
  • 网络Humus layer;Humus horizon
  1. 本区暗针叶林土壤腐殖质层涵养水源作用最为明显。图1表2参15。

    The humus horizon of the dark coniferous forest soil has the highest water holding capability in this region .

  2. 研究结果表明,土壤腐殖质层(A)厚度及其有机质含量、土壤结构性和容重、土壤全氮量、土壤开裂状况、粘粒活度等指标,可用于表征土壤退化过程的阶段特征;

    The indexes of thickness in soil humus horizon ( A ), content of organic matter , soil structure , content of total nitrogen in soil , or including soil fissure , clay activity and so on could be used in showing the phase characteristics of soil degradation process .

  3. 火烧后一年的土壤,除速效N占全N的比在腐殖质层及潜育层内仍高于未烧湿地外,其他速效养分含量占全量比值普遍低于未烧地。

    One year after burning in the Ecological Experimental area , the ratio of No / TN in A and G soil layers was still higher than that in unburned site ;

  4. 封山育林能明显改善林地土壤的物理性质,提高土壤中有机质、全N和速效K的含量,增加腐殖质层厚度,使土壤肥力得到提高。

    Remarkably , hill closing for forestation can improve the physical properties of soil , increase its content of organic materials such as N and K and enhance the thickness of humus layer , thus improving the fertility of forest soil .

  5. 的频度远大于欧洲云杉林分的频度。欧洲云杉林分各层土壤(腐殖质层、0~10cm矿物质土壤层和11~30cm矿物质土壤层)的酸度稍大于桦树林分各层土壤的酸度。

    Each soil layer ( humus , 0 ~ 10 cm and 11 ~ 30 cm ) in spruce quadrats indicated slightly higher acidity than in the birch quadrats .

  6. 腐殖质层燃烧的一种森林火灾;通常不露出表面。

    A forest fire that burns the humus ; may not appear on the surface .

  7. 土壤腐殖质层厚度和颗粒组成受局部地形变化的影响较大;

    Soil particle size composition of tillage horizon is significantly related to the depth of humus horizon .

  8. 灰钙土的剖面可分为腐殖质层,钙积层及母质层三个发生层段。

    Sierozem sections can be divided into humus , calcium , and the parent material laminated layers .

  9. 砂岩发育的土壤主导因子是土层厚度、非毛管孔隙度和腐殖质层厚度。

    The major factors of the soil developed from arenite were soil-layer depth , non-capillary porosity and humus depth .

  10. 4类森林的土壤种子库储量在土层中的垂直分布为枯落物层>腐殖质层>心土层;

    The seed reserves were highest in litter layer , followed by that in humus layer and subsurface soil layer .

  11. 如果你不能控制好果岭表层的腐殖质层(枯草层),你会失去所有的一切。

    If you 're not in control of the thatch production in your surfaces , you lose all of that .

  12. 土壤腐殖质层可被定义为在草皮与土壤表面之间的一层有机残留物。

    Thatch can be described as the layer of organic residue located immediately between the sward and the soil surface .

  13. 本文对其中的光照条件、土壤腐殖质层厚度和相邻木等3个林木空间结构因子进行了研究。

    Influence of 3 factors of light condition , thickness of soil humus and neighboring trees were introduced in this paper .

  14. 森林土壤有机质丰富,风化度高的腐殖质层内大孔隙结构以根孔为主。

    There are rich organic matters in forest soil and the macropore in humus layer with high weathering degree majors in root pores .

  15. 火烧后小叶章湿地土壤草根层和腐殖质层容重和比重增加,孔隙度下降,土壤潜育层变化不大;

    The soil bulk density and specific gravity increased and porosity of wetland soil reduced in O and A soil layers after fire .

  16. 对土壤中越冬虫量调查发现,土质疏松且腐殖质层厚的林地,越冬幼虫数量明显较多。

    Investigation has shown that the amount of overwintering cocoon in the litter has been closely related to the thick and loose of humus soil .

  17. 除了查看草坪表层下方得出判断,怎么知道我们是否有过多过厚的草坪腐殖质层(枯草层)?

    Other than taking a look at the underlying surface and making a visual judgement , how can we tell whether we have excessive thatch ?

  18. 块菌最适合生长于中性至微碱性的表面覆有腐殖质层的轻、中壤中。

    It was identified that the most appropriate soil for the growth of truffle was neutral or slightly alkaline light medium loam covered with humus soil .

  19. 不同立地类型组的海拔、腐殖质层及坡向等各主要立地因子存在着显著的差异。

    Main site factors in different groups of site type existed obvious difference , for instance the altitude , the thickness of humus layer and the slope .

  20. 在腐殖质层中,土壤含水率、总碳、腐殖质、总氮和速效氮含量是影响土壤微生物量碳、氮沿海拔梯度变异的主要生态因子。

    In humus layer , soil moisture content , total carbon , humus , total nitrogen and available nitrogen contents affected the microbial biomass carbon , nitrogen variation along altitudinal gradients .

  21. 同时,炼山使两种林分类型的土壤腐殖质层碳贮量减少,而对腐殖质层以下的土壤部分影响不明显。

    Meanwhile , two stand types were reduced of humus layer carbon sequestration by controlled burning , and it was not obvious to the soil part under the humus layer . 5 .

  22. 结果表明:土壤腐殖质层厚度由上坡至坡脚有显著增加的趋势,沙粒质量分数在坡顶较低,但耕层土壤颗粒组成随地貌部位的变化趋势不明显;

    There are no consistent trends in particle size composition from upper slope to lower slope , except that the sand content is higher at top slope than in other slope positions .

  23. 随着海拔的升高,腐殖质层土壤微生物量基本上随海拔的升高呈现逐渐变大的变化趋势,且土壤酶活性总体上是先升高后降低。

    Soil microbial biomass of humus layer show the trend of gradually increased , with the elevations rise , and the soil enzyme activity increase at first , and then drop generally .

  24. 结果表明:林分上层高和平均高与立地腐殖质层厚度、坡位(由山顶到山脚)呈正相关,与土壤紧实度和石砾含量呈负相关。

    The results showed that the top height and mean height of the plantation increased as the increasing of slope location ( from mountaintop to the valley ) and the thickness of humus-layer with linear function .

  25. 环割处理显著降低了腐殖质层的土壤线虫总密度和食真菌线虫密度,表明环割通过阻止植物光合产物输入地下会对土壤线虫产生一定影响。

    The tree girdling treatment significantly reduced total nematode densities in both mineral and humus soil layers and fungal feeding nematode densities in the humus layer . It shows that the termination of belowground photosynthate-C allocation achieved by tree girdling can affect soil nematodes .

  26. 楠木林分布在海拔300&800m的山坡中、下部和沟谷区,坡度较陡,常有岩石裸露,林地土壤疏松、湿润,腐殖质层较厚,土壤肥力高。

    Machilus and Phoebe communities which lie at an altitude of 300-800m , distribute in the mid hillside , lower valley , or steep slope areas . There are many bare rocks ; soil is loose and moist ; humus layer is thick ; and soil fertility is high .

  27. 群落过渡带在腐殖质A层出现氮素累积峰。

    There were N accumulation peaks in A horizon of the transitional communities .