
  • 网络small class teaching
  1. 但总体来看,无论是我国的小班化教学的理论研究抑或是实践经验积累都还略显薄弱。

    But on the whole , whether the doctrine or the practical experience of small class teaching are still weak .

  2. 小班化教学的人际互动分析

    The Analysis of Human Relations and Interaction in Small Class Teaching

  3. 对象为:大中小学生,小班化教学。

    Object as follows : pupils and students , teaching in small classes .

  4. 目前在世界各国中小学领域广泛开展的小班化教学是交互白板的适用环境;

    The small-class instruction which widely develops is a suitable environment to interactive whiteboard .

  5. 这将为进一步开展小班化教学研究提供了具有实践价值的启示。

    This will offer the enlightenment of practice value for developing the small-class teaching further .

  6. 中等专业学校体育课实施分层次小班化教学实验

    Study on implementing stratification and Mini-class teaching experiment in PE class in technical secondary school

  7. 其中,教学互动、交往是小班化教学中非常重要的一个方面。

    Teaching interaction plays an important part .

  8. 农村小班化教学的提出有其深厚的的理论基础。

    The presentation of small-size class teaching in rural areas has its profound theoretical basis .

  9. 探讨了分层教学、兴趣教学、个性化教学等一系列小班化教学策略。

    And it discusses layer teaching , hobby teaching , individual teaching and so on .

  10. 美国小班化教学研究述论

    Summary of American Class-Size Reduction Research

  11. 小班化教学研究

    The Research on Small-Sized Class Teaching

  12. 实现小班化教学,加强校园文化建设,突出特色管理;

    Small class teaching should be realized , and the cultural construction of school should be strengthened .

  13. 本文的特色和创新之处在于从实践的层面研究小班化教学环境建设。

    The characteristics and innovations are studying the small class size teaching and learning environment construction practically .

  14. 在过去的近二十年中,小班化教学越来越多地受到关注,推广程度也不断提高。

    In the past twenty years , it has attracted more and more attention and has spread widely .

  15. 第二章详细讨论了与小学英语相关的理论如小班化教学理论、动机理论。

    Chapter II introduces the theories on English teaching in primary schools such as small-class teaching and motivation .

  16. 小班化教学能够最大限度的优化教育资源,发挥教学优势。

    Small class teaching can optimize education resources to greatest extent and can play the optimization of teaching advantage .

  17. 在以上分析、论述的基础上,本文归纳出小班化教学的几个主要的功能优势,即发展学生主体人格的优势;发展学生个性特长的优势;

    Based on the above analysis , this thesis summarizes the main functional advantages of the smaller class teaching .

  18. 人的多维关系存在与小班化教学对完整人的诉求:从实体思维到关系思维

    Multi-Dimension Existence of Human and Pursuing for Whole Man in Smaller Class Teaching & From Entity Thinking to Relationship Thinking

  19. 采取小班化教学的形式,充分利用学校的教学资源。

    Take the teaching form of " small classes " and make full use of the teaching resource at school . 3 .

  20. 小班化教学条件下高一学生数学学习适应性调查研究

    An Investigation and Research on the Adaptability to the Mathematics Study by New Students of Senior Middle School under Smaller Class Teaching

  21. 同时,为保障小班化教学的实施,提出了小班化教学管理的策略。

    At the same time , to ensure the implementation of the small-class teaching , and it proposes the management strategy of small-class teaching .

  22. 小班化教学是指在班级规模低于常规标准的班级建制下实施的教学活动。

    Small-sized class teaching is a kind of teaching approach that is carried out in classes whose size is smaller than the conventional standard .

  23. 正是基于上述的考虑,笔者选取桂林实验中学105名学生作为研究对象,进行小班化教学条件下高一学生数学学习适应性调查研究。

    With the questions above in mind , the current survey has been conducted in Guilin Experimental High School to 105 students as subjects .

  24. 然而,笔者发现目前针对小班化教学模式下课堂有效教学的研究几乎没有。

    However , as far as the author of this paper is concerned , there are few studies on the effective teaching in small classes .

  25. 其中,小班化教学的人际关系系统优化包括小班化教学中师师关系、师生关系、生生关系的优化;

    Herein the optimization of human relation system includes the one between teacher and teacher , between teacher and student , between student and student ;

  26. 由此,要从根本上克服这些危害,小班化教学应该遵循关系性原则、批判性原则和整体性原则。

    Therefore , in order to overcome these shortcomings , we must follow such rules as relationship , criticizing and wholeness in smaller class teaching .

  27. 小班化教学资源系统优化包括教学人员的优化组合、教学有形资源的优化配置、教学无形资源的有效利用;

    The optimization of teaching resources system focuses on the optimized combination of teaching staff , and tangible teaching facilities and the efficient use of intangible facilities ;

  28. 从小班化教学的不同侧面解读其理念,明确小班化教学在促进学生发展方面的优势。

    From the different aspects of the small-class teaching , we understand the ideas and the superiority of small-class teaching classes in promoting students ' development clearly .

  29. 以新的课程理念为指导,提出了分层次小班化教学模式,并就该模式进行了教学实验。

    Guided by the new course theory , the author put forward the teaching mode of Stratification and Mini-class teaching and carried on the teaching practice on this mode .

  30. 小班化教学目标系统优化包括教学整体目标的全面素质化、教学具体目标的个性层次化;

    The optimization of teaching objectives system stresses that the general objective is designed for comprehensive competence of students and the specific teaching aims are designed for different level students ;