
  • 网络photovoltaic panel
  1. 由于发电技术目前正向使用更清洁、更智能的原料的方向发展,因此小规模的光电板阵列如雨后春笋般涌现。

    As power generation moves towards cleaner and smarter sources , small-scale photovoltaic panel arrays are springing up on roofs and in backyards .

  2. 太阳能光电板在可持续建筑立面整合设计中的美学表达

    Aesthetics Expression of Photovoltaic Panels in Sustainable Architectural Facade Integrated Design

  3. 您可能想知道,在给定条件下,光电板能否有效工作。

    You want to know if your panels are working optimally given the conditions .

  4. 例如,用光电板电能传输能量就很便宜。

    For example , it can be far cheaper to use PV electricity as transport energy .

  5. 光电板的用途有很多,不仅仅限于建筑。

    There are a variety of ways PV electricity can be used , not necessarily just in the buildings .

  6. 每块光电板还可以挪动,这样你就能做出自己希望的造型,使盆景看上去更加新颖。

    Each piece is also movable so you can make it even more original by creating your own shapes .

  7. 但事实上,它是用各种模块、钢筋混凝土加固的光电板铺设而成。

    But actually it 's going to be paved with modular , concrete-reinforced photovoltaic panels protected by tempered glass .

  8. 混凝土结构提供了热量和屋顶将有大量的光电板板来获取太阳能。

    The concrete structure provides thermal mass and the roof incorporates a large expanse of photovoltaic panels to harvest solar energy .

  9. 地源热泵提供了所需采暖,太阳能光电板和风力涡轮机提供了可再生能源供给。

    A ground source heat pump will provide the heating and photovoltaic panels and an on-site wind turbine will generate renewable energy .

  10. 把它放在窗边,如果你发现充电速度变慢,还可以通过旋转这些光电板来获得更大的能量输出。

    Leave it by your window and you can rotate them to try and get more output if you find something charging slow .

  11. 设想,一个巨大的场地上全是光电太阳能板在吸收光能。

    Imagine giant fields filled with photovoltaic solar panels , soaking up rays .

  12. 通过附录中的原理图、器件布局等给出了高速光电接口板的详细设计方案,完成高速光电接口电路板设计制作。

    In this part the design of high speed card for OEO ( Optical-Electronic-Optical ) interface is completed , and particular project of it is show by schematic and layout pictures .

  13. 光电印制电路板用含氟聚酰亚胺的应用研究

    Fluorinated Polyimide and Its Application in Optical-Electronic Circuit Board

  14. 光电混合印制电路板(EOPCB)光互连波导研究光突发交换网络与光路交换网络的互连

    Research of Optical Interconnection Waveguides for EOPCB ; Interworking between Optical Burst Switching Networks and Optical Circuit Switching Networks

  15. 电荷耦合器件光电二极管传感器针板电极荷电液体射流不稳定性分析

    Analysis of Instability for Charged Liquid Jets with the Needle-plate Electrodes

  16. 麦克格雷迪曾把一个飞行器进行改进,把它和废弃的光电电池伞状配电板装备在一起;

    Mr MacCready fitted one of his aircraft with an umbrella-panel of leftover photovoltaic cells ;

  17. 钛合金激光快速成形与热轧板材氩弧焊试验采用光电技术的热轧板带钢在线检测记录系统

    Titanium Argon-Arc Welding Between Laser Rapid Forming and Hot Rolled Plate Opto-electronic Technology Based Online Measuring & Recording System for Hot Rolling Steel Belt

  18. 提出智能光电玻璃幕墙、智能百叶以及太阳能光电板遮阳等新的遮阳节能技术在寒冷地区的应用。

    Intelligent Photoelectric made of glass walls , smart Venetian , as well as solar panels shade the sun and other new energy-saving technology in cold regions applications are being introduces .