
fǔ shēnɡ wù
  • saprophyte;saprobe
  1. 菌寄生真菌粉红聚端孢生防机制的研究兼性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。

    Studies on Biocontrol Mechanisms of the Mycoparasite Agent Trichothecium Roseum ; a facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte .

  2. 兼性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。阻力有两种:寄生阻力和诱导阻力。

    A facultative parasite can exist as a parasite or a saprophyte . There are two kinds of drags , parasite drag and induced drag .

  3. 性寄生菌能够象寄生虫或腐生物一样生存。

    An organism that can live either independently or as a parasite .

  4. 具有厌氧性或梭状细菌或杆状腐生物;在土壤中动物体内和其粪便中几乎是广域存在。

    Anaerobic or micro-aerophilic rod-shaped or spindle-shaped saprophytes ; nearly cosmopolitan in soil , animal intestines , and dung .

  5. 杆状菌科的一个模式属;包括对于有机物和一些寄生虫的腐烂起重要作用的腐生物。

    Type genus of the Bacillaceae ; includes many saprophytes important in decay of organic matter and a number of parasites .

  6. 腐生菌;腐生物一种有机物,通常是细菌以死的动植物为食并把它们分解,藉此为生态系统提供有机养分。

    An organism , often a bacterium or fungus , that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter , thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem .

  7. 白腐真菌生物降解TNT装药废水的研究

    Study on the biodegradation of TNT packing wastewater by white rot fungi

  8. 白腐真菌生物膜反应器处理染料生产废水实验研究

    Experimental Study on Dye Wastewater Treatment By White Rot Fungal Biofilm Reactor

  9. 白腐菌生物膜的形成及其性能的研究

    Formation and Properties of Biofilm in a Fluidied-bed Fungus Bioreactor

  10. 试验过程在一种特制的白腐真菌生物反应器中进行。

    The experiment was carried through in a specific white rot fungus bioreactor .

  11. 白腐菌生物降解与转化工程研究进展

    The development of engineering researches of biodegrading and bioconversion by white rot fungi

  12. 甘蔗渣采用白腐菌生物降解的研究

    Studies on bagasse lignin biodegradation by white rot fungi

  13. 白腐真菌生物接触氧化法处理染料废水实验研究

    Experiment Study on Dye Wastewater Treatment by White Rot Fungal Bio-Contact Oxidation Technique

  14. 褐腐真菌生物酸析资源化处理造纸蒸煮黑液研究

    Study on Biological Acidification Precipitation Treatment and Resource Utilization of Black Liquor by Brown-rot Basidiomycete

  15. 对采用微电解白腐菌生物降解石炭絮凝系统处理活性染料废水进行了研究。

    The treatment of dye wastewater by microelectrolysis white rot fungi degradation lime flocculation process has been studied .

  16. 建立了白腐真菌生物膜反应器,并对其运行参数进行了调试优化。

    A white rot fungus biomembrane reactor system was set up , and the optimal operation parameters of the reactor system were ascertained .

  17. 由于这一过程是在微生物分泌酶的作用下酶促反应过程,研究酶活性变化可以从本质上揭示堆腐的生物行为。

    Because the process is the reaction of enzyme pressing , which is produced by microorganism , study the changes of enzymes activity is helpful to explain well the process of composting .

  18. 采用微波&Fenton法催化氧化某钢铁公司的焦化废水,并结合白腐真菌生物法进行深度处理。

    The microwave-Fenton was used to catalyzed and oxidized the coking plant wastewater which from a certain steel company in this article . And then , the technique combined with white rot fungus treatment to treat the wastewater .

  19. 用苜蓿粉进行油梨(鳄梨)根腐病的生物防治

    Biological Control of Phytophthora Root Rot of Avocado With Alfalfa Meal

  20. 夏季大白菜软腐病的生物农药防治

    Biopesticides for control of soft rot in summer ch in ese cabbage

  21. 构建白腐真菌膜生物反应器降解复配染料废水,研究营养源调控对反应器降解过程的影响。

    A white rot fungi bioreactor was built to degrade dyeing wastewater .

  22. 利用甜高梁秸秆汁发酵生化黄腐酸复合生物液肥及其应用的研究

    Study on the Compound Fluid Fertility Containing Biotechnology Fulvic Acid from Sweet Sorghum Juice Through Fermentation

  23. 腐解黑藻生物量对高硝态氮水体氮素的影响

    Effect of Hydrilla verticillata Decomposition Biomass on Nitrogen Content in Water Containing High Concentration of Nitrate

  24. 白腐菌与酶生物预处理对麦草NaOH-AQ制浆性能的影响

    A comparison of the effects of pretreatment with white rot fungi and enzyme on the pulping performance of NaOH-AQ wheat straw

  25. 脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇的生物降解研究进展

    The Progress of Research on Bio-degradation of Deoxynivalenol

  26. 选择性植物营养制剂对玉米茎基腐病影响的生物测定

    The Influence of Selective Plant Nutrient Agent on the Growth of Corn Stalk Rot Pathogen

  27. 沉水植物黑藻腐解过程及其生物量对高硝氮水体氮素的影响研究

    Decomposition Process of Submerged Macrophyte Hydrilla Verticillata and Influence of Biomass on Nitrogen of High Denitrification Nitrogen Water

  28. 对腐解产物进行生物检测试验,发现大豆根茬腐解2周、4周、8周产生的有机化合物其酸性、碱性组分均抑制了大豆种子萌发和胚根生长;

    Acid and basic components from soybean stubs decomposed for two weeks , four weeks and eight weeks all inhibited the germination of soybean seeds and radicle growth .

  29. 腐泥煤和腐植煤生物标志物色谱对比

    Chromatographic Correlation of Bio indicator in Sapropelite and Humic Coal