
  • 网络agent;autonomous agent
  1. 基于CORBA的分布式多自主体系统研究

    Study on Distributed Multi-Agent System Based on CORBA

  2. 非平衡拓扑和随机干扰情形下多自主体系统的趋同条件

    Consensus conditions of multi-agent systems with unbalanced topology and stochastic disturbances

  3. 多自主体在地理学中应用的回顾与展望

    A Review and Prospect of the Multi-Agent Applications in Geography

  4. 多区域创新扩散与知识溢出的自主体模拟

    Agent-based Modeling of Multi-regional Innovation Diffusion and Knowledge Spillover

  5. 基于元胞自动机的多自主体人员行为模型及其在性能化设计中的应用

    A Multi-agent Model Based on Cellular Automata for Simulating Human Behavior to Assess Building Design Performance

  6. 一致性问题作为多自主体系统的核心问题,发展到今天已经取得了相当多的成果。

    As a core problem of multi-agent systems , the consensus problem has made considerable progress up to now .

  7. 名词是自主体,内含各种概念实在体和概念抽象体,可具有形式和功能两个侧面的内容。

    Nouns encode autonomous entities , containing various kinds of conceptual structures which belong in formal or functional aspect .

  8. 多自主体系统协调控制是指空间分布多个自主体相互之间局部协调合作,系统作为整体产生各种集体行为。

    Multi-agent systems can produce all sorts of collective actions as a whole by locally coordination control among multiple spatial autonomous agents .

  9. 本文的主要内容和研究成果如下:1.邻接矩阵为随机矩阵的网络拓扑下,基于不对称时滞的离散多自主体系统平均一致性行为。

    Under the network topology whose adjacency matrix is the stochastic matrix , the average consensus of discrete multi-agent systems with asymmetric delay .

  10. 采用变量代换将多自主体系统的一致性问题转化为等价误差系统的渐近稳定问题。

    By adopting variable transformation , the consensus problem of the multi-agent systems is converted into the asymptotical stability problem of an equivalent error system .

  11. 基于自主体模拟能有效模拟复杂的人与社会系统的微观交互,并能检验应用于宏观层面的规则的有效性。

    ABS can simulate the complexity of human society from the individuals interactions in micro level and also powerful for testing the validity of the regulations applied in macro level .

  12. 文章着重介绍运用物理学途径研究计算系统的相变和解决多自主体系统的目标满足问题所取得的进展,并指出了这一途径的优点和应该注意的问题。

    In this paper we describe and analyze the advantages of the application of the physical approach to phase transitions in computational systems and cooperative goal satisfaction in multi agent systems .

  13. 近年来,对时滞多自主体系统一致性的研究多数都是基于对称时滞和可变时滞,而对基于不对称时滞的离散多自主体系统一致性研究寥寥无几。

    In recent years , the study of multi-agent systems with delay are mostly based on symmetric delay and variable delay , but the study based on asymmetric delay has very few .

  14. 其二是强调人体生命是一个相对独立的自主体,医疗措施必须遵循其固有的规律而不能违背。

    The second is its emphasis of the fact that the human body is a relatively independent entity , and therefore any medical measures should conform to the inherent regularity of this entity .

  15. 地理学意义下的基于自主体建模是物理粒子按行为规则在地理环境中进行行为活动的模拟,它反映了人与地理环境交互影响的过程,是人地关系思想的集中体现。

    From the view of geography , ABS can be considered as the simulation on physical particles which act according to their action rules , and is a typical reflection of the interactions between human and environment .

  16. 本文在明确决定中国空间分异的三次本性的地理要素的基础上,以进化经济地理学和自主体建模的思想和观点分析三次本性在区域发展与进化过程中的作用。

    In this dissertation , on the basis of three natures which determine Chinese spatial heterogeneity , further analysis about the role of three natures on the regional development and evolution will be discussed in the point of view of evolutionary economic geography and agent-based modeling .

  17. 本文提出自配置主体概念实现自配置控制环,完成系统对环境的适应。

    In this paper , the concept of self-configuration of the control loop is proposed to achieve self-configuration , which complete adaptation to the changes of environ-mental .

  18. 广告的创新动力源自设计主体的内在需要和市场竞争、科技进步、产权制度等外在环境的激励。

    The motive of advertising creativeness originates from inner demand of consumers and designers , and the encouragement of outer environment including market competition , property ownership system , and technological progress .

  19. 基于边界层理论,提出了流态化条件下金属离子自溶液主体向阴极颗粒电极传质和沉积的总体动力学模型;

    Based on the boundary_layer theory , the macro_kinetics model is developed to describe the mass transfer and deposition processes of metal ions from bulk solution to particle electrode ( PE ) in the fluidized beds .

  20. 基于膜扩散理论,提出了流态化条件下金属离子自溶液主体向阴极颗粒电极表面传递、沉积、成长的速率方程;

    Based on the film diffusion theory , rate equations are developed to describe the transfer , integration and growth processes of metal ions from the bulk solution to the cathode particle electrode surface under fluidization conditions .

  21. 这一现实究其原因,有历史的渊源,缘自人的主体地位一直未得到重视和尊重。

    The reason for this reality , the historical origins and fate since the position has never been the main attention and respect .

  22. 思想政治教育动力实际上是由来自本体性主体、实践主体和接受主体三个方面的分力融合而生成的合力。

    The dynamic mechanism of ideological and political education is a combined force of the subject body , the practitioner and the receiver .

  23. 自为需要是主体与客观外在条件之关系的表现。

    Need for itself is the manifestation of the relation between subject and certain objective conditions .

  24. 这也验证了自上问责主体对公共服务提供过程和资金运作的过度关注。

    It further verifies that upward accountability subjects pay excessive attention to the processes and funds .

  25. 压榨辊体与压榨轴承故障状态同为故障自诊断系统的主体;

    Both the roll bodies ' and bearings ' conditions of press rolls were mainly monitered by the fault-self-diagnosing system of the PSPM .

  26. 管理上也没有充分的自主权,市场主体资格的缺失已成为广西高校教辅期刊谋求持续发展的最大瓶颈。

    They cannot obtain full autonomy towards management . The lack of market subject qualification has become the biggest bottleneck for the enterprises to obtain sustainable development .

  27. 上述原因不仅导致中国封建经济长期停滞,更严重的是阻碍了民间产业资本发展为自组织的市场主体。

    All these elements not only lead to the long-term stagnancy of Chinese feudal economy , more seriously , but obstruct the civil capital advancing into a self-organized main body of the market .

  28. 国务院关于《深化农村信用社改革方案》要求,按市场经济原则,使农村信用社真正成为自主经营、自我约束、自我发展、自担风险的主体,实际上是要求信用社按商业化原则经营。

    As the state council about ' deepening reform of Rural Credit Cooperative ' required , use the market economy , to make Rural Credit Cooperative as the real one of self-management , self-control , self-development , undertake once own risk .

  29. 通过解释主体与他者的关系来阐述人性,宣称自我反思体现了人性的最基本属性,即含有能动性、自主性和自为性的主体性。

    She devotes to her idea of human nature through the presentation of relationship between " the self " and " the Other ," and contends that self-reflection embodies the most essential attribute of human nature , that is , subjectivity with agency , autonomy , and self-performance .