
  • 网络US Military;United States Armed Forces;Military of the United States
  1. 五角大楼顾问团国防科学委员会(defensescienceboard)正在进行一项研究,测定在美国军事技术中应用外国软件对国家安全的影响。

    The Defense Science Board , a Pentagon Advisory Group , is conducting a study to determine the national security implications of the use of foreign software in US military technology .

  2. 美国军事学院的性侵犯案件有所下降。数据由五角大楼公布。据NRP新闻的奎尔·劳伦斯报道,在三所主要军事学院中,有两所学院的性侵犯案件减少。

    Reports of sexual assault are down to US military academies . That 's according to the Pentagon . NPR 's Quil Lawrence reports two of the three lead academies saw a decrease .

  3. 麦肯锡在学报文章中概述的另一种选择则是仿效西点军校(WestPoint)等美国军事院校的方式建设法学院。

    Another alternative , he outlines in his journal article , would be to develop law schools modeled after American military academies such as West Point .

  4. 李元硕说,在卡罗尔美国军事基地两公里以外的三个地点发现的二恶英(Dioxin)含量很低,不至于对人体构成危害。

    Lee says the levels of dioxin detected at three locations two kilometers from the U.S.facility are too minute to be hazardous to humans .

  5. 被指控泄露文件的美国军事情报官员布莱德利曼宁(BradleyManning),涉嫌用伪装成LadyGaga唱片的空白光盘下载了这些文件。

    Bradley Manning , the military intelligence official charged with leaking the files , is alleged to have downloaded the documents on to blank CDs disguised as Lady Gaga albums .

  6. 美国军事病理研究所的杰弗里·陶本伯杰(JefferyTaubenberger)和他的同事用了8年时间找到了1918年流感病毒的遗传密码。

    Jeffery Taubenberger , of the US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology , and colleagues have spent eight years working out the1918 virus 's genetic code .

  7. MACMcGARRY:“你必须花费很长的时间来看这些问题,因为所有的线索中都包含长这个词。请仔细听,第一,'LongGrayLine'在美国军事学院中代表的是军校实习生。(铃声)Macgruder。”

    MAC McGARRY : " You should take a looooong look at these questions because all the clues contain the word long . Identify the following , number one : the ' Long Gray Line ' refers to cadets at this US military academy . [ Bell ] Macgruder . "

  8. 美国军事经济法律制度初探

    An analysis of the U.S. military economic laws and regulations

  9. 美国军事战略调整对西欧的影响

    The Impact of U.S. Military Strategic Adjustment on Western Europe

  10. 潜水蛟龙美国军事专家谈中国潜艇部队

    Military Climb Chinese Submarine Force in the Eyes of Americans

  11. 美国军事司法权归属性的再界定

    Another Definition About the Attribution of the Military Judicial Power Of USA

  12. 美国军事战略的基石是核威慑。

    The cornerstone of American military strategy was nuclear intimidation .

  13. 美国军事战略的变化也影响到了美国的军事思想。

    Changes in U.S. military strategy also affected the U.S. military thinking .

  14. 美国军事经济向民用经济的转移

    The transformation from military economy to civilian economy in the United States

  15. 1802年的今天,美国军事学院西点军校建立。

    1802-The United States Military Academy West Point is established .

  16. 美国军事司法禁止强制性自证其罪规则解读证据之规则尚不完善。

    An explanation of privilege against self-incrimination in America s military judicature ;

  17. 古巴在美国军事统治三年之后取得了独立,成为共和国。

    Cuba became an independent republic after three years of US military rule .

  18. 美国军事卫星情报系统研究与分析

    Research and Analysis of American Military Satellite Intelligence System

  19. 当代美国军事文化热点问题研究

    On Some Hot Issues in Contemporary American Military Culture

  20. 它还包括一个在美国军事学院学员服务。

    It also includes service as a cadet at the US Military Academy .

  21. 美国军事利用南极的政策(1946-1957)

    American Policy for Exploiting Antarctica Militarily ( 1946-1957 );

  22. 在美国军事基地所设立的免税福利社。

    A commissary on a United States Army post .

  23. 在地中海好几个港口展现了美国军事力量。

    An American naval force is showing the flag in various Mediterranean ports .

  24. 美国军事战略调整与日美同盟体制

    The adjustment of U.S. military strategy and nippon-u.s.alliance system

  25. 1802年的今天,美国军事学院在位于纽约州的西点建校(故也称西点军校)。

    1802-At West Point , New York the United States Military Academy opens .

  26. 美国军事陪审团表示尼达尔·哈桑少校应该被处死。

    U.S. military jury says Major Nidal Hasan should be put to death .

  27. 他不是反对美国军事行动的唯一一位世界领袖。

    He 's not the only world leader arguing against U.S. military action .

  28. 布希先生设法加强美国军事作战能力。

    Mr. Bush has been trying to shore up the U.S. mili-tary operations .

  29. 这是美国军事上最大的一次失败战役。

    It is the largest single defeat in the history of the American military .

  30. 对于美国军事法庭系统的法律审判而言不可或缺。”他说道。

    for legal trials in the U.S military courts system , " he said .