
  1. 21世纪随着技术经济的全球化发展,带来各个文化群体间信息交流便利的同时,也促发了各种文化价值观念的冲撞,个体在克服社会经济压力的同时也要面对价值观念的挑战。

    With the global development of the technological economy in 21 century , the communication between cultural groups becomes conveniently and the values of different culture begin to conflict . Individual has to face the challenge of different value views when getting over the stress of the economy .

  2. 而同时,作为一个群体的我们在信息交流方面相当无奈。

    And , as a group , we have been relatively ineffective at communicating our message .

  3. 细菌能够通过群体感应系统进行信息交流,出现运动和聚集迹象,利用近自然纯培养法培养出的部分菌落存在凹陷现象。

    Bacteria can exchange of information through quorum sensing system , emerging signs of movement and gathering , some colonies exist in depression in use of the near-natural pure culture technique cultivate .