
  1. 论我国的耕地产权制度与耕地保护

    On the Land Property Rights Systems and the Land Protection of China

  2. 我国实行最严格的耕地保护制度。

    China has the most strict arable land protection rules in the world .

  3. 一是耕地保护制度难以落实。

    First , farmland protection institutions are not implemented .

  4. 我国耕地产权制度变迁的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Soil Property Rights Institution Evolution

  5. 国家实行占用耕地补偿制度。

    The state fosters the system of compensations to cultivated land to be occupied .

  6. 城市化进程中农地管理法律制度的完善。一是健全耕地保护制度。

    Improvement of legal institutions of agricultural land management . First , improve farmland protection institutions .

  7. 大型水利水电工程实施占用耕地补偿制度的思考

    On implementation of the compensation regulation for possessing cultivated land in large water conservancy and electricity projects

  8. 政府将采取更加有力的措施,进一步健全耕地保护制度,切实加强基本农田保护。

    Government will adopt still more effective measures to better the land preservation system and strengthen the protection of basic farmland .

  9. 土地整理是一项正式的制度安排,是伴随着最严格的耕地保护制度而提出来的。

    Land Consolidation is a formal institutional arrangement , and is accompanied by the most stringent farmland protection system of their argument .

  10. 改革开放以来,我国实行最严格的耕地保护制度.但其成效却不显著。

    Since reforming and opening , our country implement the strictest arable land protection system , but the effect is not significant .

  11. 论中国耕地保护制度创新:一个基于区域协调发展的视角

    On Institutional Innovation of Cultivated Land Protection in China : A Basic Analysis Frame from the Perspective of Harmonious Development among Regions

  12. 制度实施与成效反思:新集体林权制度改革和耕地承包制度改革的比较分析

    Institutions Implemented and Results Recollected : A Comparative Study of the New Collective Forest Property Rights System Reform and the Household Contract Responsibility System Reform

  13. 本文的研究对象是实行联产承包责任制后我国耕地产权制度的变迁。

    This thesis is to study the evolution of the institutions of soil property rights since the enforcement of HRS ( Household Responsibility System ) .

  14. 摘要我国实行最严格的耕地保护制度,但是仍然遏制不了耕地和基本农田面积的减少。

    The strictest farmland protection system currently practiced in China has not been successful in preventing the decline of arable land and basic farmland area .

  15. 调整农业布局与种植制度,使耕地利用制度逐渐和耕地资源变化特点相吻合,保持耕地生态环境及其持续性。

    Those are ( 1 ) to adjust agricultural distribution and planting regimes to ensure optimal land utilization system under changing land resource characteristics and maintained sustainability ;

  16. 我国的基本国情决定我国必须实行严格的耕地保护制度,保耕地,保发展已成为各地政府重要议题。

    The basic national situation of China determines we must implement strict cultivated land protection system , and cultivated land protection and keeping development have become important topics of government .

  17. 因此今后应加强耕地保护制度设计,耕地的生态、社会以及对后代的价值等方面的评价和核算。

    Therefore , we should strengthen farmland protection system design , land of ecological , social , and the value to the descendants and so on to make evaluation and accounting .

  18. 为天津市严格规范土地规划管理,实施最严格的耕地保护制度和最严格的节约集约用地制度提出了建设性的意见。

    For Tianjin strictly regulate land planning and management , implement the strictest arable land protection system and the most stringent economical and intensive land use system puts forward constructive Suggestions .

  19. 城乡建设都要坚持最严格的耕地保护制度和最严格的节约用地制度,切实保护农民合法权益。

    When developing urban and rural areas , we must adhere to the strictest possible systems for protecting arable land and economizing land use to genuinely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers .

  20. 建立国土空间开发保护制度,完善最严格的耕地保护制度、水资源管理制度、环境保护制度。

    We should establish a system for developing and protecting China 's geographical space and improve the system for providing the strictest possible protection for farmland and systems for managing water resources and protecting the environment .

  21. 尽管我国实行的是最严格的耕地保护制度,但对耕地更多是强调保证其数量、分布和产出水平,忽略修复其已出现的生态失衡问题。

    Though we have been executing the strictest farmland protection , we have stressed more on the protection of the area of farmland , output level and ignored the repair of ecological imbalance problems that have existed .

  22. 在遵循公平、告知、效率和持续性的原则之下,公众参与耕地保护制度需要从制度和技术两个层面建立公众参与耕地保护的运行机制体系。

    Followed at the principles of fairness , inform , efficiency and sustainability , public participation in the farmland protection requires to set up a operation mechanism of public participation at both levels including system and technique .

  23. 农用地集约利用是土地节约集约利用体系中的重要组成部分,是对坚持最严格的耕地保护制度、实行最严格的节约用地制度等基本国策的有效实践。

    Intensive agricultural land use is an important part of economic and intensive land use system , which is an effective practice of adhering to the most stringent farmland protection system and implementing the most stringent land conservation system .

  24. 尽管我国有着世界上最严格的耕地保护制度,但是,当前我国的耕地利用与管理存在诸多突出问题,主要表现为耕地数量不断减少和耕地质量总体水平下降。

    Though the most rigorous arable land protection system is adopt in China , there are still many problems in the arable land utilization and management , while constant quantity decrease and overall quality degradation represent the major ones .

  25. 耕地保护制度是对各利益集团社会责任的规定;建设用地制度则是对各利益集团利益的控制与均衡;而规划决策制度是对规划决策权力分配的规则集合。

    The rules of protecting arable land may stipulate the social responsibility of various interest groups , the rules of constructed land will balance and control the benefit for each interest group , and the decision rules may allocate the power of planning .

  26. 高标准基本农田建设不仅是新形势下对耕地保护制度的一个创新,也是实现耕地保护由数量保护向数量、质量保护并重的一个重要途径。

    Constructing of the high quality basic farmland is not only an innovation of farmland-protection system in the new situation , but also an essential way to transform the pattern of protecting farmland from assuring the quantity to assuring both the quantity and quality .

  27. 土地利用总体规划是国民经济和社会发展规划的重要组成部分,是统筹城乡建设、加强土地管理的基础,是实现世界上最严格的耕地保护制度的基本手段。

    The land-use overall planning was the vital component of national economic and social development planning . It was also a fundamental method of implementing the most rigorous system to safeguard cultivated land and made up the basis for urban-rural construction and land management reinforcement .

  28. 落实最严格的耕地保护制度,加强土地利用规划的控制管理,减少建设占用耕地规模,积极推进农村土地综合整治,优化产业结构,提高耕地质量。

    Implement the strictest arable land protection system , strengthen the control of land use planning management , reduce the construction scale of cultivated land , promoting the comprehensive improvement of the rural land , optimize the industrial structure , improve the quality of cultivated land .

  29. 我国是一个人口大国,为保障粮食安全,维护国家稳定,国家实行了最严格的耕地保护制度,其中耕地占补平衡制度是耕地保护的一项基本制度。

    China is a country with large population , in order to ensure food security and maintain social stability , it has adopted the most stringent cultivated land protection policy , one of them is to keep the balance between occupation and supplement of cultivated land .

  30. 论耕地保护法律制度之完善&基于粮食安全视角的解析

    Improving the Legal System of Cultivated Land Protection : In Respective of Food Supply