
  • 网络stomach yang
  1. 叶桂宣通胃阳说与胃肠病证治

    Diffusing and Obstruction-removing Gastric Yang Theory of Ye Gui and Treatment of Gastroenteropathy Based on Syndrome Differentiation

  2. 提示,痞证是因为胃气亏虚,平素消化能力不足,又因误下、误汗,重伤胃阳,导致中焦升降气机的功能失用,心阳浮于上。

    Hint , the new card because of stomach qi deficiency , usually digestive ability is insufficient , and because of false , false , seriously injured gastric Yang , result in medium lifting qi activity of disuse , heart Yang float on .

  3. 肝气横逆,犯脾克胃,致清阳不升,浊阴不降,故腹部不适、肠鸣;

    Liver qi invading spleen and stomach causes the disorder of yang qi and turbidly of yin with the symptom of uncomfortable , abdominal and the intestines chirp .