
  1. 那些美好的日子被留在了这些相片上。

    Those fine days were captured in these photos .

  2. 美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰,

    Sweet spring , full of sweet days and roses ,

  3. 我怀念过去那些美好的日子,’她动情地补充道

    I miss the good old days , ' she added sentimentally . ‘

  4. ClaireRichards:你生命中最美好的日子是什么时候?

    Claire Richards : What was the best day of your life ?

  5. 在西班牙联赛他一直过着最美好的日子,这里是世界公认强度仅次于NBA的联赛。

    He had bookends from his seasons in the Spanish League , generally considered the second toughest basketball league in the world .

  6. 我想说,她正在她最美好的日子。

    She 's in her early may , I 'd say .

  7. 用这样的方法来度过那些美好的日子。

    And screwed my way through a pretty damned good life .

  8. 也许你在此生正过着美好的日子。

    Perhaps one in this lifetime is living the good life .

  9. 对那些美好的日子有很多回忆对不对?

    Lots of memories of those good old days , huh ?

  10. 希望你有一个美好的日子,我的朋友。

    Hope you have a fine day , my friend .

  11. 我们相信美好的日子就在前方。

    A nation which believes its best days lie ahead of us .

  12. 我总是期待着更美好的日子来临。

    I 'm always look forward to the dawn of better days .

  13. 今天对于我们来说是美好的日子。

    Today is such a good day for our reiationship .

  14. 可惜我没有时间来细细讲述这些美好的日子了。

    But I have no space to dwell upon those delightful years .

  15. 我祈祷美好的日子可与你共度。

    I pray we can live the beautiful life .

  16. 感恩节是一年中最美好的日子。

    Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year .

  17. 为了这美好的日子带来的快乐;

    For the joy that the day had brough .

  18. 那是一些令人愉快的日子,一些美好的日子,一些意义重大的日子。

    Those were happy days . They were good days , important days .

  19. 美妙的春天,充满了美好的日子和芳香的玫瑰

    Sweet spring , full of sweet days and roses

  20. ‘我怀念过去那些美好的日子,’她动情地补充道。

    ` I miss the good old days , ' she added sentimentally .

  21. 然而,我不会忘记与你们一起度过的那些美好的日子。

    However , I will never forget the happy days we spent together .

  22. 在这美好的日子庆祝母亲节真是太棒了。

    What a great day to celebrate mothers .

  23. 微软最美好的日子在前方。

    Microsoft has all its best days ahead .

  24. 你正过着最美好的日子!

    You are having your best days ever !

  25. 和我说说那些美好的日子。

    Tell me about a good day .

  26. 那是一个非常美好的日子。

    It was so lovely a day .

  27. 有人指责福克纳,说他总是忆旧,回味那时生活美好的日子。

    Faulkner has been accused of looking back to a time when life was better .

  28. 过去我们一起生活的头几个星期,是我一生中最美好的日子。

    Those first weeks we spent together were the most wonderful I 've ever known .

  29. 平安的季节,美好的日子,寄上浓浓的相思,送给你一份美好的祝福。

    I send a beautiful blessing in the season of safety on this beautiful day .

  30. 又是一个无比美好的日子。

    It was another peerless day .