿童对阿拉伯数字和珠像数字的自动加工。

    In the second part , we investigated the automatic process to Arabic numbers and abacus numbers of children after AMC trainings by adopting the numerical Stroop paradigm .

  13. 结论本研究提示SOA为300ms时情绪启动效应已经衰减,并进一步验证了情绪启动效应的自动加工本质。

    Conclusion Affective priming effects decay rapidly , and they can be observed best for SOA shorter than 300ms , and confirmed the automatic process nature of affective priming effect .

  14. FOK对于自动加工的预测准确性差异不显著,说明FOK监测对内隐记忆的作用是微弱的,由此推测:无记忆是意识最高层面的活动。

    The difference of the predictive correctness of the FOK to automatic remaking was not obvious , which indicated that the use of the FOR monitor to implicit memory was weak .

  15. 利用即插即用技术实现系统的开放性等,论述了它们在STAR-2003数控系统中的具体应用,详细设计了自动加工模块。

    Some concrete application in STAR-2003 CNC is discussed and module of automation process is particularly designed .

  16. 监控系统的内容包括回参控制、手动加工、自动加工、加工仿真、系统设置、IO状态显示、MDI控制以及通讯等,采用WINDOWSnt的多线程方法,实现了监控系统的实时多任务控制。

    The monitoring system includes homing control , manual operation , automatic machining , simulation , system set-up , IO display , MDI control and communication , and the real-time multi-task control is achieved using the method of multi thread of Windows NT .

  17. 研究一采用问卷访谈与ERP(事件相关电位)神经科学实验相结合的方式,研究了人们对不同类型安全标志的危险感知评分是否存在差异,以及自动加工过程中的神经感知差异。

    In research I , a combination of questionnaires , interviews and the KRP ( Iwcnt Related Potential ) experiment are combined to study whether the hazard perception ratings has significant differences among the four types of safety signs , and whether the cognitive distinction exist in the automatic processing .

  18. 木质回转类零件自动加工机的设计研究

    The design of an automatic processor for machining rotary wood components

  19. 引信扳手孔自动加工机床的设计

    Design of design automatic processing machine tool for fusing wrenches kong

  20. 普通滚齿机自动加工鼓形修形齿轮的原理与方法

    The theory of processing drum gear automatically by the ordinary hobbing machine

  21. 控制器壳体自动加工生产线设计

    The design of the automatic transfer line for processing of controller case

  22. 时间信息自动加工与控制加工的电生理学指标

    The Electrophysiological Index for the Automatic and Control Processing of Temporal Information

  23. 车身冲压模的自动加工系统

    Automatic Manufacturing System of Stamping Die for Autobody Panels

  24. 深孔自动加工刀具过载保护系统的研制

    The Research and Development on Cutter Overload Protection System in Deep Hole Automatic Machining

  25. 柔性化自动加工工艺及程序编制

    The Flexible Auto Machining Process and its Programming

  26. 曲轴油孔的柔性自动加工线

    Flexible Automatic Line of Crankshaft oil & hole

  27. 这些切片被自动加工并存储到图书馆的圆盘中。

    The slices are automatically processed and stored on circular plates in a library .

  28. 底座锪端面自动加工生产线设计

    Design for Base Milling Automatic Production Line

  29. 而外显性别-学科刻板印象趋向于自动加工与控制加工相结合,是一种自下而上、三思而答的加工模式。

    In contrast , explicit gender - subject stereotyping adopts bottom - up processing model .

  30. 普通铣床改造为自动加工齿条件专用机床的设计研究

    The Study of a General Miller is Innovated to a Special Automatic Rack Cutting Machine