- veteran;old soldier;campaigner

[campaigner; veteran; old soldier] 参加过许多战役的军人;尤指任何行业中喜爱本行的老手
The old soldier had campaigned in nearly every country in Europe .
Our talk soon turned to his role as the old soldier .
The New England Shelter in Boston will serve Christmas dinner for 200 vets
Among the protesters and war veterans proudly displaying their medals was Aubrey Rose
All three are Vietnam vets .
They approved a $ 1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War .
Many veterans believe it is their job to bear witness to the horrors of war that they personally experienced .
The veteran soldier has fought many memorable battles .
People have great respect for the war veteran .
A Young Officer1 and an Old Soldier2
Eddie , a war veteran who spends his days repairing amusement park rides , is less than thrilled with his seemingly pointless existence .
And a study of Vietnam veterans found that 52 percent of combat vets6 with post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) had nightmares fairly often , compared to only 3 percent of civilians7 , according to the U.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs .
Stan Lee posed as one of the vocal veterans , telling Thor that he could handle the drink .
Her mother subsequently married another and older Civil War veteran , Captain Thomas Nash .
Bacara was one of the first generation of clone commanders to benefit from a new training program instituted by Alpha , an ARC trooper veteran .
The National Security Advisor , General James L. Jones is been considered a Vietnam vet ; he was also the Military Head of NATO .
Williams ' downfall began when he appeared at a New York Rangers game with an Iraq veteran in a tribute to a retiring command sergeant major .
You took dozens of practice SATs , practiced viola for thousands of hours ( violinists are a dime a dozen ) and French-braided the hair of homeless veterans .
On December 11 , 2002 , an old American campaigner named Lest Hashi who once was the youngest soldier in E company 506 corps of American 101 air force passed away silently .
So to every CEO in America , let me repeat : If you want somebody who 's going to get the job done and done right , hire a veteran .
The killed American officer has eventually been identified by the US military as Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene , a 34-year veteran , who was the deputy commanding general of Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan in Kabul .
He reveals that his dad was a Vietnam vet who gave his son some uncompromising advice when he took on AOL : Do whatever it takes to be successful .
He reveals that his dad was a Vietnam vet who gave his son some uncompromising advice when he took on AOL : " Do whatever it takes to be successful . "
Results : For recruits , veterans and officers , benefit-cost ratio ( BCR ) of all screening and vaccination ( SV ) programs was higher than that of direct vaccination ( DV ) programs .
State television in Cuba has announced the death of the Defence Minister Julio Casas Regueiro , a veteran of the Cuban revolution .
At the rally , the anger was " The United States is deporting veterans and that is not American , " said Vietnam war veteran Manuel Valenzuela .
Zeller is a veteran of the " tobacco wars " of the 1990s , working alongside then-F.D.A. Commissioner David Kessler , who had audaciously labeled cigarettes a " drug-delivery device " ( the drug being nicotine ) and had claimed regulatory authority .
The V-VS had undergone serious cutbacks in the '30s , and many of the Spanish Civil War veterans had been purged .
Karlis , the war veteran , came striding through the grass , shooting and bellowing : Time for a swim !
Of the 205 players in NBA history to average at least 15 shots with a usage over 25 , Mitchell ranked 163rd in free throw rate . That 's fine for a rookie , and even some veterans . Curry doesn 't draw a lot of fouls .