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  • the smell of mutton
  • 像羊肉的气味:~气。~味。腥~。

  • 袒露。

  • 胸中:~中(a.中医指胸腔中央,心包所在处;b.针灸穴位名,位于前胸部正中)。


(像羊肉的气味) the smell of mutton:

  • 这羊肉味太膻。

    This mutton has got a strong smell.

  1. 这羊肉味太膻。

    This mutton has got a strong smell .

  2. 这羊肉不膻。

    This mutton hasn 't got a strong smell .

  3. 凋亡标志因子caspase-3在心肌缺血再灌注损伤后表达增多,艾炷灸膻中、膈俞穴益气活血法预处理可降低其表达。

    ( 2 ) The expression of caspase-3 gene increased by ischemia-reperfusion and decreased by nourishing the Qi and remove the blood pretreatment of moxibustion .

  4. 结论:COPD机械通气患者在撤机过程中采用粗针膻中穴埋针治疗能缩短,撤机时间且安全。

    Conclusion : Long-term embedment of thick needle at Tanzhong point is a kind of safe , easy and effective methods in weaning from MV in COPD patients .

  5. 粗针埋针治疗组选用粗针针刺膻中穴,每次进针70mm,留针4h;

    In embedment group , a thick needle was acupunctured 70 mm and embedded at Tanzhong point for 4 hours .

  6. 强力推拿按压膻中穴治疗顽固性呃逆16例

    Intensive Massage on Tanzhong Point for 16 Cases of Obstinate Hiccup

  7. 膻中穴的临床应用与研究现状

    The Present Situation of Clinical Application and Study of Point Shanzhong

  8. 还可作为调味酒,去腥,去膻,增香,使菜肴更加鲜美。

    As condiments , it bring taste to dishes by reducing undersigned smell and adding pleasant savor .

  9. 10%的人口是膻族,他们说膻的地方方言,与老挝语和泰国语有关。

    10 % of the populations are Shan , who speak Shan dialects , related to Lao and Thai .

  10. 利用老龄羊肉、羊头、羊骨、碎肉等副产品,开发可长期保藏的羊肉汤锅。说明了老龄羊肉的膻味成分及脱膻的具体方法。

    Nutritional properties of mutton and its developing background are discussed , the composition of mutton smell and its eliminating method are illuminated .

  11. 这里,我们检验了体内利鲁唑能选择性阻滞谷氨酸能神经递质,由此产生全身麻醉膻态。

    Here , we examined in vivo the ability of riluzole to produce components of the general anesthetic state through a selective blockade of glutamatergic neurotransmission .

  12. 制作束缚应激模型,分别选取膻中、关元、关元旁开1.5寸非穴进行电针刺激。

    Models of adjuvant bondage stress were established , and electroacupuncture was applied at Shanzhong and Guanyuan acupoints , and the non-point which was 1.5 cun away from Guanyuan acupoint respectively ;

  13. 花椒为四川菜使用最多的调料,常用于配制卤汤、腌制食品或炖制肉类,有去膻增味作用。

    Sichuan pepper seasoning food with the most commonly used in the preparation of halogen soup , pickled food , or stewed meat , have to go full throttle flavor effect .

  14. 介绍了形成羊肉膻味的化学成分,羊肉膻味与羊肉体脂肪酸的组成的关系,最后综述了目前常用的羊肉脱膻技术。

    This article discussed the components of mutton odour , the relationship between mutton odour and component of mutton fatty acid , then outline the usual mechanism of de-muttony of mutton at present .

  15. 详细介绍了五香酱牛肉的工艺流程及操作要点,并且指出了二次调味在调味、去膻方面的重要作用。

    Introducing technical process of spiced and sauced beef and point of operation in detail , and had pointed out the key role of two time seasoning in seasoning and throwing the mutton smell off .

  16. 方法将63例心肌缺血患者随机分成治疗组33例,采用无疤痕灸膻中穴结合口服中成药复方丹参滴丸进行治疗;对照组30例,口服或舌下含服复方丹参滴丸。

    Methods Sixty three patients with myocardial ischemia were randomly divided into a treatment group of 33 cases receiving non scar producing point Shanzhong moxibustion plus oral composite red sage pills and a control group of 30 cases receiving oral or sublingual composite red sage pills .
