
  • 网络Liaozhai;ghost stories;tvb
  1. 《聊斋俚曲》方言词汇文化意蕴研究

    The Study on the Cultural Connotation of the Dialect Vocabulary in

  2. 刀与菊:禁忌与膜拜&浅析《聊斋》中的三类女性形象

    The Sword and the Chrysanthemum : The Taboo and the Adoration

  3. 女性文化发展到近代进入了一个新的阶段,王韬的文言小说集《后聊斋》,在某种程度上反映出近代女性文化演变的轨迹。

    Female culture developed into a new stage in Modern China .

  4. 聊斋民间情趣探讨

    A discussion on the folk tastes in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi

  5. 第四部分(第三章)《聊斋戏的总体特征》:从七个方面概括聊斋戏的总体特征,结合清代中后期杂剧传奇发展特点比较总结。

    The fourth part is to summarizes the general character from seven aspects .

  6. 从清代聊斋戏看戏曲改编对小说素材的选择性

    Selecting in Drama Adapted from Novel Source from Qing Dynasty ' Liaozhai Drama

  7. 第二,《聊斋俚曲》比较句的研究状况。

    Second , The Liao Zhai Folk Tune Comparative Sentence the research condition .

  8. 第二届国际聊斋学讨论会综述

    A summary description of the Second International Seminar on A Collection of Fantastic Stories

  9. 云解有情花解语&《聊斋》世界中的女性形象探本

    Analysis of Female Images in " Liaozhai "

  10. 本书里的聊斋故事是经过我审慎挑选过最有兴趣的部份。

    This book contains a careful selection of the most interesting stories in Liao Zhai .

  11. 西北方言词语在近代俗语词考释中的价值略论&以《金瓶梅词话》、《醒世姻缘传》和《聊斋俚曲集》为例

    The Value of Northwestern Dialect for the Explanation of the Vernacular Words in Modern Times

  12. 聊斋的原作者蒲松龄死于三个世纪以前。

    Pu Song Ling , the original author of Liao Zhai , died three centuries ago .

  13. 论清代仿《聊斋》派传奇小说的文学观试论清末民初社会言情小说的时代思想

    On the Qing Dynasty 's Literary Concept of the Legendary Novel Modeled after " Strange Stories "

  14. 《聊斋》系列小说中的教育小说对兄弟教育题材的处理独具匠心。

    The novels of education in " Liaozhai " series are distinctive in the theme of the brothers education .

  15. 更不要说《聊斋》里面众多的鬼神,爱上了人类。

    Let alone numerous stories between mankind and other kind , vampires , angels , ghosts , or even aliens .

  16. 在聊斋的四百多个故事里,这些鬼怪和精灵们都被活生生地拟人化了。

    In the more than four hundred short stories in Liao Zhai , ghosts and spirits were all vividly personified .

  17. 这一部分,总结了从《聊斋俚曲》到现在淄川方言比较句的发展演变情况。

    This part , summarized from the Liao Zhai Folk Tune to the present Zichuan dialect Comparative Sentence development evolution situation .

  18. 正因为我们找不到答案,同样地我们也不能回答聊斋故事中的很多问题。

    Just as we cannot find those answers , neither can we answer the questions in the stories of Liao Zhai .

  19. 本文以文本阅读的研究方法,对《聊斋俚曲集》的创作缘起、思想性和艺术性进行探讨,以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。

    This paper is discussing the origin , ideological content and art content of this collection in the method of text reading .

  20. 其显现原初表达的特有含义,能加深受众对聊斋本文的认识。

    Tt can reproduce the specific implication of the original expression , and help readers deepen their understanding about the original text .

  21. 《画皮》改编自古典文学名著《聊斋》中的一个狐仙故事。

    Based upon the classic literature of Liao Zai , Painted Skin is an adaptation of one of the stories that dwell on fox spirits .

  22. 拿起石头路径的权利和获得一个画有符号的白色石头第四聊斋存货。

    Pick up the STONE to the right of the path and get the fourth STRANGE WHITE STONE WITH A SYMBOL ON IT in inventory .

  23. 本文有关南北曲同明清小曲、聊斋俚曲的关系的论述,对明清小曲、聊斋俚曲研究也有普遍的意义。

    The discussion should have a universal significance to the study of Ming and Qing ditties and to that of folk songs in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi as well .

  24. 希望这种探索能为聊斋研究有所补益;另外,也为其它作品中的同类文学形象的研究提供一点借鉴。

    I hope that the exploration of this paper is benefit for the research of " Strange Tales of a lonely studio ", as well as other works of similar literary images .

  25. 《聊斋俚曲集》是一部通俗说唱作品集,全部曲目都用淄川方言写成,该书口语程度极强。

    Liao Zhai Folk Tune collection is a collection of works of popular entertainment consisting of talking and singing . All the works written in Zichuan dialect have a high degree of spoken language .

  26. 本文试图通过《聊斋》九篇写实性三角模式婚恋小说,透析蒲氏对现实婚恋的看法和期望,揭示其囿于时代的思想局限性。

    The article try to analyze Pu Song-lin 's view and expectation of real marriage , announce his thoughts restrictions in that age from nine pieces three-angle marriage novels in " Liao Zhai " .

  27. 译坛泰斗林纾不仅在他的“聊斋体”小说中刻画了为数不少的侠士,而且本人具有极其鲜明、可敬可佩的侠义风范。

    Lin Shu , a great master of translation , not only described a large number of paladins in his " Ghost-style " novels , but also showed himself as a very distinct , respectable and admirable wushu master .

  28. 本文首先对《聊斋俚曲》比较句进行共时平面的定性定量描写,在具体的分析中遵循形式与意义相结合的原则,力求使它在共时平面的结构框架更加科学,更加系统。

    First of all , based on the principle of form and meaning combination , this paper gives a synchronic plane , quantitative and qualitative description of the Liao Zhai Folk Tune Comparative Sentence , attempting to make the building of synchronic plane frame more scientific .

  29. 《聊斋俚曲》共计60余万字,能够代表当时淄川方言的概貌,是后期近代汉语,特别是明清淄川方言研究的重要资料。

    Liao Zhai Folk Tune a total of more than 60 million words , on behalf of Zichuan dialect at the time of the general picture is that the latter part of modern Chinese , especially the study of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Zichuan dialect important information .

  30. 《聊斋俚曲》作为一部代表特定历史时期、具有特定地域方言特点的历史文献,其研究价值远不止于它的历史时间性,也许它的历史空间性更应引起我们的注意。

    Liao Zhai Folk Tune as a representative of a particular historical period , with specific geographical dialect features of the historical documents , the value of their research is distant not stopping in its history temporality , its history space maybe responds to paying attention to arousing us more .