
  1. 群众里响起一阵粗声的叫好。

    A ragged cheer went up from the commons .

  2. 来到你自己的英雄群众里。

    Come to thine own heroic throng .

  3. 她脸色苍白地跛着脚,回到大厅群众里来,迎接她的是一片欢快的低语声。

    When she re-entered the audience hall , pale and limping , she was received with a general murmur of pleasure .

  4. 詹姆爵士向群众里某位女士抛出个飞吻,方才轻轻拉下面罩,骑到场子边。

    Ser Jaime tossed a kiss to some woman in the commons , gently lowered his visor , and rode to the end of the lists .

  5. 李麻子再不能等待命令了。他和他的二十人夹在一队群众里乱打,他们一步一步退却。

    Pockmarked Li could wait no longer , and he and his twenty men struck out wildly at the section of the crowd which was closing in on them , though they retreated step by step as they fought .

  6. 欢呼的声音从群众堆里起来了,人的潮水又动荡;可是转了方向,朝厂门去了。

    The crowd cheered and the human tide began to move again , but this time it had changed direction and was moving towards the main gate .

  7. 信教群众家里几乎都设有小经堂和佛龛。阿富汗气候乾燥,佛龛纵深够,有助于保护佛像及保存木料和绳索。

    And prayer niches and shrines to Buddha can be found in the houses of almost all religious people . The dryness of Afghanistan 's climate and the depth of the niches helped protect the statues and preserve the wood and rope .

  8. 壮族群众在节日里,利用各种巫术手段来满足自己驱邪避鬼、祈福消灾、预测丰歉的意愿。

    The zhuang 's people use every method of sorcery to meet the needs of exorcising and driving ghost away , praying good fortune and ending disaster , also forecasting the foison and leaning on the festival days .

  9. 他们依靠群众在这些领域里取得了巨大的成绩。

    By relying on the masses they have achieved a great deal in these fields .

  10. 我们说的马克思主义,是要在群众生活群众斗争里实际发生作用的活的马克思主义,不是口头上的马克思主义。

    By Marxism we mean living Marxism which plays an effective role in the life and struggle of the masses , not Marxism in words .