
měi rónɡ shī
  • beautician;cosmetician
  1. 时间也许是个高明的医师,但却是个蹩脚的美容师

    Time may be a great healer , but it 's a poor beautician .

  2. 我父亲在国家罐头厂(NationalCan)工作,母亲是个美容师。

    My father worked at the National Can factory and my mother was a beautician .

  3. 美容师、调酒师、钢琴演奏家和戴紫色帽子的人,韦尔蒂笔下的人物来自那些她与朋友共度的午后,来自她家乡密西西比州杰克逊的街道漫步,来自她在公交上无意听见的对话。

    Beauticians , bartenders , piano players and people with purple hats , Welty 's people come from afternoons spent visiting with old friends , from walks through the streets of her native Jackson , Miss . , from conversations overheard on a bus .

  4. 个性与工作绩效的相关性研究&以CPI量表与美容师为对象

    The Research on Personality and Job Performance & For CPI and Beautician

  5. 上周末,贝嫂记录了备受尊重的美容师BarbaraSturm博士给女儿进行的一次“宝宝面部按摩”。

    She documented her daughter 's ' baby facial ' with revered aesthetician DrBarbara Sturm over the weekend .

  6. 治疗在我和Carla,美容师,的喋喋不休的谈话(模糊不清的?)

    The treatment is begun by me talking ( babbling ?) to Carla , the beautician , a lot ;

  7. 答:因为FB的产品很专业,需要有很多皮肤知识的美容师根据您的皮肤类型给您专业的建议。

    FB products are for Professionals who have skin knowledge and can give professional advices on FB products according to your skin type .

  8. 陈每周带Cookie去宠物美容师那里沐浴,喂食的都是进口狗粮,每个月要花费2000元(约合320美元)。

    Chen takes Cookie to a groomer for a weekly shower and feeds it imported food , costing her some 2000 yuan ( $ 320 ) a month .

  9. 在和美容师尼基克拉克(NickyClarke)离婚18年后,莱斯莉克拉克(LesleyClarke)仍主管着同名美发护发品牌的商业事宜。

    Eighteen years after separating from the hairdresser Nicky Clarke , Lesley Clarke still directs the business side of the eponymous salon and haircare brand .

  10. 她在威尔特郡美丽的拉考克(Lacock)小镇长大。父亲是房地产开发商,母亲是美容师。

    She grew up in the pretty village of Lacock in Wiltshire , the daughter of a property developer father and a beautician mother .

  11. 培训部由具有认证资格的美容师,理疗师,护理师和顾问组成,他们的认证资格包括,MLVK证书,CIBTAC和CIDESCO。

    The Training Department is shaped by certified beauticians , therapists , nutritionists and consultants with recognised certifications such as the MLVK Certificate , CIBTAC and CIDESCO .

  12. 一个负责清洗、修整和磨光指甲的美容师。

    A beautician who cleans and trims and polishes the fingernails .

  13. 美容师(高级),服装模特(初级)培训。

    Beautician ( Senior ), clothing models ( primary ) training .

  14. 露易斯·凯普·豪为《粉领工人》杂志采访过几位美容师。

    Louise Kapp Howe interviewed several beauticians for Pink Collar Workers .

  15. 我婶婶是一家美容院的美容师。

    My aunt is a hairdresser in a beautiful shop .

  16. 数百位美容师以一流的技术提供体贴的服务。

    Hundreds of hairdresser serve wholeheartedly with the best skills .

  17. 我的美容师说这种风格让我看起来比较好。

    My beautician said this style makes me looks professional .

  18. 招远市美容师手卫生及其相关卫生知识现状调查

    Investigation on Situation of Hands Hygiene of Beautician and Their Health Knowledge

  19. 我们这里都是在巴黎培训过的美容师和发型专家。

    We 're all Paris trained beauticians and hair-dressers .

  20. 我是一名美容师不是魔术师。

    I am a beautician , not a magician .

  21. 他爱上了一位健美丰满的美容师。

    He fell in love with a buxom hairdresser .

  22. 我要去美容师那儿做脸。

    A : I 'm going to the beautician to have a facial .

  23. 不愿成为电脑程序员、音乐家或美容师。

    A computer programmer , a musician or beautician .

  24. 我是一个美容师,不是一个魔术师。

    I 'm a beautician , not a magician .

  25. 司机刚短信我,她的美容师椎间盘突出

    Her driver just text messaged , and her facialist ruptured a disk .

  26. 也试过美容师我发现我是真的搞不定热蜡啊

    We 've tried beautician . Turns out hot wax is not my friend

  27. 我定期去见营养学家,美容师和按摩师。

    I went regularly to a nutritionist , a barber , and a masseuse .

  28. 北京一位姓黄的美容师说,女性希望自己的外表更像白种人。

    A Beijing-based cosmetic surgeon surnamed Huang said women wanted to look more Caucasian .

  29. 美容师:好的。他大概一个小时左右就会好了。

    Groomer : all righty . he 'll be done in about an hour .

  30. 美容师:现在可以了吗?

    Hairdresser : Is that all right now ?