
  • 网络Great American Universities
  1. 美国著名大学院校研究机构解读

    An Interpretation of the Institutional Research Organizations in American Famous Universities

  2. 美国著名大学图书馆高校特藏资源建设研究

    Study on the University Special Collections in Some Famous American University Libraries

  3. 美国著名大学教学评价的内容特征

    The Features of Teaching Evaluation Contents in American Famous Universities

  4. 美国著名大学学生课外科技活动及其经验借鉴研究

    Students ' Extracurricular Research Activities at Famous American Universities and Their Experience

  5. 外文图书信息源调研&美国著名大学出版社简介

    On information sources of foreign books-An introduction to famous university publishers in America

  6. 论文介绍了三家美国著名大学出版社的特色、学科范围、著名的出版物及获得荣誉等,用以帮助图书馆采访人员进行搜集或建立特色藏书体系。

    This paper introduces the characteristics , main subjects , notable books and honors of the three famous university publishers in America , so as to help acquisition librarians to collect or build special collections .

  7. 在创业教育开展最早和最为完善的美国著名大学中,百森商学院、哈佛大学和斯坦福大学各有千秋,代表了美国高等院校创业教育的典型模式。

    Among the earliest and the most perfect outstanding universities , Babson College , Harvard University and Standford University who have their own characteristics and stand for the typical models of education of carving out in American higher education .

  8. 美国著名研究型大学院系领导岗位设置研究

    Research on the Post Setup of Deans and Department Heads in American Well-known Research Universities

  9. 美国著名研究型大学生命科学学科的发展坚持了稳定性与灵活性相统一。

    In the development of life science , famous American research universities combined stability with flexibility .

  10. 本文主要论述了美国著名研究型大学院系主要领导(院长和系主任)的任命与职责定位,并给出了几点启示。

    This thesis mainly discusses the nomination and function orientation of deans and department heads in American well-known research universities and advances some revelations in the end .

  11. 第四部分以美国著名私立大学&哈佛大学为例,介绍了哈佛大学针对校友捐赠的组织机构、管理机构、捐赠渠道,以及对哈佛大学发展的影响等。

    The fourth part , for example Harvard , which was well-known private university in the United States , to describe the organization , regulation , donor channels that alumni donate to Harvard , and that made how importance to development of Harvard University .

  12. 美国著名理工大学人文社会科学特征及其启示意义

    Pattern and Significance of Humanities and Social Sciences in Top Technological Universities in the US

  13. 创建于1636年的哈佛大学是美国非常著名的大学之一。

    Founded in1636 , Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States .

  14. 美国一所著名大学的前美式足球助理教练由于性侵犯儿童的指控而被捕的事件已迅速扩大成一个重大的丑闻。

    The arrest on child-abuse charges of a one-time assistant football coach at a prominent American university has quickly broadened into a major scandal .

  15. 他出生在一个富裕的种植园主家庭,自幼勤奋好学,后来毕业于美国著名的耶鲁大学,他精通法律并且获得了律师资格,从政前是一位极为出色的律师。

    He was born in a wealthy planter family , a studious child and later graduated from the well-known Yale University in the United States . He was proficient in law and qualified lawyer , he became a very good lawyer before politician .

  16. 在美国众多著名的大学中,也有不少一流的公立研究型大学。这些大学学生数量众多,规模庞大,大而全是这些公立研究型大学的特点之一。

    There are quite a lot of first-class public research universities among many prestigious universities in the United States , they are large-scale universities with numerous students , and one of the characteristics of these universities is that they are big and comprehensive .

  17. 在美国的一所著名大学学习历史,既不轻松,也并非不实用。

    Studying history at a great American university is neither easy nor impractical .

  18. 1885年,因开教授的玩笑,他被美国著名学府之一哈佛大学开除。

    In eighteen eighty-five , he was expelled from Harvard , one of the best universities in America , for playing a joke on a professor .

  19. 新世纪之际美国的大学理念&以美国著名大学校长就职演说为中心

    Ideas of Universities of America at the Beginning of the New Century

  20. 也是美国著名的文化城,有美国最著名的哈佛大学和麻省理工学院。

    It is the well-known city of culture , where the famous Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are located .