
  • 网络liver
  1. 束缚应激大鼠中枢AMPA受体及相关蛋白变化与肝主疏泄的关系

    Changes on AMPA Receptors and Related Protein in Immobilization Stress Rat and Its Relations with Liver Function of Smoothing qi Flow

  2. 肝主疏泄,又主藏血。

    Liver controlling dispersion , and the main reservoir of blood .

  3. 论肝主疏泄精气

    Discussion on liver function of freeing and discharging vital essence

  4. 肝主疏泄的生理学基础探讨

    Study on physiological basis of liver governing conveyance and dispersion

  5. 肝主疏泄与脂质代谢理论和实践探讨

    Investigation of Theory and Practice on Liver Controlling Dispersion and Metabolism of Lipid

  6. 肝主疏泄,肝郁气滞,气不化津而成痰。

    Liver dispersion , qi stagnation , gas is not subsidized from sputum .

  7. 论肝主疏泄对人体生理功能的调节

    On the physiological function of body

  8. 认为肝主疏泄的功能在机体心理应激中起着决定性的作用,中医的肝是机体调节心理应激反应的核心。

    The author put forward that liver bearing the dispersive effect plays animportant role in the occurrence and regulation of psychological stress .

  9. 背景:肝主疏泄,在生命活动过程中占有重要地位。

    Background Because of its function of dispersion and regulating of Qi movement , Liver plays an important role in the process of life activity .

  10. 肝主疏泄,调畅人体的气机,在疾病的发生和治疗上具有重要的作用。

    It plays an important role in the onset and treatment of diseases that the liver is in charge of smoothing and discharging and smoothes Qi flow .

  11. 目的:观察情志刺激与消化性溃疡发病相关性,配合疏肝和胃治疗,探讨肝主疏泄在消化性溃疡发病及治疗中的作用。

    Objective : Observation of emotional stimuli associated with peptic ulcer , treatment with the Liver and Stomach , controlling dispersion and the treatment of the liver in peptic ulcer disease .

  12. 结论:肝主疏泄对消化性溃疡的治疗具有深远影响,加用疏肝和胃药物是治疗消化性溃疡的有效方法。

    Conclusion : liver controlling conveyance and dispersion has a far-reaching influence , and it is an effective way to disperse stagnated liver qi for regulating stomach in the treatment of peptic ulcer to treat peptic ulcer .

  13. 根据中医藏象理论,肝主疏泄为肝脏基本的生理功能之一,它对整个机体的气机调畅起着至关重要的作用,其中肝脏的生理、心理功能等方面,都与应激有联系。

    According to the theory of Zang organs , Liver control dispersion is one of a liver basic physiological functions , it plays a crucial role in regulating entire body , the liver of the physiological , psychological functions relate with the flow of Qi .

  14. 新中国成立后,中医院校的自编教材开始将肝藏血主疏泄作为肝的主要生理功能进行介绍,使其成为一个颇有影响的概念。

    After the founding of new China , editing the teaching material of TCM colleges began to the theory as the main physiological function of liver , has become a very influential concept .

  15. 肝藏血,主疏泄;

    The liver stores blood , domination of the conducting and dispersing ;

  16. 肝藏魂,主疏泄情志,肾藏志,共同调节精神状态,改善疲劳。

    Liver , storing the soul and controlling dispersion , and kidney , controlling aspiration , have the effect of anti-fatigue by adjusting emotional activities .

  17. “肝体阴而用阳”理论概括了肝主疏泄,喜条达而恶抑郁,主动主升以及肝脏贮藏血液,调节血量等两方面的生理特点。

    The theory that liver belongs to Yin in physique and Yang in function summarizes the two major physiological characteristics of liver .

  18. 第一因子代表肝藏血,第二、第三因子均是反映肝主疏泄领域的各个方面。

    The first factor represents " Liver take charge storing blood " , and others represent " Liver take charge catharsis " .

  19. 于师认为肝在人体的病理和生理变化过程中占有十分重要的作用,一方面是由于肝脏的生理功能所决定,肝的主要生理功能为1.肝主疏泄2.肝主藏血。

    Liver with its functions of storing blood and governing normal flow of Qi is identified as a very important organ in both pathological and physiological changes .