
  • 网络Professional outlook;Professonal ideology;professional ideology
  1. 究其原因是未能形成正确的职业观。

    The reason is the lack of correct career conception .

  2. 浅谈树立寓教于情的职业观

    Simple Discussion on Establishing the Vocational Sense of Mixing the Feeling into the Teaching

  3. 第一份工作对养成学生职业观和野心有很大的影响。

    The first job plays an important part in forming students ' career outlook and ambition .

  4. 你的职业观如何?

    What are your job prospects ?

  5. 高校艰苦专业学生树立正确职业观的对策思考

    Thinking On Tragedies of the Correct Occupational Concept of Students in Arduous Majors of High School

  6. 我们需要的不在是教书匠式的孺子牛,而是具有新的职业观和教育思想的教师。

    What we need are teachers with new professional consciousness and new mind but not which only knowing teaching .

  7. 将“生活方式”作为教师职业观,才是教师职业幸福感的真正来源。

    A view of teaching profession as " a way of life " is the real source of the teachers sense of happiness .

  8. 找工作的积极性不高,具有维持生活的职业观和片面的成就观。

    They do not look for jobs actively . They live with the career concept of maintaining life and the one-sided view of achievement .

  9. 高职学生的就业受传统的岗位、职业观和不良的就业心理所影响。

    High vocational students are a special group in colleges , whose employment is influenced by traditional position view , occupation view and harmful employment psychology .

  10. 职高政治课教学中要教育学生树立正确的人才职业观,做新型的社会主义劳动者;

    The teaching of Politics in secondary vocational school should educate students to establish right talent and occupation view , and try to be new socialism workers ;

  11. 现代德国宗教教育内容更加丰富,主要包括世界观教育、道德观教育和职业观教育。

    The contents of religion education in modern Germany is more diverse than ever before , including religion worldview education , religion ethics education , and religion professionalism education .

  12. 价值观教育主要包括人生观、政治观、道德观、学习观、职业观和婚恋观的教育,是思想政治教育的重要内容。

    Values education mainly include life , political , morality , learning , professional and marriage views education , it is the important content of ideological and political education .

  13. 主要分析了影视文化对大学生政治观、人生观、婚恋观、道德观、职业观五个方面的影响研究。

    It mainly analyzes influences which the screen culture exerts on college students ' value outlook on politics , on life , on marriage , on moral and on profession .

  14. 对大学生的职业观与职业选择行为之间的关系作初步探讨,尝试总结和提出职业观教育的途径和理念。

    Tentatively explores the relations between career conception of the present college students and career choice behavior to try to summarize and suggest the way and idea of career conception education .

  15. 在电工课校本教材开发过程中,首先应将课程目标定位于培养中级技术人才,人才不仅要有正确的职业观、就业观,还要具备创新能力和自我发展能力。

    To develop school-based teaching materials for the electrical engineering curriculum should , first , aim to cultivate mid-level technical talents of correct views on profession and occupation , innovative ability and self-developing ability .

  16. 还应该提升教师的职业观,提高教师的审美修养和审美能力,培养教师的教育智慧,使教师能够创造性地解决教育中存在的问题,促进学生自主发展、自主建构。

    So that teachers can resolve the problems in education creatively and help the students self-develop and self-construct To make it true , we should also build a surrounding that can be pregnant with lives and nourish lives .

  17. 就叙事主体而言,这种差异主要表现在思维方式、价值观、职业观、表现观与人格观等方面,这种观念性的差异会导致新闻叙事范式要素出现根本性的区别。

    On the narrative subject , this difference is manifested in the way of thinking , values , concept of occupation , the apparent and personality aspects , this conceptual differences will lead to news narrative paradigm elements of fundamental differences .

  18. 论述了图书馆员在图书馆发展中的作用,并从树立正确的职业观、规范职业行为、提高馆员修养等方面论述了图书馆员应具备的职业道德和素质。

    This paper discusses about the function of librarians in the development of library , expounds the professional ethics and qualities that librarians should have from aspects of building up the professional outlook , regulating professional behaviors and improving quality of librarians , etc.

  19. 中职生顺利实现就业不仅涉及到外部条件的保障,更与正确的就业观念密切相关,帮助学生形成正确的职业观,是顺利就业并学以致用的关键因素。

    Secondary vocational students realize smoothly employment is not only related to external conditions safeguard , the more with the correct closely related employment concept , help the students form the right career view , is the key to studying the smooth employment and factors .

  20. 评价者在进行LGD评分时可能会受到职业价值观倾向的影响。

    The Vocational Value of the valuator maybe works on their evaluation of LGD .

  21. 转型期高师生的职业价值观与职业理想

    Occupational value and occupational ideal of normal university students in transition

  22. 住院制规范化培训对新护士职业价值观的影响

    Effect of Standardized Resident Training Program on Nurses ' Work Values

  23. 专升本院校大学生职业价值观教育研究

    Research on Vocational Values Education of University Students Upgraded from College

  24. 二是树立正确职业价值观是就业形势发展的需要。

    Establish correct Professional Values is the needs of employment develop .

  25. 不同专业高师生的职业价值观不同。

    The normal university students ' work values were influenced by professions .

  26. 在校大中专学生目标取向、自我效能感与职业价值观关系的研究

    Relation between Goal-Orientation , Self-Efficacy and Occupational Values in Technical School Students

  27. 其结构构成职业价值观系统。

    It 's structure is a system of Professional Values .

  28. 论医学生职业荣誉观的培养

    Training of the View of Professional Honor for Medical Students

  29. 大学生职业价值观:手段与目的

    The Structure of College Students ′ Work Values : Intentions and Instruments

  30. 师范专业大学生职业价值观调查研究

    Survey Research of Occupational Values of Undergraduates in Normal College