
  • 网络merrill lynch;MLPF&S;Merrill Lynch & Co
  1. 美林集团,高盛以及其它华尔街公司在美国已经获得了筹资的许可。

    Merrill Lynch , Goldman and other Wall Street firms have acquired banking charters in America to gather deposits .

  2. 奇怪的是,像美林集团这样的公司目前可能以比在线投资时尚盛行的巅峰时期更大的热情来看待电子中介业。

    Curiously , firms like Merrill Lynch may view electronic brokerage with greater enthusiasm now than at the height of the online investing fad .

  3. 在美林集团(MerrillLynch)被美国银行收购之后,这位悲观主义者便离开了美林,回到了老家多伦多,并成为GluskinSheff公司的首席经济学家。

    The longtime bear decamped from Merrill Lynch following the Bank of America ( BAC ) takeover and returned to his home city of Toronto , where he became chief economist at Gluskin Sheff .

  4. 希望能够对和香港美林集团公司财务控制模式相似的公司,在财务控制模式方面提供一定的参考。

    With hopes of corporate financial control Hong Kong merrill lynch similar company financial model of the control model of choice to provide certain reference .

  5. 然而,花旗或美林等其它集团似乎发展了一种等级更为分明的制度,不同业务分支仿佛像是正在交战的部落,只服从最高首领一个人。

    However , groups such as Citi or Merrill appear to have developed a more hierarchical pattern , in which the different business lines have existed like warring tribes , answerable only to the chief .

  6. 美国美林·凯勒投资集团是一家投资、融资及国际贸易为一体的跨国性资本运营机构。

    USA MERRILL-KELLER INVESTMENT GROUP is an investment , finance and international trade as one of transnational capital operating organs .