
  1. 普通高校的艺术教育必须坚持以育人为本的宗旨

    Arts Education in College Must Adhere to the People-centered Education Tenet

  2. 两成教育、育人为本理念在辅导员工作中的运用

    Application of " Two-become Education , Focus on Quality " in Counselor Work

  3. 育人为本德育为先&大学生思想道德教育之我见

    On the Ideological and Moral Education of College Students

  4. 教育大计,育人为本。

    Education is very important in training people .

  5. 育人为本、德育为先&北京城市学院教育专业德育实训初探

    In Education , Moral First & Exploring Moral Training in Education Major of Beijing City University

  6. 第一部分,育人为本的语文教学目标。

    This thesis mainly consists of five parts : Firstly , the Chinese teaching aim is cultivating students .

  7. 坚持育人为本,大力推进素质教育。

    We will continue to give top priority to cultivating the integrity of students and vigorously promote well-rounded education .

  8. 育人为本教学为纲&培养全面发展的应用型人才

    Taking Cultivation of Personnel as Basis and Teaching as Guiding Principle & On Educating Overall-developed Talents with Practical Ability

  9. 育人为本,德育为先,立德树人是教育的根本任务。

    Education for this , the moral education first , moral education is the basic task of the education .

  10. 没有爱就没有教育,所以教师必须坚持教书以育人为本,师德以师爱为魂。

    Ther would be no education without love & all the teachers should bear this motto in their mind .

  11. 关于在“两课”教学中坚持育人为本思想的思考

    Our thinking on adhering to the idea of prior cultivating professionals in the teaching of " two courses "

  12. 育人为本,构建保持大学生党员先进性长效机制

    Putting education first and setting up a long-effect mechanism to keep college student CPC members progressive , innovative and forward-thinking

  13. 管理队伍除应具备基本管理能力外,还应树立育人为本理念、质量第一观念,具有创新意识和研究解决问题的能力等。

    In addition to basic administrative capability , administration personnel should also develop the awareness of education-orientation , quality-first and innovation .

  14. 学校教育,育人为本;德智体美,德育为先,德育即马克思主义的思想政治理论教育。

    The school education for this , Agenda , the moral education first . Moral education namely Marxist ideological and political theory education .

  15. 育人为本,德育为先,努力开创江苏技术师范学院学生思想政治教育工作新局面

    Striving to Create a New Situation in Ideological and Political Education for College Students with the Basis of Educating People and the Priority of Ethical Education

  16. 高校的治安保卫工作的主要特点,应以服务育人为本,以保障教学为重,以学生为主要工作对象。

    The key features of vigilance and safeguard work should be based on service and education , so as to ensure teaching and sene the students well .

  17. 教育工作要坚持育人为本、德育为先,把立德树人作为根本任务。

    We must adhere to people-centered education , moral education first principle , take high moral values establishment and people cultivation as the fundamental task of education .

  18. 这种以主体性的发挥和发展为出发点和落脚点的现代教学论,实质上弘扬的是一种育人为本的教学观。

    The modern pedagogical theory to make the development of the subjectivity as the starting point and the point of fall substantially represents the idea centered on human development .

  19. 高等学校坚持育人为本,德智体美全面发展,就必须坚持德育为先,把思想政治教育摆在首要位置。

    To take educating people above everything and make all round development of morality , ideological and political education should be put in the position of the first importance .

  20. 育人为本是教育工作贯彻科学发展观的根本任务,也应成为高考制度改革的价值取向。

    Cultivating talents is the basic task in carrying out the Scientific Outlook on Development , and it also should be the value orientation of college entrance examination reform .

  21. 要坚持育人为本、德育为先,引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观、荣辱观。

    To insist on people-centered education , moral education first , guide the students to establish a correct world outlook , outlook on life , values , concept of honor .

  22. 我们要树立育人为本的教学本质观,故我们既不赞成以学科知识为中心的教学本质观,也不同意把教学本质定位为交往。

    Therefore we should establish the viewpoint of the essence of teaching based on educating people , which requires that we neither approve the knowledge-oriented viewpoint nor approve the communication-based viewpoint .

  23. 首先,应坚持一定的原则:如服务国防的原则、以育人为本的原则和理论与实践相结合的原则。

    First of all , we should persist certain principles : such as service defense principle , the purpose is to educate people and principle of combining theory with practice principle .

  24. 本文主要讨论的热点问题即音乐知识技能教学问题、以音乐审美为核心问题、音乐教育要以育人为本问题。

    The hot problem that this paper mainly discusses , namely ," teaching of music knowledge and skills " , " core of music aesthetics ", " music education must nurture " .

  25. 数学教育是数学文化的教育.文科数学教育的价值取向必须体现育人为本的课程设计观和服从于文科专业培养目标的宗旨。

    The value selection of mathematical education of liberal arts must embody an outlook on course design based on training men and obey the object of special training aim of liberal arts .

  26. 以育人为本,以师德为魂,助大学生成人成才身为反应迟钝学生的家庭教师,真累人。

    The Insistence Nurtures Artificially , Take the Teacher s Ethics as the Soul , Helps the University Student Adult to Mature ; is a tutor for a low learner is really a drag .

  27. 希望抛砖引玉,以期对我国“精品课程”建设这项以育人为本的高等教育质量工程起到一些积极的作用。

    We hope that we can throw out a brick to attract a jade , so that we can take an active part in quality control of higher education which includes constructing MOE content courses .

  28. 各级各类学校都要切实转变教育观念,树立质量意识,坚持育人为本,把学生成长成才作为教育的出发点和落脚点。

    All levels of each kind of school must transform the education idea earnestly , acquires the quality consciousness , insisted that yuren is the book , grows the student matures takes the education the starting point and the foothold .

  29. 按照以育人为本的价值取向来衡量阅读教学的价值时,其根本尺度并不在于只看学生学到了多少语文知识,而是在于衡量学生主动提高的语文素养的程度。

    According to the value oriented of educating people measure The value of reading teaching , the cardinal yardstick is not only see how much Chinese knowledge the student studied but also measured the level of student Develop Chinese accomplishment of own accord .

  30. 通过发掘政治思想阵地的有效资源,将启发和灌输教育进行合理整合,在思想政治教育教学中坚持人本思想,育人为本。

    The exhumation political that pass the valid resources thoughts the battlefield , willing inspire to educate the proceeding with " instill " reasonable integrating , holds the person this thought in thought political education the teaching main force , teaching artificial origin .