
  • 网络American Geography;Geography of the United States
  1. 身为美国地理学会(AmericanGeographicalSociety)主席的多布森引用美国知名作家安布鲁斯•毕尔斯(Ambrose•Bierce)在第一次世界大战的话称,战争就是上帝让美国用来学会地理的。美国地理学会是一个由地理学者和地理爱好者组成的团体。

    Mr. Dobson , also the president of the American Geographical Society , an association of geographers and geography enthusiasts , says writer Ambrose Bierce said around the time of World War I that " War is God 's way of teaching Americans geography . ' '

  2. 第二章美国地理教育评价。

    In the second chapter , the paper introduces American GES .

  3. 多样性是美国地理文化的主要特征。

    Variety is a key characteristic of the United States , both geographically and culturally .

  4. 这项研究已发表在美国地理科学协会主办的《今日地理学》期刊上。

    The finding is in the journal GSA Today , published by the Geological Society of America .

  5. 他认为,古巴与美国地理位置上的接近——佛罗里达海峡的90英里——是一个加分项。

    He believes Cuba 's proximity - 90 miles across the Straits of Florida - is a plus .

  6. 美国地理调查局报道,日本东海岸刚刚遭受两场5.1级的余震。

    Another two aftershocks measuring 5.1 magnitude have just shaken Japan 's east coast , the US Geological Survey reports .

  7. 美国地理部不把认可的百慕大三角名称作为官方正式名称而且也没有官方的文件涉及该区域。

    The U. S. Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Bermuda Triangle as an official name and does not maintain an official file on the area .

  8. 然后,对中国和美国地理课程标准,从基本理念、课程目标、内容标准、评价机制和标准实施等几个方面进行了比较分析。

    Then , the paper discusses the geography course standard between Chinese and American middle schools from educational attitude , course objectives , content standards , evaluation and implementation .

  9. 这让美国地理调查局拨款支持网络上的志愿者观测动物的行为,试图在灾难袭击像加州一样比较敏感的地区前预测它们。

    This has led the US Geographical Survey to fund a network of volunteers to watch animals in an effort to foresee such disasters before they hit vulnerable areas such as California .

  10. 缘于一个偶然机会,在一期美国地理杂志上,她发现了它,莫名其妙地下定决心去沙漠住一年。

    Due to an accidental opportunity , in a period of the United States Geographic magazine , she found it to be rather baffling , underground decided to desert for a year .

  11. 但来自中国政府和美国地理调查局的信息显示,过去两年内中国大幅度降低出口限额。

    But information from China 's government and the United States Geological Survey shows that China has reduced its export limits sharply in the past two years . Critics say this unfairly helps Chinese companies in the production of high-technology products . And , they say , it is a violation of World Trade Organization rules .

  12. 美国国家地理学会是一个非营利科学与教育组织,许多地图集和制图师都参考该组织的制图标准。

    The National Geographic , a non-profit scientific and educational organization whose mapping standards are referenced by many atlases .

  13. 最后发现时间胶囊的,还是美国国家地理频道真人秀节目《Diggers》的栏目组成员。

    The final discovery happened at the hands of the crew from the National Geographic Channel 's reality show called Diggers .

  14. 美国国家地理学会(NationalGeographicSociety)去年初组织的一项调查显示,美国18岁至24岁的青年成人只有一半能在地图上找出纽约所在,60%的人在中东地图上找不到伊拉克。

    A survey from early last year sponsored by the National Geographic Society found that only half of young American adults , ages 18 to 24 , could locate New York state on a map . Six out of 10 couldn 't find Iraq on a map of the Middle East .

  15. 美国中学地理教材特点简析

    Brief Analysis on the Characteristics of Geography Textbooks in American Secondary Schools

  16. 美国国家地理学会成立于1888年。

    The National Geographic Society began in 1888 .

  17. 这些都是2008年美国国家地理每日新闻栏目里被阅读最多的报道。

    These are the most read stories covered by National Geographic 's daily news team in2008 .

  18. 美国国家地理学会的数据显示,赤道每年都在以不到一毫米的速度“萎缩”。

    The'bulge'at the Equator had been shrinking by less than a millimetre a year , according to National Geographic .

  19. 在美国,地理位置也对是否可能存在符合要求的肝移植中心起决定作用。

    In the United States , geographic location also determines the likelihood of there being a quality liver transplantation center .

  20. 今年7月,美国国家地理栏目曾因一项验证人类行为的实验,在美国华盛顿的一条人行道上做过相同的划分。

    In July , National Geographic commissioned a similar stretch of pavement in Washington DC , in a brief experiment testing human behaviour .

  21. 美国国家地理协会于上周二公布了调查结果,此协会启动了一个五年计划,旨在提高美国年轻人的地理知识水平。

    National Geographic released the survey on last Tuesday in launching a five-year campaign to improve geographic literacy among young people in the United states .

  22. 这就是鲸鱼谷,它是美国国家地理学会和密歇根大学的考古学家发掘的。

    This is the " Whale Valley " . It was discovered and excavated by the archaeologists from " American National Geographic Society " and Michigan University .

  23. 美国承认地理标志可作为商标,但并不包括欧盟希望加以保护的所有食品和饮料名称。

    The United States recognizes geographical indicators that have been trademarked , but not the full gamut of food and beverage names the EU wants to protect .

  24. 根据美国国家地理探险队的成员称,卡梅隆此次的探险地是距离太平洋马里亚纳群岛西南部约200英里的马里亚纳海沟,他在海底探险,并拍摄了图片和视频。

    He spent times exploring and filming the Mariana Trench , about 200 miles southwest of the Pacific island of Guam , according to members of the National Geographic expedition .

  25. 泰瑞阿达姆森,另一名美国国家地理学会专门负责法律事务和政府公关的行政副总裁主要负责杂志的国际版所有事务。

    Adamson , Society Executive Vice President who also is the Society 's chief legal officer and heads governmental relations , has overall responsibility for the Society 's international publications .

  26. 本文介绍了美国基础地理信息产品的种类、发展及其分发服务模式,并根据我国的实际情况,在相关方面提出了几点建议。

    This paper introduces the categories , development and distribution service model of the fundamental geographic information products in the United States of America , and gives some suggestions in the same areas of China .

  27. 根据《美国国家地理》杂志的报道,尽管在干旱时期考拉通常从桉树叶中获取水分(这种动物的主要食物来源),但考拉还需要从其他地方摄取水分。

    Though koalas typically obtain moisture from the leaves of eucalyptus trees the animal 's primary food source in times of drought , koalas may need to seek out other sources of water , according National Geographic .

  28. 城市群是区域经济快速增长的平台,根据美国经济地理学家诺瑟姆S型城市化发展道路,我国城市化已经进入加速发展阶段。

    Rapid growth of urban population is a regional economic platform , according to the US economy geographers fly " s " Type of urbanization development path , the accelerated development of China 's urbanization has entered the stage .

  29. 美国湿地松地理种源引种的遗传变异

    The hereditary variation in the geographical species of Pinus elliottii from U.S.A.after introduction

  30. 美国伊利诺伊州地理教师专业知识标准简析

    Analysis on the Standards of Professional Knowledge of Geography Teachers in Illinois in America