
  • 网络Membranous band;Pellicular zone
  1. 大疱性类天疱疮IgG型抗基底膜带抗体的靶抗原初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Target Antigens of IgG Type BMZ Autoantibodies of Bullous Pemphigoid

  2. SLE皮肤基底膜带自身抗体靶抗原的研究

    A Study of the Skin Basement Membrane Zone Autoantigens in SLE

  3. 线性IgA大疱病基底膜带自身抗体的靶抗原异质性

    Heterogeneity of Target Antigens of Basal Membrane Zone Antibodies in Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis

  4. 特征性的基底膜带线状IgA抗体沉积为确诊本病的主要依据。

    Linear IgA antibody depositing at the basal membrane zone is the major diagnostic evidence .

  5. 恶性肿瘤患者红细胞膜带3蛋白表达及其对K562细胞生长的影响

    Expression of Band 3 Protein on Erythrocytes of Malignant Tumor Patients and Its Impact on Proliferation of K562 Cells

  6. 目的了解SLE皮肤基底膜带自身抗体(BMZAb)靶抗原,并与自身免疫性大疱病相关抗原进行比较。

    Objective To realize the target antigens of basement membrane zone antibodies ( BMZ-Ab ) in systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) .

  7. 该方法克服了SFT(短时Fourier变换)分析对高、低频段具有相同的时间分辨率和频率分辨率的缺点,弥补了小波变换只能粗糙地模拟基底膜带通滤波器特性的不足。

    The time frequency analysis remedies the defect that short Fourier translation ( SFT ) has the same time resolution and frequency resolution to different frequency ranges .

  8. 目的了解线性IgA大疱病基底膜带自身抗体(BMZ-Ab)靶抗原及其与其它表皮下自身免疫性大疱病相关抗原的关系。

    Objective To detect the target antigens of basal membrane zone antibodies ( BMZ - Ab ) in linear IgA bullous dermatosis ( LABD ) .

  9. 结论IgG型BP自身抗体可能靶向基底膜带不同层出现的不同抗原并提示该病的发生可能涉及不同的免疫机制。

    Conclusions The results indicate that autoantibodies in BP may be directed to different antigens present in different strata within basement membrane zone ( BMZ ) and suggest that different immune mechanisms may be involved in the pathogenesis of this disease .

  10. 方法:以SPQ为荧光探针测定8例恶性肿瘤患者红细胞膜带3蛋白的阴离子转运活性,westernblot检测带3蛋白表达。

    METHODS : Anion transport activity of band 3 protein on erythrocytes of 8 malignant tumor patients was measured using SPQ fluorescent probe . Expression of band 3 protein was detected by Western blot .

  11. 目的了解抗皮肤基底膜带(BMZ)抗体在系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者循环中的存在情况,探讨其与临床的相关性。

    Objectives To detect anti-basement membrane zone ( BMZ ) antibodies in systemic lupus ery-thematosus ( SLE ) patients and to explore its association with clinical manifestations .

  12. 目的:研究斑点亲和纯化法在表皮下大疱病(SABD)患者血清中单特异性基底膜带自身抗体(BMZAb)分离纯化中的应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the value of spot affinity purified method in the isolation and purification of mono specific basement membrane zone autoantibodies ( BMZ Ab ) .

  13. 受氧化损伤后,红细胞Heinz小体的产生增加,膜带3蛋白发生降解和聚集,膜骨架被破坏。

    It had been found that Heinz bodies formation and membrane skeleton disruption in erythrocytes were enhanced after oxidative damage . Oxidized erythrocyte membrane protein band 3 underwent degradation as well as aggregation .

  14. 先天性大疱性表皮松解症基底膜带分子的研究

    Inherited epidermolysis bullosa a study on molecule in basement membrane zone

  15. 大疱性系统性红斑狼疮的皮肤基底膜带相关抗原

    Related Antigens of Skin Basement Membrane Zone in Bullous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

  16. 免疫印迹法检测表皮下大疱病患者基底膜带自身抗体

    Immunoblotting for detecting basement membrane zone autoantibodies in subepidermal autoimmune blistering diseases

  17. 葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏时红细胞膜带3蛋白酪氨酸磷酸化的改变

    Changes of protein tyrosine phosphorylation in erythrocyte band 3 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

  18. 长期运动训练对大鼠红细胞膜带3蛋白磷酸化的影响

    Effects of Long-term Exercise on Rats'Erythrocyte Band 3 Protein Phosphorylation

  19. 人红细胞膜带3蛋白的提纯与鉴定

    The Purification and Identification of Band 3 Protein from Human Red Cell Membrane

  20. 生物膜带垂直平行固定在框架内部。

    The biological membrane band is vertically fixed inside the frame in parallel .

  21. 斑点亲和纯化法分离纯化表皮下大疱病单特异性基底膜带自身抗体

    Isolation and purification of basement membrane zone mono-specific autoantibodies by spot affinity purified method

  22. 乙状结肠系膜带为3.3%。

    And mesosigmoid membrane was 3.3 % .

  23. 付里埃变换红外测定有不同阴离子结合和通过时膜带Ⅲ蛋白的构象变化

    The Effect of Anion on the Conformation of Membrane Band 3 as Studied by FTIR

  24. 外阴糜烂性扁平苔藓:呈现少量基底膜带循环抗体

    Erosive lichen planus of the vulva : Weak circulating basement membrane zone antibodies are present

  25. 系统性红斑狼疮患者循环抗皮肤基底膜带抗体及其与临床的相关性研究

    The association between anti-basement membrane zone antibodies and clinical manifestations in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

  26. 红细胞膜带3蛋白与运动研究展望

    Prospect of Study on the Relationship Between Exercise and Band 3 Protein in Red Blood Cell Membrane

  27. 具有专利技术的省膜带功能,可降低制卡成本。

    With the patented technology of scratch-off panel consumables , the card cost could be cut down sharply .

  28. 肺心病人红细胞膜带3蛋白和酸碱变化的研究

    The study of the relationship between erythrocytic membrane band 3 and acid-base changes in patients with cor pulmonale

  29. 目的:观察肝硬化患者红细胞膜带3蛋白含量及功能的变化。

    Objective : To observe the changes of the level and function of erythrocyte membrane band 3 protein .

  30. 直接免疫荧光示基底膜带免疫球蛋白沉积。

    Its histopathology is characterized by subepidermal blister and the deposition of immunoglobulin in direct immunofluorescence ( DIF ) .