
  1. 我的菜圃需要耕一耕。

    I need my vegetable patch plowed .

  2. 这些新拖拉机比旧的能多耕一倍面积的土地。

    These new tractors get over twice the acreage that the old ones used to cover .

  3. 牛郎织女结婚了,一耕一织,生活很幸福。

    Weaving maid and Cowboy got married and led a happy life , one farming , the other weaving .

  4. 他耕了一块地,种些蔬菜。

    He ploughed a plot of land and planted some vegetables .

  5. 保护性耕作技术是相对于传统翻耕的一种新型耕作技术。

    The conservation tillage technology is a new-style cultivation relative to the traditional farming .

  6. 他表示将用这笔捐款为院童们建造游乐场,还要耕垦一个菜园,种菜给孩子们吃。

    He promised to use the money to build a playground for the children and cultivate a vegetable garden for their consumption .

  7. 正是这些因素的推动,使我国古代犁的形制一次次改变,犁耕技术一次次取得重大突破,犁在社会发展和农业生产中的作用一次次提升。

    Driven by these factors , ancient Chinese ploughing technique has been improved over time and played important role in agricultural production .

  8. 在此基础上,进行了田间试验,试验结果和前面的分析计算相一致,表明悬挂参数是影响驱动式圆盘犁耕深的一个重要因素。

    Moreover , the field trial results accorded with the above analysis and calculation , which concluded that mounted parameters were a major factor to influence tillage depth of the driven powered disk plow .

  9. 八旗既是军事单位,又是行政单位,可见八旗制度是一项兵民合一、耕战合一、军政合一的制度,该制度保证了满洲的纪律性和战斗力。

    Eight banners military units , administrative units , visible and was a soldier in one of the eight banner system , integration , integration of military and political system of no-tillage warfare , the system ensures the discipline and combat strength of Manchuria .

  10. 土军战时为兵,平时耕垦,是一支亦兵亦农的队伍。

    They troops were soldiers in war time and farmers in peaceful time .

  11. 旱地耕作法:指一种在干旱或半干旱土地上不使用灌溉方法生产作物的耕作制度。

    Dry farming ; dryland farming : A system of producing crops in arid and semiarid regions without the use of irrigation .

  12. 混成耕牧制是一种普遍流行于我国西南山区的传统生产方式。

    The compound economic way of crop cultivation and animal husbandry was the traditional lifestyle of the people in the southwestern mountainous areas of our country .