
  1. 上海浦东国际机场T2航站楼的乘客还被要求脱鞋接受安检。

    Passengers at Terminal 2 of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport are required to take off their shoes for checks as well .

  2. 来自theVoice的最后一个问题让我通过了扫描仪和脱鞋检查并最终登上飞机,但这个问题是如此的出乎意料:“你的房子是什么颜色的?”

    The final question from the Voice , the one that got me through the backscatter machine , past the shoe swipe-o-meter and onto the plane , was a stunning surprise : " What color is your house ?"

  3. 很显然,脱鞋的事情让Gaga有些懊恼,这双鞋是由已故时装设计师亚历山大·麦昆所设计的,LadyGaga用穿鞋的方式来纪念他。

    Apparently LG was miffed about ditching the heels designed by an old pal , the late Alexander McQueen , which she wore in honor of him .

  4. 那里有座巨大的神社,供奉的是附近男体山(MountNantai)的神灵(进入神社前请脱鞋);

    There 's a large Shinto shrine to the god of nearby Mount Nantai ( shoes off , please , to go inside ) ;

  5. What'sOffensive禁忌:到伦敦人家里参加宴会时脱掉鞋子,女主人会认为你不文明,但去亚洲、夏威夷或太平洋群岛的居民家中不脱鞋却被认为失礼。

    Take off your shoes when arriving at the door of a London dinner party and the hostess will find you uncivilized , but fail to remove your shoes before entering a home in Asia , Hawaii , or the Pacific Islands and you 'll be considered disrespectful .

  6. 在英国机场运营商协会(aoa)伦敦举行的年会上,布莱顿表示,应该取消在安检线强迫旅客脱鞋和检查笔记本电脑的做法。

    In remarks at the annual conference of the UK airport operators association in London , he said that the practice of forcing people to take off their shoes and have their laptops checked separately in security lines should be ditched .

  7. 客人在进屋前要脱鞋。

    A guest takes off his shoes before entering a house .

  8. 在进入印度的庙宇之前应先脱鞋。

    Take your shoes off before you enter a temple in india .

  9. 进机房前必须脱鞋。

    Please take off your shoes before you enter the computer room .

  10. 一到家先脱鞋。

    He lipped out of his shoes first when he got home .

  11. 进实验之前请先脱鞋。

    Please remove your shoes before you enter the laboratory .

  12. 我脱掉了,看见没有?我脱鞋了。

    I 'm taking them off . see ? They 're off .

  13. 进入寺庙参观时务必要脱鞋。

    Enters the temple visit current affairs to take off shoes essential .

  14. 麦克斯,我在睡觉呢,脱鞋好吗

    Max , I 'm trying to sleep . Take your boots off .

  15. 不客气,你要脱鞋吗?

    Your welcome do you want your shoes off ?

  16. 安检现在还包括要脱鞋检查。

    The security check now involves removing your shoes .

  17. 我要脱鞋吗?

    Do I need to take off my shoes ?

  18. 不别脱鞋

    No , don 't take off your shoes .

  19. 哦,我得脱鞋了,我很抱歉。

    Oh , I 'll take my shoes off , I 'm sorry .

  20. 他穿袜(脱鞋)时身高六英尺。

    He stands six feet in his socks .

  21. 如果你看到别人脱鞋了,那你就跟着一起脱吧。

    If you see other people taking their shoes off , do the same .

  22. 杰弗里·布莱克出现在这部名为《请脱鞋》纪录片当中。

    Jeffrey Black appeared in this documentary movie entitled " Please remove your shoes . "

  23. 在清真寺内要脱鞋。

    Remove your shoes in the mosque .

  24. 开灯,脱鞋,打开电视?

    Turn on the light , kick off your shoes and turn on the tube ?

  25. 在我们进入一个日本房间之前都需要脱鞋吗?

    Are we all expected to take off our shoes when coming into a Japanese house ?

  26. 在以色列中,他的名必称为脱鞋之家。

    That man 's line shall be known in Israel as The Family of the Unsandaled .

  27. 别人告诉你进屋不用脱鞋你会觉得怪怪的。

    You feel awkward when someone asks you to leave your shoes on in their house .

  28. 脱鞋进屋是日本人的习惯。

    It is a custom among the Japanese to remove their footwear before entering a house .

  29. 我想当你进入一个印度庙宇时,你应该脱鞋。

    I think you 're meant to take off your shoes when you enter a Hindu temple .

  30. 我发誓我会脱鞋对着你的脑袋砸

    I swear to God , I 'll throw a shoe at your head . Screw it .