- group theory;grouping theory;theory of groups

Finally we show by two examples that not all basic facts in group theory can carry over to fuzzy groups .
Corollary of the Lagrange Theorem of Group Theory
Fuzzy quotient group is an important concept theory of Fuzzy group .
The conformation vibrations of RNA and DNA molecules are analysed in detail .
Treating the space configuration of ML 8 complex with the group theory
The Application of the Group Theory Method to the Calculation of the Vibrational Spectrum of C_ ( 60 ) Molecule
A group-theory analysis of single crystal LAP has been made .
The character of reducible representation for normal models of multi-atomic molecular system is formulated by group theoretical approach .
If there are very little zero points in the character table of G , then the structure of G can be restricted .
Applying Group Theory to Analyze the Vibration Modes of NH_3 Molecule
The Proof of Generalized wilson 's Theorem by Using the Method of Group Theory
Group theoretic calculation for infrared spectral of the triatomic molecule cos
Lattice vibrations of barium metaborate (β - BaB2O4 ) crystal are analysed with the aid of group theory .
In particular , we have proved the Lagrange theorm of finite BCI-algebras similar to that of finite groups .
Mathematical representation of three types of vibration modes for the water molecule is given .
This paper discussing problems in Group theory , Number theory , Polynomial theory , Classical information theory and Quantum information theory by properties of Z_n .
The dissociation limit of SH ( SD ) radical is correctly determined based on group theory and atomic and molecular statics .
Analysis of group theory of phase transitions at γ point of space group d_4h ~ 9
In this paper the equivalent solutions of TSP was analyzed by using group theory . EQUIVALENT CHARACTERS OF GENERATORS OF OPERATOR SEMIGROUPS
The more general similarity reductions are obtained by the CK direct method , this method does not require the Lie group theoretic techniques .
Group theory principles are applied to the calculation of the vibrational spectrum of C_ ( 60 ) molecule . The reduction problem of the dynamical matrix is completely solved . In addition , an effective method of the nonlinear fitting is proposed .
The set GIT ( 2 ) of all gyrators and ideal transformers is studied by the method of group theory in this paper .
Group theory is applied to study two-port network set , two-port ideal coverter and devices set , 2n-port ideal converter and devices set .
In this paper , a new technique is proposed to combine the group theory algorithm and double compatible substructure method for analyzing rotationally symmetric ( C n ) structures .
In this paper , the electronic states of the ground state and dissociation limit of XY ( H , Li , Na ) are correctly determined based on group theory and atomic and molecular reaction statics .
Based on the group theory of domain structure , the problem that the type of space group of ordered omphacite is P2 or P2 / n has been discussed .
This paper gives a method by which we can calculate the dim ( O ( n ; R )) . The method is obtained only by using basic knowledge of differential manifold and matrix theory , but without using Lie group Theory .
Based on the group theory of domain structure , the type of the domain structure resulting from transformation of α _H ' - Ca_2SiO_4 into α _L ' - CaSiO_4 are determined .
First of all , when the five-dimension reduction representation with the five d orbits wave-functions as the base functions is converted to an un-reduction representation , the energy splitting in tetrahedron crystal field can be obtained .
In this paper , for a system of independent harmonic oscillators in the condition of constant temperature , we give a method of resolving the operator exp ( - β) by group theory to calculate the partition function Z_N (β) of the system .