
  • 网络pyretic pulmonary disease
  1. 风温肺热病100例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 100 Patients with Disease due to Wind-Warm and Lung-Heat

  2. 风温肺热病;痰热瘀毒阻肺;

    Accumulation of phlegm , Heat , Blood stasis and toxin in the lung ;

  3. 擅治内科杂病,对风温肺热病的认识有独特见解,对此病的治疗亦有独到之处。

    He is good at treating various internal diseases especially the Wind-warm Lung-heat disease , who has rich treating'experience and special opinions on it .

  4. 祖国医学方面,社区获得性肺炎多称之为肺热病,也有相关的证候分型,但相关的循证医学依据未见诸于报道。

    Motherland medicine , community-acquired pneumonia more than called Hyperactivity disease , but also related to syndrome type , but the basis of evidence-based medicine is not found in the report .

  5. 风温肺热病是呼吸科最常见的病种之一,随着中国老龄化社会的到来,患者常常伴有多种基础疾病,就呼吸系统来说,肺胀是较为常见的的基础疾病之一。

    Wind-warm disease with lung heat is one of the most common sicknesses in breath branch , along with the coming of Chinese aging society , the patients often have several basic sicknesses simultaneously , as for breathing system , lung inflation is one of such common basic illnesses .

  6. 通过对肺胀基础上风温肺热病患者的横断面调查,使用多元统计方法,进一步对其中医证候特点进行研究。

    By way of investigating the cross-section of the patients suffering from lung inflation based wind-warm disease with lung heat , as well as using the method of multi-element statistics , the further research on the TCM syndrome characteristics of this sickness has been carried out . 4 .

  7. 总结有效方药,对肺胀病人殒患风温肺热病最常见的痰热壅肺证进行临床干预,观察疗效。

    The effective herbal medicine has been summarized , and the clinic intervention and effect observation on phlegm-heat obstructing lung , which is the most common syndrome of lung inflation based wind-warm disease with lung heat have been conducted .