- autotrophy;autotrophic nutrition;make its own food by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis;autrophism

[autotrophic;make its own food by photosynthesis or chemosynthesis] 能自我营养;特指能利用二氧化碳或碳酸盐作为碳的唯一来源,能用简单的无机氮代谢合成--一般为绿色植物、某些化学自养细菌以及原生质;为了正常的代谢不需要特定的外界因素
The cuttage included 4 stages ( autotrophy stage , rooting stage , transplanting seedling stage and growth stage ) .
Transition from heterotrophic to autotrophic nutrition in Rice Seedling
The fixation of CO2 carried out by these autotrophs , in addition to atp , requires reduced pyridine nucleotide .
The nitrifying bacteria are chemosynthetic autotrophs .
The cell nitrogen and phosphorus content also decreased in the groups supplemented these several typical carbon sources .
Start-up Research of One-step Autotrophic Nitrogen Removal Process in SBR Biofilm Reactor
Effect of co_2 concentration and photosynthetic photo flux density on photoautotrophic capability and peroxidase activity of Ipomoea batatas Lam in vitro
The growth of Microcystis aeruginosa ( as a sell nutrition plant ) had no relation with C resource but had a positive relation with N and P concentration .
The ratio of gross primary productivity to community respiration was the highest in the first stream orders , which means autochthonous productivity was dominant in the river .
The increasing and decreasing of N2O production potential result from the appearance of autotrophic nitrification in different growing period .
It is characterized of autotrophic ANAMMOX bacteria transferring NH4 + - N to N2 in anaerobic condition .
Tocopherols can be synthesized only in photoautotrophy organisms , including plants and other oxygenic , photosynthetic organisms , and hence human everyday needs of vitamin E are derived from plant materials or supplementary nutritional drugs .
In this paper , the nitrogen removal efficiency of bio-electrochemical denitrification part of CANNED ( Complete Autotrophic Nitrite-nitrification and Electrochemical Bio-denitrification Combined Process ) was studied .
Some microalgae can grow mixotrophically and heterotrophically on organic carbon , which can compensate for the light limitation of autotrophication , and also improve the EPA-yielding .
Y structure and function , BLSS can be divided into two parts : autotrophic unit and heterotrophic unit .
CO_ 2 fixation in the chemoautotrophic bacteria occurs via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle , and most of the enzymes of the cycle are encoded by cbb genes .
Mix pre-soaked and high moisture content lightweight aggregate ( autogenous curing agent ) in HPC , it is the new method that enhancement curing of low water / binder ratio HPC .
Autotrophic nitrogen removal process could realize the conversion of ammonium to denitrogen gas by autotrophic bacteria , and it particularly suitable to treat high Ammonium and low C / N ratio wastewaters .
On the bases of isolation and identification and with the help of batch or continuous suspended-growth and attach-growth culture , the microorganisms being able to degrade gaseous sulfide are mainly methylotrophy and chemoautotrophy which can oxidize sulfide to sulfate and carbon dioxide quantitatively .
Acetate addition induced an immediate response in photosynthesis and respiration . The activity of both PSII and PSI was impaired and then recovered compared with autotrophic cells .
The average surface load of two reactors in series was NH + 4 N 3 ~ 4 g / ( m 2 · d ), and the general autotrophic ammonium removal efficiency was about 70 % .
Nitrification is the process of converting ammonia to nitrate via nitrite and is catalyzed by aerobic chemoautotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria ( AOB ) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria .
The result of test indicates : Compressive strength of the concrete with autogenous curing at 28 days under nature curing is as high as under standard curing .
Objective In order to assess and verify the identity of beagle dogs bred in Guangzhou and from USA on molecular level , polymorphism of microsatellite loci of the beagle dog genome were analysed .
HW-D3 had certain autotrophic ability and could be inhibited by high concentrations of chlorpyrifos .
These strains possess the ability to grow on the autotrophic media , Thermus , an extremely thermophilic bacterium was not isolated from these hot springs .
The column leaching experiments of the primary ore of copper sulfide with thermoacidophile , KY-2 strain , are conducted .
Results showed that autotrophic organisms maximum specific growth rate μ ^ A and decay rate b A were the sensitive parameters of denitrification and substrate maximum fermenting rate Q f was the sensitive parameter of biological phosphorus removal .
The nutrient composition of egg , muscle , feather of rearing golden pheasant ( Chrysolophus pictus ) is analysed , and their amino acid models are compared .
The results indicated that heterotrophic nitrification or aerobic denitrification was the main process producing N2O at 30 % WFPS . N2O emission from autotrophic nitrification only accounted for 15.2 % ~ 47.2 % of that from heterotrophic nitrification or aerobic denitrification .