
  • 网络Network hospital
  1. 广州市120网络医院院前急救能力现状分析

    Analysis on first aid capacity of the 120 network hospital in Guangzhou

  2. 网络医院医患关系存在的问题及伦理学对策

    The Existent problems Between Doctors and Patients in Network Hospital and Ethical Countermeasures

  3. 急救网络医院绿色通道的建立与维护

    Establishment and Maintenance of Green Channel for Emergency Network Hospitals

  4. 我们创办的《世界网络医院》是双月刊。

    A magazine titled World Online Therapy we publish is the bimonthly .

  5. 论述了急救网络医院生命绿色通道建立和维护重要性和必要性。

    The significances were addressed to establish and maintain green channel for emergency network hospital .

  6. 在治病功效上,一个“网络医院”就可以超过一万座常规的综合型的大医院。

    The curative effect in " web-based hospital " can preponderate over multitudinous conservative integrated hospitals .

  7. 方法:发放问卷对该省60所质控网络医院的合同制护士进行现状调查。

    Methods : The contract nurses working in60 hospitals of Anhui province were investigated by a questionnaire .

  8. 我们在世界各地创建的“网络医院”为全世界的患者提供了一个高效的及时的免费的治疗途径。

    The establishment of " web-based hospital " at different areas of the world provides worldwide patients with a kind of high-efficient prompt free therapy method .

  9. 目的探讨急救患者死亡和伤残的原因,为进一步加强急救网络医院急诊科内涵建设提供客观依据。

    Objective To investigate the causes of mortality and invalidity in order to provide objective data for upgrading and consummating the construction of the emergency departments in emergency network hospitals .

  10. 干预组由网络医院按照健康管理程序进行孕期全程健康管理,对照组按现行孕期管理模式进行常规孕期保健。

    The intervention group was offered global health management during pregnancy in accordance with the health management programs by the network hospital ; while the control group was offered regular pregnancy care in accordance with the current management style .

  11. 基于网络模拟医院平台的PBL临床教学体系的建设与实践

    Construction and practice of PBL clinical educational system based on network virtual hospital

  12. 该文研究了基于嵌入式计算机的远程多参数监护系统,该监护系统主要由远程多参数监护终端,Internet和GPRS网络,医院监护中心服务器组成。

    A tele-monitoring system based on embedded computer is presented , which consists of multipurpose monitoring module , Internet , GPRS network and center server in hospital .

  13. 监护仪通过CDMA无线网络与医院监护中心保持联系,自动报警和GPS定位功能确保患者在出现异常时能够及时得到救助;

    The monitor communicates with central server through CDMA wireless network , and the automatic alarm and GPS location ensure the patient getting assistance at the first time .

  14. 基于总线网络的医院中心供氧监测系统

    Monitoring System of Central Oxygen Supply in Hospital Based on Network-bus

  15. 建好院区网络加速医院发展

    Constructing Hospital Network Well to Speed up Development of Hospital

  16. 基于季节性神经网络的医院门诊量曲线拟合与预测

    Curve Fitting and Forecasting of Outpatient Amount Based on Seasonal Neural Network

  17. 统一通信网络在医院的建设与应用

    Application and Implementation of Unified Communication Networks in the Hospital

  18. 计算机网络在医院信息化建设中的应用

    Application of Computer Network in Hospital Modernization Informationization

  19. 无线网络在医院中的应用及安全

    Application and security of wireless network in hospital

  20. 目的利用计算机网络实现医院药房药品全程数字化管理。

    OBJECTIVE : To achieve completed digitized drug management in hospital pharmacy using computer network .

  21. 数字化医院是由数字医疗设备,计算机网络和医院业务软件提供支持的医院管理和临床信息系统。

    The digital hospital is the hospital management and clinical information system supported by digital medical equipment , computer network and hospital business software .

  22. 由于中国没有一个行之有效的初级医疗网络,医院承担了95%的治疗任务,导致大量的浪费和医院过度拥挤。

    Because the country does not have a functioning primary care network , 95 per cent of healthcare is provided by hospitals , leading to enormous waste and overcrowding .

  23. 通信网络是医院智能空间的重要组成部分,是病房巡视机器人与医院智能空间中各种数据信息和控制指令进行交互的桥梁与纽带。

    As an important part of intelligent space , communication network is a bridge of the variety of data and control commands between the ward patrol robot with hospitals intelligent space .

  24. 医院信息技术是近年来在医院管理工作中利用计算机网络进行医院管理的一门新兴技术,该项技术的产品&医院信息系统(HIS)已经成为医院现代管理的重要组成部分。

    Hospital information technique is a newly arisen technique that make use of calculator network to manage hospital work in recent years . The product in HIS becomes the importance constitutes part of the modern management in hospital .

  25. 基于BP神经网络的中医医院住院费用影响因素分析

    BP neural network based analysis of factors influencing hospitalization expenses in TCM hospitals

  26. 结果1.通过对NC医院顾客满意度调查以及医院网络条件说明医院引入CRM系统是有必要的。

    Through client satisfaction survey of NC hospital and the network condition of hospitals , introduction of CRM system to hospital is proved to be necessary . 2 .

  27. 采用总线网络技术监控医院中心供氧设备,各测控仪表既可独立实现数据采集、处理、显示及自动控制,也可通过RS485总线,将数据上传到主监控计算机集中管理。

    The system supervises the equipment of Central Oxygen Supply in Hospital with network-bus technology . The instrument can not only acquire data , process , display , control independently but can also send data to master supervising computer for uniform management .

  28. 网络环境下医院图书馆特色数据库建设探讨

    On the Featured Database Construction for Hospital Library in Network Environment

  29. 网络时代基层医院图书馆服务模式的转变

    Service mode transformation of grass root hospital library in Network Era

  30. 网络环境下医院图书馆信息服务手段探索

    Practice of Information Service means in Hospital Libraries Under Network Environment