
  • 网络ROSETTA;Rosetta Stone
  1. 罗塞塔号正试图解答有关我们太阳系的一些非常重要的问题,罗塞塔号项目科学家马特•泰勒(MattTaylor)表示,在太阳系形成初期它是什么状态?

    Rosetta is trying to answer the very big questions about the history of our Solar System , said Matt Taylor , Rosetta project scientist .

  2. 罗塞塔号探测器周五经过火星和木星之间的行星带时拍下了Steins小行星的照片。

    Rosetta caught up with the Steins Asteroid Friday night in the asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter .

  3. 罗奇•瑞恩(RyanRoche)称自己设计的针织装是“瘦削型、风格简约、必不可少”,而罗塞塔•盖蒂(RosettaGetty)则把自己的同名品牌定义为“精致、随意搭配的休闲装”。

    Ryan Roche refers to her knitwear as " pared-back and minimal and essential , " while Rosetta Getty defines her eponymous line as " refined and easy to style for effortless dressing . "

  4. 220磅重的着陆器“菲莱”(Philae)成功着陆的消息,在德国达姆施塔特本地时间下午5时03分(美国东部时间上午11时03分)到达了那里的“罗塞塔”任务控制中心。

    News of the touchdown of the 220-pound lander , named Philae , arrived at the mission control center in Darmstadt , Germany , at 5:03 p.m. local time ( 11:03 a.m. Eastern time ) .

  5. “飞来号”是在周三早晨9点与罗塞塔号分离的。

    Philae separated from Rosetta at 9am on Wednesday morning .

  6. 但这些文字并不是令罗塞塔石碑如此重要的原因。

    But the message is not the reason the stone is important .

  7. 罗塞塔石碑应该留在大英博物馆吗?

    Should the Rosetta stone stay in the British Museum ?

  8. 但是你不觉得罗塞塔会希望你向前看吗?

    Wouidn 't Rosita have wanted you to move on ?

  9. 今天的重点报道节目就聚焦这块石碑——罗塞塔石碑。

    Today 's Spotlight is on this stone - the Rosetta stone .

  10. 专家认为,罗塞塔石碑有超过2000年的历史。

    Experts believe that the Rosetta stone is over two thousand years old .

  11. 或者罗塞塔石碑属于埃及吗?

    Or does the Rosetta stone belong in Egypt ?

  12. 其二,罗塞塔石碑上刻有文字。

    Second , the Rosetta stone shows a message .

  13. 你们认为罗塞塔石碑应该属于哪个国家?

    Where do you think the Rosetta stone belongs ?

  14. 罗塞塔之石大概是有史以来人们发现的最著名的考古文物。

    The Rosetta stone is arguably the most famous archeology artifact ever discovered .

  15. 罗塞塔石碑非常重要,是因为其上面刻有三种不同的文字。

    The stone is important because the message is in three separate languages .

  16. 他表示,罗塞塔石碑非常重要,不能交出去。

    He says that the Rosetta stone is too important to give away .

  17. 因此,专家可以阅读罗塞塔石碑上的希腊文字。

    So , experts could read the Greek writings on the Rosetta stone .

  18. 弗兰克扎帕。一个小绿罗塞塔。

    Frank Zappa . A Little Green Rosetta .

  19. 当时,欧洲太空总署发射了名为罗塞塔的无人飞船。

    That 's when the European Space Agency launched an unmanned spacecraft named Rosetta .

  20. 罗塞塔石碑上刻有这三种古老的书写方式。

    The Rosetta stone shows examples of each of these ancient ways of writing .

  21. 哈瓦斯博士领导了找回罗塞塔石碑的行动。

    Voice 1 : Doctor Hawass is leading the effort to get the stone back .

  22. 罗塞塔石碑的最高点超过114厘米。

    At its highest point , the Rosetta stone is over one hundred fourteen centimeters tall .

  23. 她是美国太空总署项目科学家,在罗塞塔计划中带领美国太空总署的团队,

    She was a NASA project scientist who spearheaded the NASA side of the Rosetta mission ,

  24. 在罗塞塔石碑被发现之前,历史专家已经发现了象形文字的古代范例。

    Before they found the Rosetta stone , history experts had found ancient examples of hieroglyphic writing .

  25. 他和他的队员要在名为罗塞塔的古埃及港口附近建造一座堡垒。

    He and his crew were building a fort near an old Egyptian port city called Rosetta .

  26. 由于罗塞塔靠拢,一个巨大的碗型抑郁症的小行星在许多伸展旋转到视图。

    As Rosetta drew close , a giant bowl-shaped depression stretching across much of the asteroid rotated into view .

  27. 最后,人们在1799年发现了罗塞塔之石,破解象形文字成为可能。

    Finally , the possibility of deciphering hieroglyphs came about with the discovery in 1799 of the Rosetta stone .

  28. 数学则扮演着罗塞塔石碑的角色,承担着对物理原理的编码和解码工作。

    Math itself serves the critical role of Rosetta Stone , decoding and encoding the physical principles of the world .

  29. 正如预期的那样,罗塞塔轨道飞行器移动到菲莱的联系范围之外,无线电通信中断了。

    As expected , the Rosetta orbiter moved out of the line of sight of Philae , breaking radio communications .

  30. 罗塞塔号探测器于2004年3月份发射,据报告,现在位于距地球2亿5千万英里的位置。

    The Rosetta craft , launched in March , 2004 , is now reportedly about 250 million miles from Earth .