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  • Xi;a surname
  • 〔伏~〕中国神话中人类的始祖,和“女娲”、“神农”并称太古的三皇。简称“羲”,如“~皇”,“~炎”(伏羲和炎帝。炎帝即神农),“~轩”(伏羲和轩辕),“~黄”(伏羲和黄帝),“~经”(即《易经》,传说《易经》八卦为伏羲所作),“~文”(伏羲和文王,传说伏羲画八卦,文王作卦辞)。

  • 〔~和〕a.“羲氏”、“和氏”,传说中掌天文历法的官吏;b.神话中驾日车的神;c.神话中太阳的母亲;d.中国汉代王莽时所设官名。

  • 姓。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 羲仲

    Xi Zhong

  1. 政府军最终制服了北部的反叛武羲。

    Government troops have finally overcome rebel forces in the north .

  2. 对于羲皇的祭祀可追索到久远的年代。

    Sacrifices to the king of Xi stem back to ancient times .

  3. 这项工作封研究各地古代文化事业都很有兽发意羲。

    All this work has some enlightening significance to study ancient cultural undertakings .

  4. 您的两片朱唇,生来就是给晨羲中的江河和暮霭里的湖泊放声歌唱的。

    Your lips are for songs about rivers in the morning and lakes at twilight .

  5. 专书语法研究是汉捂语法史研究的基石,封汉捂史研究有著十分重要的意羲。

    Books grammar research is the cornerstone of the history of Chinese grammar research , which has the very vital significance .

  6. 书法史上虽然二王并称,实则羲献父子的书法风格并不一致。

    Although the two Wangs are always mentioned together in the history of calligraphy , they are different in terms of calligraphic style .

  7. 第三章分平、上、去、入声和失收的音五节罗列了《切三》中因同羲又音增加的音节。

    Chapter 3 divided into " ping shang qu ru and no collect " five parts lists the increase syllables due to the synonymous pronunciations .

  8. 他一连打了两拳&左拳打在腹腔神经丛上,稍微高了一点,右羲横击在下巴上。

    He delivered two blows in succession-a left , a trifle too high , to the solar plexus , and a right cross to the jaw .

  9. 天水市为羲皇故里,正月十六日为羲皇诞辰,伏羲庙便是伏羲皇的祭祀之地。

    Fuxi Emperor hometown in Tianshui city , the lunar calendar Jan.16 of Fuxi Emperor 's birthday , sacred place of Fuxi temple is Fuxi emperor prayer .

  10. 在清早的晨羲里,亮光活跃,黑暗消极;在黄昏的暮霭电,活跃的不断增强的却是黑暗,昏倦沉寂的反而是亮光。

    In the twilight of the morning light seems active , darkness passive ; in the twilight of evening it is the darkness which is active and crescent , and the light which is the drowsy reverse .

  11. 第一部分是绪论部分,縂共包括雨箭,第一节主要介绍了选题的研究意羲及研究现状,第二节主要介绍了文章的写作主旨及写作思路。

    The first part is the introduction , including two sections . The first section introduces the significance and the current situation of the study , and section two introduces the purpose and ideas of the article .