
  • 网络American Securities Market;American Stock Exchange
  1. 当然,美国证券市场的发展,既非平坦大道,也不是孤立突进的。

    Of course the development of American securities market is neither smooth nor isolated .

  2. 美国证券市场发展的历史演进

    The Historical Evolvement of American Securities Market

  3. 贝莱德基金管理集团(BlackRock)的博多尔(BobDoll)曾预计能从美国证券市场获得两位数的利润率。

    Bob Doll of BlackRock , a fund-management group , expected double-digit gains from the American stockmarket ;

  4. 《萨班斯法案》(即SOX法案)针对美国证券市场监管体系中独立性的缺失,从提高注册会计师的独立性、增强审计委员会职能以及成立公众会计监管委员会几方面给出了改进措施。

    The Sarbanes-Oxley Act presents many measures such as enhancing the independence of CPA , elevating function of committee on public accounts , and setting up public company accounting oversee committee , which aim at combating the lack of independence in the accounting regulation system .

  5. 美国证券市场操纵认定标准研究

    On US Pleading Standards of Market Manipulation

  6. 美国证券市场与会计行为的规范及我国的借鉴

    How to draw lessons from American experience of standard between security market and accounting behavior

  7. 美国证券市场的储架注册制度及启示

    American Shelf Registration System

  8. 论人民币升值对世界证券市场的影响&以美国证券市场为例

    On the Impact of RMB Appreciation upon World Securities Market & Taking American Securities Market as an Example

  9. 星期一美国证券市场开盘时令人极度紧张不安。布什总统谋求让美国人民安心。

    As a jittery U.S. stock market opened for business , the president sought to reassure the American people .

  10. 但是,本周该计划却使美国证券市场以及国际证券市场的价格上扬。

    However this week , news of the plan sent prices higher on the American and international stock markets .

  11. 随着美国证券市场的发展,一系列案例最终确定了事前约定仲裁证券争议的协议的法律效力。

    With development of the securities market , a series of cases affirmed the law force of predispute arbitration agreements .

  12. 他山之石,可以攻玉。美国证券市场的法律监管制度相对于我国证券监管来说,可谓他山之石。

    The experience of the regulatory system on securities market of the United States can be used by us for reference .

  13. 美国证券市场运行环境近似于完全竞争的市场状况,也存在显著的市场失灵。

    The American security market environment is more approximate to the condition of complete competition and still has significant market ineffectiveness .

  14. 美国证券市场发达,公司股权分散的特点,决定了美国的会计目标是决策有用观;

    The advancement of American stock markets and the scattered characteristic of company shares determine American Accounting Target is useful decision ;

  15. 中国、俄罗斯与美国证券市场的联动效应&来自次贷危机爆发后三阶段的证据

    The Linkage Effects of Securities Business among China , Russia and the U.S. : Evidence from Three Stages in Subprime loan Crisis

  16. 首先,本文以美国证券市场为例,介绍证券市场层次及其发展的现状。

    First , this article introduced the levels of securities market and its developed , American securities market is a good point example .

  17. 美元汇率的下降与美国证券市场的繁荣为外国投资者提供了有利的投资契机;

    The falling of exchange rate of US dollar and the flourishing of US securities market provide the profitable investment opportunities for foreign investors .

  18. 从体系层次上对证券交易所规则进行了分类。然后对发达的美国证券市场中法院对证券交易所规则的态度和强制执行情况作了详细介绍和分析。

    Afterwards , a summary extends to the attitude of the courts to stock exchange rules and the compulsory practices thereof in American stock markets .

  19. 以美国证券市场为例,人民币升值和升值预期通过不同的机制对其证券市场影响效果的强弱和方向是不同的。

    Taking American securities market as an example , the influence extent and direction of RMB appreciation and appreciation expectation will be different through different mechanisms .

  20. 然而,分散、自由所带来的美国证券市场严重的投机、虚假、欺诈等问题,导致证券业自律管理信任的坍塌和政府的干预介入。

    Nevertheless , the serious speculation , misrepresentation and fraud problem in American security market brought by dispersion and freedom caused a mistrust of self-regulation and the government intervention .

  21. 第二,美国证券市场的崩溃给美国原有的金融体系乃至整个国民经济造成致命的冲击。

    The second , the crash of the American stock market brought a deadly strike to the original financial system of the U. S. A. and the economy of the whole country .

  22. 美国证券市场处于前所未有的动荡之中,因为科技的进步和新监管框架的制定,意味着昨日市场主导者的地位将不再那么稳固。

    US equity markets are in the midst of unprecedented upheaval , as the march of technology and a new regulatory framework mean the position of yesterday 's dominant players is no longer assured .

  23. 不仅如此,考虑到有研究表明在美国证券市场中封闭式基金的周内价格收益率和周末隔夜价格收益率之间存在显著的负相关,本文会检验我国市场中是否存在这一现象。

    In addition some researches indicated that weekly price yield and weekend overnight price yield is significantly inversely correlated in the US security market . The article will also examine whether this phenomenon is existed in Chinese market .

  24. 1929到1933年经济危机以前,美国证券市场上各个公司为了自己的利益,完全不顾个人和企业的财务伦理道德,他们制造虚假信息,侵占公共财产,谋取私人利益。

    1929 and 1933 , the economic crisis , the United States securities market before each company for its own benefit and totally ignored personal and corporate financial ethics , false information and occupy property behavior is wanton rampant .

  25. 2000年美国证券市场上共有1592家上市公司发行了公司债券,仅199家上市公司发行股票。这表明高效证券市场的结构是债券市场强、股票市场弱。

    There are 1592 enterprises that issue bond and 199 enterprises that issue stock in 2000 . So , the structure of the efficient security market makes up of the strong enterprise bond market and the weak stock market .

  26. 以美国证券市场为例分析了中美对中国跨境上市公司的监管主体和法律制度。第二,分析了中国跨境上市公司持续信息披露监管中存在的主要法律问题。

    Take the United States stock market as an example , an analysis is about the subject of supervision and legal systems in both China and the USA. Secondly , there are legal matters in the on-going disclosure of Chinese cross-border listed entities .

  27. 在美国证券市场,已有研究结论证明再融资的公告效应基本为负,且公司债的公告效应大于定向增发的公告效应,而可转债居于二者之间,符合融资优序理论。

    The announcement effect of stock market in the United States is negative . Announcement effect of the corporate bonds is greater than the private placement , and the convertible bonds live between the two , in line with the financing Pecking Order theory .

  28. 许多民营企业通过自身的发展及战略规划,陆续登陆中国、香港、新加坡和美国证券市场,成为行业巨头,在中国的经济中占据越来越重要的位置。

    By its own development and strategic plan , many private enterprises have landed in the stock markets of China , Hong Kong , Singapore and the United States and developed into the giants and played a much more important role in the Chinese economy than ever .

  29. 美国纳斯达克证券市场(nasdaqstockmarket)周二表示,它将推出一个新指数,跟踪那些在美国上市且交易活跃的中国大公司的表现。

    The Nasdaq stock market said on Tuesday it will launch an index designed to track the performance of the largest Chinese companies whose securities are actively traded in the US .

  30. 美国纳斯达克证券市场发展研究

    Research on the Development of NASDAQ Securities Market