
  • 网络Backlit keyboard
  1. 如果把WiFi、蓝牙和背光键盘都关掉,可以待机7个多小时。

    With WiFi , Bluetooth , and that backlit keyboard all off , we got more than 7 hours .

  2. 我觉得在这个背光键盘上打字确实是一种享受。

    I found typing on this backlit keyboard to be a real pleasure .

  3. (我们采访的一位苹果公司高管表示,消费者要求得最多的就是这款背光键盘。)

    ( an apple executive we spoke with mentioned it was the most requested . )

  4. 这几款配置都采用了背光键盘这几款机型的标准配置重新回归背光键盘,这一点值得欢迎个配置为它吸引了不少回头客。

    The backlit keyboard also makes a welcome return as a standard feature on all models .

  5. 由于背光键盘大受欢迎,现在好几款笔记本上都安装了背光键盘,但它实际上牺牲了一小时的待机时间。

    The backlit keyboard , a welcome feature that has since found its way into several PC notebooks , knocked that figure down by over an hour .

  6. 有些审美主义者声称,苹果最出名的就是它的设计,而苹果的设计是很难复制的,比如它的背光式键盘。

    Some of the aesthetic flourishes Apple is best known for may be hard to duplicate , meanwhile , such as backlit keyboards that light up in the dark .