
  • 网络Jerusalem District;Yerushalayim
  1. 事实上,本勃格的画作描绘的乃是1925年在耶路撒冷亚美尼亚人区一座12世纪教堂里艺术家亲身经历的场景:主教将香膏涂抹在耶路撒冷宗主教(PatriarchofJerusalem)的脚上。

    In fact , Bomberg'spainting captures an actual scene the artist witnessed first-hand in a12th-Century church in the Armenian quarter of Jerusalem in 1925 : the Bishopanointing the feet of the Patriarch of Jerusalem .

  2. 户勒大住在耶路撒冷第二区.他们请问于他。

    She lived in Jerusalem , in the Second District .

  3. 这里是耶路撒冷Talpiot工业区,午餐时间刚过。

    It was just past lunchtime in Jerusalem 's industrial Talpiot neighbourhood .

  4. 奈米技术研究实验室是在东的耶路撒冷和西岸区的第一奈米科技中心。

    The nanotechnology research laboratory is the first nanotech center in East Jerusalem and the West bank .

  5. 从“耶路撒冷的一个区”变成了“犹太人殖民地”

    From " quarter in jerusalem " to " jewish colony . "