
  1. 普通小哨兵还原卡在局域网中的应用探索

    The Exploration and Application of XSB Restoration Card Based Upon the LAN

  2. 本文提出了使用普通小哨兵还原卡进行局域网系统维护的方法步骤、技巧和注意事项。

    The paper discusses the methods of system copy , skills and its attention items , which based on the LAN by using general restoration card .

  3. 通过实验室测试和探索,我们发现普通小哨兵还原卡经过一定拓展设置,也能实现网络拷贝功能;

    Based upon actual laboratory test and exploration in our university computer center , we find that general XSB restoration card can also realize the system copy function in LAN , by running some programs .