
ɡānɡ mén bì suǒ
  • Imperforate anus;hedratresia;proctatresia
  1. 肛门闭锁一词对于讨论肛门直肠畸形并不太确切。

    Imperforate anus is perhaps not the most description of the anorectal malformations under discussion .

  2. 倒V型后入路手术治疗先天性高位肛门闭锁患儿的护理

    Nursing of children patients with congenital upper-part imperforate anus treated with operation through inverted V-shaped posterior approach

  3. 19例中低位肛门闭锁患者在T1WI加抑脂序列显示10例肛门括约肌发育良好,9例发育稍不对称。

    The sphincter of anus was normal in 10 cases on imaging of saturated fat sequence , 9 cases were found slightly asymmetry in middle and low location imperforate anus .

  4. 高位肛门闭锁组、低位闭锁组直肠末端肠壁内神经节细胞和Cajal细胞少于正常对照组,可能影响直肠末端肠道运动功能,导致术后排便功能障碍。

    There were less Cajal cells and ganglion cells in low-position imperforate anus group and high-position imperforate anus group than that in the control group , which may affect the intestinal tract motivation resulted in functional disorders of defecation .

  5. 目的:总结32例新生儿先天性肛门闭锁的围手术期护理。

    Objective : To investigate the perioperative care of32 neonates with imperforate anus .

  6. 肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。

    The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum .

  7. 肛门闭锁术后残留直肠尿道瘘的治疗

    The treatment of the residual rectourethral fistula after the operation of imperforate anus

  8. 先天性肛门闭锁超声定位诊断探讨

    Discussion of ultrasonographic located diagnosis for congenital imperforate anus

  9. 高位肛门闭锁患儿标本神经丛中均未见明显神经节细胞。

    There was no ganglion cells positive expression in high position imperforate anus .

  10. 肛门闭锁短结肠联合征的诊断和治疗

    Association of Imperforate Anus with Short Colon ( AIASC ): diagnosis and treatment

  11. 新生儿的肛门闭锁及结肠闭锁

    Imperforate anus and colon atresia in a newborn

  12. 腹腔镜高位肛门闭锁一期成形术4例报告

    Primary laparoscopically assisted anorectal pull-through for high imperforate anus : A report of 4 cases

  13. 适合闭锁压缩机的气流速度肛门闭锁的诊断靠会阴的望诊即可。

    Choking velocity The diagnosis of imperforate anus is made by inspection of the perineum .

  14. 伴肠旋转不良者6例,环状胰腺2例,肛门闭锁1例。

    And 6 accompanied with intestinal malrotation , 2 circular pancrease and 1 anal atresia .

  15. 结果:低位肛门闭锁肛门内括约肌正常;

    The results showed that the fetuses with low anorectal malformation had normal internal sphincter .

  16. 目的研究超声诊断小儿先天性肛门闭锁的特征及应用价值。

    Obiective To investigate the applied value and characteristics of sonography in detecting anorectal atresia of children .

  17. 目的应用B超对先天性肛门闭锁进行定位诊断。

    Objective To determine the diagnostic value of ultrasound for the location of the congenital imperforate anus .

  18. 方法本组高位肛门闭锁患儿共6例,其中2例合并直肠尿道瘘,1例合并一穴肛畸形。

    Methods Six patients aged at 2 days to 17 years of high imperforate anus were enrolled .

  19. 前言:目的设计一种新的手术方法“上顶下拖”法,用于治疗中间位肛门闭锁。

    Objective We designed a new operative approach named as push upward and pull down out for treating anal atresia of interposition .

  20. 方法:对32例先天性肛门闭锁肛门成形术后大便失禁患者用股薄肌重建肛门外括肌并重建直肠肛管角。

    Methods : Thirty-two patients with incontinence after anoplasty for imperforate anus underwent reconstruction of external anal sphincter and anorectal angle with gracilis muscle .

  21. 肛门闭锁半瘘9例,并食道闭锁7例,并先心7例,并椎体畸形6例,并泌尿生殖系畸形5例,合并肢体畸形3例。

    There were 9 cases of anal atresia or fistula , 7 cases of esophageal atresia , 7 cases of congenital heart diseases , and 6 cases of limb malformations .

  22. 结论超声检查应用于肛门闭锁术前定位诊断,具有准确率高、安全简便、可重复性强等优点,值得推广应用。

    Conclusion Using ultrasonography in the located diagnosis of imperforate anus , it possess a great number of advantage , such as high accuracy , simple and safety , and repeated use etc.

  23. 肛门闭锁一词对于讨论肛门直肠畸形并不太确切。咪唑安定复合瑞芬太尼丙泊酚用于小儿先天性肛门闭锁手术麻醉的临床观察

    Imperforate anus is perhaps not the most description of the anorectal malformations under discussion . Clinical Investigation of Midazolam Combined Remifentanil and Propofol in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Operation for Congenital Anal Atresia

  24. 结论B超能准确诊断先天性肛门闭锁,并能测量直肠盲端与皮肤间的距离,为手术方式的选择提供可靠依据

    Conclusions Ultrasound technique is a effective mean both for diagnosing the congenital imperforate anus and for choosing operative mode by measuring the distance between the end of rectum and the skin of anus

  25. 有瘘型肛门闭锁及低位肛门闭锁直肠远端或瘘管内覆未角化的复层上皮或角化的鳞状上皮,为正常肛管的异位。

    There was only unkeratinized stratified epithelium or keratinized stratified squamous epithelium in the rectal end of the fistula or the urogenital fistula of low anorectal malformations , Those fistulas might be considered as an ectopic anal canal .

  26. 目的:先天性肛门闭锁是小儿常见的畸形之一,术后最常见的并发症是排便控制不良,如便失禁、污粪、便秘等,发生率高达10-75%。

    Objective : Anorectal malformation is a kind of most common congenital anomalies . The most frequent post-operative complication encountered after treatment is the functional disorders of defecation , incontinence , constipation , for instance , of which the incidence is 10-75 % .

  27. 目的:探讨腹部矢状位CT扫描在新生儿先天性肛门直肠闭锁中的应用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical application of sagittal abdominal CT scan in determination of neonatal congenital anorectal atresia .

  28. 新生儿肛门先天性闭锁术前术后的护理

    Nursing care before and after operation of anal atresia surgery in Newborn

  29. 肛门直肠畸形的特殊类型:新生男婴肛门直肠闭锁伴臀部瘘管1例

    An exceptional type of anorectal malformation : Anorectal atresia with posterior fistula in a newborn male

  30. 目的:观察重建肛门外括肌和直肠肛管角治疗先天性肛门闭锁肛门成形术后大便失禁的临床疗效。

    Objective : To investigate clinical effect of reconstruction of external anal sphincter and anorectal angle in the treatment of fecal incontinence after anoplasty for imperforate anus .