
  • 网络Pulsar wind nebula
  1. 这个绚丽的蓝色是金牛座星系中蟹状星云的脉冲风星云。

    In brilliant blue , this is the pulsar wind nebula of the Crab Nebula in the constellation of Taurus .

  2. 如果后一推测属实,那么SN1979C中的观察目标将是最年轻、最明亮的“脉冲星风星云”标本,它也将是已知的最年轻的中子星。

    This would make the object in SN1979C the youngest and brightest example of such a " pulsar wind nebula " and the youngest known neutron star .

  3. 对于科学家的最新观察结果,还有其他解释:他们所看到的或许只是一个“脉冲星风星云”的诞生。

    There is one other possible explanation for what scientists have seen : They could be watching the birth instead of a pulsar wind nebula .

  4. 与蟹状星云和船帆座超新星遗迹中被磁化电子云(脉冲星风星云)环绕的高速自转中子星不同,这颗中子星安静而虚弱,目前为止,没有显示脉冲辐射的迹象。

    Unlike the rapidly rotating neutron stars in the Crab Nebula and Vela supernova remnants that are surrounded by dynamic magnetized clouds of electrons called pulsar wind nebulas , this neutron star is quiet , faint , and so far shows no evidence for pulsed radiation .