
  • 网络Roswell;roseville;Rothwell;KEN ROSEWALL
  1. 罗斯维尔是一个零售业为主的城市,是加州零售额第九高的市。

    Roseville is a mostly retail city , with the ninth highest retail sales in california .

  2. 校舍起初坐落于芝加哥的罗斯维尔,两年后搬到了马萨诸塞州的塞伦,而也是在这里,1692到1693年期间,200人曾被指控犯有巫术罪并面临审判执行。

    The school building was initially located in Roseville , Chicago , where it stayed for two years before moving to Salem , Massachusetts , the same town where about 200 people accused of witchcraft faced trials and execution between 1692 and 1693 .

  3. 巴克莱资本全球投资者解决方案部门主管贾尔斯•罗斯维尔(GilesRothwell)表示:随着亚洲客户日渐娴熟,很多资金正流向这个领域。罗斯维尔主管的这个部门负责将自营的衍生产品提供给零售网点和私人银行。

    " There is a lot of money coming into this space , as Asian clients tend to be increasingly sophisticated ," said Giles Rothwell , head of Barclays Capital 's global investor solutions arm , which distributes in-house derivatives products to retail outlets and private banks .

  4. 米契尔说,一位不愿透露姓名、为参谋长联席会议工作的舰队司令答应揭开罗斯维尔事件的真相。

    An unnamed admiral working for the Joint Chiefs of Staff promised to uncover the truth behind the Roswell story , Mitchell said .

  5. 米契尔在新墨西哥罗斯维尔长大。罗斯维尔正是一些相信不明飞行物的人认为1947年一不明飞行物坠毁的位置。

    Mitchell grew up in Roswell , New Mexico , which some UFO believers maintain was the site of a UFO crash in1947 .

  6. 36岁173天的费德勒成为仍在赛场上的年龄最大的一位网球大满贯男单选手。此前这一纪录的保持者是肯-罗斯维尔(1982年退役),他在1972年以37岁62天的年龄拿到大满贯冠军。

    At 36 years and 173 days Federer is the oldest male winner of a Grand Slam title since Ken Rosewall won here in 1972 at the age of 37 years and 62 days .