
  • 网络muscle memory;muscle-memory
  1. 这些声音的存储几乎就象是一种运动肌肉记忆。

    It 's almost like a motor muscle memory where these sounds are .

  2. 他继续说,最重要的是肌肉记忆。

    He continued : There really is muscle memory .

  3. 每天晚上练习十至二十次神奇的完美挥杆,以此训练肌肉记忆和大脑默契配合。

    Make ten to twenty Mythical Perfect Swing each night , teaching your muscles what your brain wants .

  4. 当你积极地动你的脑筋藉由告诉你的身体该做什麽,此时你正在规画你的肌肉记忆。

    When you actively use your brain by telling your body what to do you are programming your muscle memory .

  5. 不过,即便有肌肉记忆辅助,我们也可能会被一大堆手势密码弄得不知所措。

    Still , even with the aid of muscle memory , one must question how confusing a world of security gestures might become .

  6. 当需要发挥你的技能时,最好的就是相信你的肌肉记忆,不要多想。

    When it comes time to perform your skill , it 's often best to trust your muscle memory as opposed to overthinking .

  7. 他们一离开跳板,肌肉记忆就生效,进入自动控制模式。胜败之间,只有刹那!

    Because once they lift off , muscle memory kicks in , and they 're on autopilot . The difference between winning or losing is just a blink away !

  8. 要达到这样的要求,得需要击剑者和击剑熟手的默契配合。每天晚上练习十至二十次神奇的完美挥杆,以此训练肌肉记忆和大脑默契配合。

    This is achieved by good partnership between the fencer and the fencing master . Make ten to twenty Mythical Perfect Swing each night , teaching your muscles what your brain wants .

  9. 神经反射可能在一定程度上会蛰伏,但是在训练中创造和增强的最初通道依然存在,这就是你听说的肌肉记忆。

    They may be dormant to some extent but the initial pathways that you created and enhanced are still there , and that 's why you 've heard the term muscle memory .

  10. 这是在训练肌肉能够记忆字母和数字的形状。

    This is trainingmusclemuscles to remember the shapes of letters and numbers .

  11. 就像你知道的就像而且肌肉有记忆-对绝对有

    It 's like ... You know what I mean . It 's like And muscle has memory . - Yeah , absolutely .

  12. 研究人员告知研究对象这是一个有关肌肉活动与记忆能力的研究,然后把泡泡包装纸发给研究对象。

    Researchers told the participants that this was a study of motor activity and memory , and then gave the subjects sheets of bubble wrap .

  13. 不过你有没有发现如果你经常运动首先肌肉真的有记忆的

    But even don 't you notice if you work out a lot , first of all , muscle does have memory .